Change UK MEP backs Lib Dems as 'strongest Remain party' Julie Girling, who has served as a South West Member of the European Parliament for the last 10 years, is calling on Remain voters to back the Liberal Democrats in the European elections. Ms Girling was elected twice to the European Parliament for the Conservatives, before leaving them over Brexit. Ms Girling is widely respected across parties and recently announced that she was not going to be a Change UK candidate for the European Elections. Julie Girling said: The Liberal Democrats scored a huge success in last week's local elections, ...
Julie Girling, the MEP for the South West who quit the Conservatives and then pulled out from being a Change UK candidate* in order not to split the Remain vote, has now called for Remainers to vote Liberal Democrat. Her call for Remainers to vote Liberal Democrat in the South West matches that from Gina Miller and her new tactical voting website. Julie Girling said: The Liberal Democrats scored a huge success in last week's local elections, gaining more than 160 seats across the South West. I have respect for [Green MEP] Molly Scott-Cato and wish her well, but the ...
[IMG: Remember the old fashioned rotary phone?] In one of those 'when I was younger' moments during which you tell (bore) your children about how different things were then, I recounted a story to my daughter about how I used a phone... The post Remember the old fashioned rotary phone? appeared first on A Feminist Mum making a difference.
Just when we thought it was safe to go out after the local elections without a bundle of leaflets to deliver, we find we are in the middle of another election campaign. This weekend in Gateshead we are starting to deliver our first European election campaign leaflet. We will be hitting the streets of Felling and Teams. Fiona Hall, our lead candidate will be joining us as well. So, just when my
I had recently been looking for some completely wireless headphones. My bluetooth, but wired between headphones are OK, but new tech! However I really didn't fancy the prices being charged, and I have had previous bad experiences with some a couple of years ago. So when I found these Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones for just £30 with a promo code thought it was worth a trial. They come with three different size earbuds, I suggest you try all of them. Whilst my right ear was fine with the one attached, my left needed the smaller one to stay in. There ...
Welcome to the 1300 people who have joined the Liberal Democrats in the last day or so since our local election gains surpassed all our expectations. It's actually been really heartwarming to wake up every morning for the last few weeks and see a whole rush of "I just joined the Lib Dems" posts on Twitter. Every so often I roll out this post, which is basically a rehash of an article that I first wrote in May 2015 when many joined the party in the wake of the General Election result. I thought it might be useful to tell ...
June 1, 2019 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sandgate Farmers Market, Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3AR [IMG: Tim Prater and Gary Fuller] As part of their commitment to listening to and working with local residents, Tim Prater and Gary Fuller, the new Lib Dem District Councillors for Sandgate and West Folkestone, will be holding regular drop-in advice surgeries in the ward each month. No need for an appointment - just turn up to discuss any issue you would like our help with. The surgeries are in a public place: if you'd prefer to speak to ...
Thu, 12:07: RT @alexstubb: Never take things for granted. The EU exists for 3 reasons: 1. Peace. 2. Security. 3. Prosperity. Let's keep working at it,... Thu, 12:56: RT @DmitryOpines: Thinking you can have a "clean-break Brexit" is like believing you can divorce a spouse of 30 years with whom you share a... Thu, 13:04: RT @fatbadger442: Ffs. I know we're supposed to expect to have a universities minister who hasn't got much of a clue about how academia wor... Thu, 15:38: RT @AdamsonPaul: I do get the sentiment about the need for the EU to speak with one voice ...
I was captivated by this on Twitter last night. My initial response: What could I talk about for 30 minutes with no prep The energetic election campaigns of @joswinson What Doctor Who means to me – in fact I could easily do half an hour on Sarah Jane Smith My springer spaniel, Hazel Delia vs Nigella Brooklyn Nine Nine@miss_s_b being awesome — Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) May 9, 2019 So, 30 minutes, an audience that appears out of nowhere, what do you talk about? * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
[IMG: A really quick Vegan stir fry] When it comes to cooking, I go for the easy option. Everything is thrown together in one frying pan. My desire for haste has to be balanced against my penchant for food with flavours. Sitting... The post A really quick Vegan stir fry appeared first on A Feminist Mum making a difference.
The Lib Dems new slogan, "Bollocks to Brexit", has upset some. Too crass, too crude. What's funny about this is that most of those claiming to be taken aback are precisely the same people who always say the problem with he Lib Dem is that they are too anodyne. This makes me think that the slogan has achieved its purpose on this evidence alone. Yet there is more to talk about here. For a long time, the Lib Dems were frustrated that their messages on Brexit didn't seem to be cutting through. They weren't cutting through because they were too ...
Beki Sellick is now the Liberal Democrat candidate in the Peterborough Parliamentary by-election after an attempt to agree a cross-party Remain candidate failed.
Gina Miller's Remain tactical voting website calls for vote for Lib Dems across England
A new pro-Remain tactical voting website from Gina Miller and colleagues calls for votes for the pro-European Liberal Democrats in every region in England. Overall, the Remain United calculations are that tactical voting for the best placed Remain party in each Euro-constituency would boost the number of Remain MEPs by more than half. The reason that tactical voting is effective even in the European Parliament elections despite their use of PR is due to the version of PR being used. The d'Hondt quota with closed candidate lists means there is plenty of scope for tactical voting to have an impact. ...
I suppose if you are a member of the Conservative Party it is bad enough that we are even holding elections to the European Parliament on 23 May, never mind that the Tories are actually fielding candidates. Presumably that is why the party hierarchy have declared that any Tories elected in two weeks time will not take their seats. So what is the incentive for voters to actually put a cross against a Conservative Party list? It certainly won't be because the party asked for their vote. As the Guardian reports, the party plans to spend no money on candidate ...
When I was editor of Liberal Democrat News, during the Ashdown era, I became fascinated watching the real divisions inside the Lib Dem party. Year after year, it always seemed the same. There were highly successful, local government elections run by the teams who would eventually transform Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle and other places. By 1994, [...] The post The coming squabble over the centre ground appeared first on Radix.
It's hard to believe in 2019 that back in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's it was all the fashion to get rid of tramways and get rid of them virtually every UK town and city did – Liverpool in 1957. The City had some really nice streamlined trams, the larger version of which gained the nickname 'Green Goddess' and if you are willing to travel to Derbyshire they have one at the National Tramway Museum at Crich – see link below. Sadly, each time I've been there it has not been one of the trams in use that day but ...
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : Sew: Together - The Legacy of Marion StewartLamb Gallery, Tower Building, University of Dundee This exhibition presents a tribute to textile artist and designer Marion Stewart (née Gracie, 1931-2017), who worked for many years at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, where she taught embroidery and stitched textile design to generations of students. Marion had a formidable work ethic and always pushed her students to achieve at the highest levels. She was also renowned for her quick wit and sense of humour. Above all, she was an inspirational ...
Well, this is interesting. Clearly people are seeing that Lib Dems are the biggest and best Remain Party based on our spectacular local elections results where we gained 704 candidates. European Parliament voting projection, turnout adjusted: BRX: 29% (+1) LAB: 26% (-3) CON: 13% (-) LDM: 13% (+5) GRN: 6% (-) SNP: 5% (-1) UKP: 3% (+1) CHU: 3% (-4)@OpiniumResearch, 3-7 May Changes with 21-23 April Headline: BRX 29, LAB 26, CON 14, LDM 12, GRN 6 — 326 Politics (@326Pols) May 9, 2019 We are starting to build momentum. What will you do today, tomorrow and every other day ...
The 2019-20 round of local council by-elections kicked off with two contests, and both sporting a Liberal Democrat candidate, hooray. It was, once again, particularly notable on and immediately after the May local election polling day just how angered many voters get who wish to vote Liberal Democrat... and then find no party candidate on the ballot paper. Sometimes it's definitely understandable why small volunteer teams struggle to put up more candidates. That understanding should also go with determination to redouble our efforts to stand more often. As this May showed, there is still a long way to go in ...