You can watch the 1957 film The Heart Within free of charge on the British Film Institute website. The blurb there explains why you might want to: Teenager Danny lives in London's docklands and befriends Victor, a Trinidadian dock worker, who becomes the chief suspect in a murder in this low budget crime thriller which cleverly mixes Boy's Own adventure with social realism. It gives postwar Britain's most prominent black actor, Earl Cameron, one of his best screen roles as a man on the run for a crime he didn't commit. This is a departure from other 1950s British films ...
The BBC has the article on its website – see link below:- Yes I know, the Labour leadership has made their party firmly a Brexit backing one but hey the vast majority of Labour's members and supporters are actually Remainers! But never mind what your supporters think Mr Corbyn just jump in bed with the Tories to help them deliver a job loss, NHS busting Brexit whilst hoping those same supporters continue backing Labour even though you're bailing the Tories out.
Inverclyde Liberal Democrats have selected Dr. Jacci Stoyle as their candidate for the next UK Parliament election.
Just before the local elections, I recommended Andrew Teale's guide to the contests - you will see that he was right about Hinckley and Bosworth. Now he has posted his analysis of the results, region by region, and I can thoroughly recommend that too: Cotswold notwithstanding, the most impressive performance for the Liberal Democrats in this region came in Bath and North East Somerset; the Lib Dems swept the city of Bath and did well enough in Jacob Rees-Mogg's North East Somerset constituency to win an overall majority. The young fogey himself now has a Lib Dem councillor in his ...
In a post dedicated to Paddy Ashdown, Rob Stickland (the new councillor for Yeovil Without) celebrates the Liberal Democrat success in South Somerset: "He was certainly with me during the election day, knocking doors, with rosette plain for all to see, his advice ringing in my mind 'don't use a car, walk the area show your colours and be proud, let the people see you'." Mary Reid itemises the Alliance Party's advance in Northern Ireland's local elections. "I don't recall ever meeting a monied Jew when I was growing up in Manchester. We certainly didn't know any. A few comfortable ...
Third page: Second frame: "For God's sake, Laura!" Third frame: "Why won't you listen to me?" This won the Prix St-Michel for Best Dutch-language Album of 2015, and I hunted it down to broaden my knowledge. (Actually I've found it rather difficult to track down other winners, apart from Amoras vol 1 and De Maagd en de Neger.) It's the story of Simon, a failing bookseller who witnesses a woman committing suicide on the train line in the Biesbosch near his storage cabin. The experience brings back his memories of the death of a childhood friend who had been bullied ...
What can one say about this tweet? Let's go for, 'thank you, Terry'.
Now the wonderful results are all in, and with Vince Cable expected to stand down as Liberal Democrat leader very shortly...
Hello! I'm Mark Pack, author of 101 Ways To Win An Election, and the maintainer of the largest database of national voting intention polls in the UK, stretching back to 1943. Welcome to a round-up of the latest general election voting intention figures from each of the pollsters currently active UK. Given such a dramatic set of local election results, the latest opinion polls – all pre-dating the results – may feel a little dated already. They do, however, at least provide a benchmark against which to judge the national impact of those results. Here is what that benchmark shows... ...
The counting in the Northern Ireland local elections was finally concluded late last night. And the good news is that, matching Lib Dem successes in England, the Alliance Party increased their seats by 21, far more than any other party. Alliance is our sister party in Northern Ireland. There is a small Lib Dem branch there as well, but they didn't put up any candidates, and Lib Dem members are allowed to have dual membership. Councillors are elected through Single Transferable Vote every four years, and there are five major parties, plus a handful of smaller ones. As a result ...
Boz Scaggs was at school and university with Steve Miller and played with him in various bands in those days. He later joined the Steve Miller Band for a couple of albums. But he is better known as a solo artist, and Lido Shuffle is his best-remembered song. It reached no. 13 in the UK singles chart in 1977.
Sat, 12:45: #LE19 Comber (ND+A) finishes with no change, 2 DUP, 1 UUP, 1 Alliance, 1 TUV; Greens 250 votes behind on last count. Sat, 13:18: RT @AmandaFBelfast: Biggest winners of #LE19 are @markdevenport and @nwbrux - they seem so happy in their numbers nerd hub!🙌🏻 Sat, 13:18: RT @MLAsAndTheLike: @AmandaFBelfast @markdevenport @nwbrux I think there's a sitcom to be made there Sat, 13:19: RT @markdevenport: @MLAsAndTheLike @AmandaFBelfast @nwbrux There's trouble in geeks' corner - my big screen keeps on turning itself off...... Sat, 13:36: #LE19 Braid (M+E Antrim) elects 3 DUP, 2 TUV, 1 Alliance, 1 UUP - Alliance ...
On Wednesday, I had made time to listen to an East Anglian Daily Times podcast, previewing the local elections across Suffolk. The presenters had concluded that Mid Suffolk was likely to be the least interesting of the five contests and, to be honest, I didn't really have grounds to disagree. A notional majority of fourteen on the newly trimmed thirty-four seat authority, and only really the Greens and the Liberal Democrats - both plucky but seriously under-resourced - standing in their way. It turned out slightly differently... When the early results started coming in from across the country on Thursday ...
When is it a good time to talk about race equality? In political organisations, as with many others, that time can often be 'tomorrow'... With the number of fires that any organisation has to fight every day – more so with political parties – diversity issues are often last on the agenda. But they can't be the last on our agenda. As a barrister, I was recently asked, during an interview, to name the biggest legal issues likely to impact large organisations. My answer surprised the interviewer. It wasn't breaches of data, financial misconduct or cyber crime. It was: '...diversity ...
Now that the local election are over, it is worth remembering the good housekeeping tasks which wrap up the contest properly and help get the next campaign off to a good start. All particularly important with the Euros now upon us too: Get the election expense returns in on time. Even if you did nothing in a campaign beyond nominating a candidate, the paperwork still needs completing and returning. Recycle leftover leaflets and securely dispose of any leftover personally addressed literature. Top-tip: have at least two of you do this and take photos before doing so as there are rules ...
This headline could prove to be a fitting epitaph for UKIP as polls indicate they will lose most of their seats in the European Parliament and be supplanted by the Brexit Party. Nevertheless it illustrates quite neatly how those most vehemently opposed to the European Parliament are prepared to exploit it to finance their political activities. If it hadn't been going on so long and if the label was not so familiar by now, we might want to accuse them of hypocrisy. Unfortunately, the perpetrators have too thick a hide for such accusations to have any traction. As the Guardian ...
A Liverpool bound 507 EMU approaching the Crescent Road level crossing in Birkdale, Southport. This Merseyrail cab ride from Liverpool (Hunts Cross) to Southport (shot on a rainy day) was filmed in 1990. It will of course be of interest to rail enthusiasts but also to those with an eye towards local history. It may only be 19 years ago but things change all the time. Enjoy via the link below:- Hall Road Station
Following the long day of the election on 2nd May and patchy sleep to say the least, Friday 3rd May was a wonderful day at the District and Local election count. My own personal result was the best that I could have hoped for. Elected to represent Yeovil Without for District Council, Yeovil Lyde for Yeovil Town Council and also the Yeovil Without Parish Council too. The local results were superb too raising our majority to 22 on the District Council and retaining Yeovil Town Council. Thanks go to everyone who supported me/us, with their votes, also to our support ...
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : Many of you will have enjoyed the photography exhibition Moving Jamaica we held in the Lamb Gallery at the end of 2018. Next week, the University will be hosting a talk by photographer Varun Baker, whose work was shown in the exhibition. His talk - "Contemporary Kingston Cityscapes." It will be held on Tuesday (7th May) at 2pm (running to 3.15pm) in the Scrymgeour Building, Room 2.12, on Park Place. In this illustrated presentation, photographer Varun Baker reveals two sides of Jamaica's capital city, Kingston, by showcasing extremes ...