There was a moment that I feared that we would end up gaining 666 councillors. It happened. Briefly. But it quickly passed. And the final total topped 700. The Tories briefed the papers that they could lose 1000 seats at the weekend. This, we all thought, was expectation management. We thought that our own 500 gains briefing to the press was about as good as it could get. And we were wildly pessimistic in the end. I was thrilled to see my old mate and former Chesterfield Lib Dem MP Paul Holmes re-elected to the Council. And regular Lib Dem ...
+++Final results - Lib Dems gain a stonking 676 councillors, 11 councils and 19% of the national vot...
* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist. He is one of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.
[IMG: Is this the death knell of Corbyn's leadership?] This is part of the speech delivered by the PM today to Tory party members in Grimsby. There is something rather chilling about it. An image of a typical scene from a B-grade Hollywood type... The post Is this the death knell of Corbyn's leadership? appeared first on A Feminist Mum making a difference.
After a stint of local election campaigning today, I'll be covering the Liberal Democrat local election results in the next edition of Liberal Democrat Newswire.
More power to the people of Bishops' Castle. They are planning to protest over proposed cuts over their bus service to Shrewsbury. As the Shropshire Star reports, there are plans to cut the 553 bus from five journeys there and back to two. The result is that residents are planning to stage a protest on May 17 and aim to bring the main A488 to a standstill. Demonstrators, says the Star, will be placed just before the first turn off to Bishop's Castle from 9.30am onwards. Sarah Wilkinson, who lives in Bishop's Castle, is quoted by the paper: "We will ...
What a sensational set of results for the Liberal Democrats! Here's my latest news roundup, in which I cheer or jeer the week's events (sorry it's been a while since the last instalment...) Cheers to everyone - and I mean everyone - behind the fantastic local election results...indeed, the best ever local election results for the Liberal Democrats. Cheers to every candidate, every campaigner, every volunteer, every agent - and, lest we forget, every voter. Thanks to you all! Cheers for all those new councillors - 700 of them! - who will now bring their liberal values to directly serving ...
There were two Liberal Democrats triumphs in yesterday's local elections here in Leicestershire. In Hinckley & Bosworth we gained nine seats from the Conservatives to take control of the council. The balance there is now 21 Lib Dems, 11 Conservatives and 2 Labour. We previously had control of the authority between 2007 and 2015. In Oadby & Wigston, which we have held since 1991, we gained five seats - four from the Tories and one from Labour. The balance now is Lib Dems 24 and Tories 2. And they are lucky to have two. Oadby & Wigston Conservatives spend their ...
Not enough candidates put themselves forward for any of the three wards of Dodington Parish Council, so those that were nominated were elected without a vote. The Parish Council will now make arrangements to fill the vacancies. If you think you might be interested please contact Dodington Parish Council to find out what is involved. Dodington Parish Council, North East Ward (4 seats) HURLEY Sarah Ann - Labour ELECTED UNOPPOSEDLIVERMORE Ian James Donovan - Conservative ELECTED UNOPPOSEDPARSONS Annette Maria Elizabeth - Independent ELECTED UNOPPOSEDOne vacancy Dodington Parish Council, North West Ward (8 seats) ADAMS Barry John - Liberal Democrat Focus ...
Only one of the Sodbury Town Council wards had more candidates than seats. In the other two wards the candidates were elected without a vote. Sodbury Town Council, Old Sodbury Ward (5 seats) GIBSON Scott Kane - Conservative ELECTED UNOPPOSEDGILPIN Marian Joy - Conservative ELECTED UNOPPOSEDRUMNEY Phil - Independent ELECTED UNOPPOSED2 vacancies Sodbury Town, North East Ward (5 seats) ALLEN Brenda Mary Osyth - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 419 ELECTEDBALL James Stanley - Conservative - 401 ELECTEDBOON Linda Ann - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 413 ELECTEDLEESE Susan - Conservative 330ROMAINE Becky - Conservative 329RUSH Adrian Samuel - Liberal ...
Yate Town, Central Ward (6 seats) EARL Marie - Conservative - 499EMMS John Keith - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1395 ELECTEDEVAN-JONES Suzan Angela - Conservative - 485FORD John Paul - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1397 ELECTEDGAWN John Henry - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1434 ELECTEDKYBERT Andy - Independent - 258LEWIS (Faulkner) Jo - Conservative - 511MARSHALL Margaret Ann - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1404 ELECTEDMCNEILL Amy Michelle - Conservative - 511MCNEILL Jason - Conservative - 453MORGAN Aaron Paul - Conservative - 430SERLE John Charles - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1368 ELECTEDTHOYTS Penny - Liberal Democrat ...
What to make of the local election results & a big thank you from Cllr. Edie Pope and myself
Firstly, it was great to see Southport Lib Dems regain a strong footing in their Town, winning 4 of the 7 seats up for election this year. Well done to all involved. And a big swing from Labour to Lib Dem in Crosby's Victoria ward for Hannah Gee as well. The way that determined young lady is going she's going to win that ward back from the Red Tories soon. Nationally it was a very good night for the Lib Dems and a bad one for the two main Brexit Parties (The Red Tories and the Blue Tories). As I ...
There were no elections in Shropshire unitary area yesterday. Next door in Telford, Labour bucked the national trend and gained seats. This followed a lacklustre performance by the Tories and a very strong Labour vision for the future of the town. That message, about delivering local priorities, worked in Telford. Lib Dems and independents gained across the country fighting on local platforms. The Greens did very well too. Labour lost seats when they should have been gaining in mid-term election. The Tories suffered dis-May, losing hundreds of seats and dozens of councils. Few people turned out to vote. The consistent ...
The Lib Dems have just won Teignbridge District Council from no overall council. We gained 10 seats, while the Tories lost 11 seats. An independent gained one seat. RESULT: Teignbridge – LD GAIN FROM NOC See full results: #LocalElections2019 — BBC Election (@bbcelection) May 3, 2019 We've now gained 423 seats over the country. * Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist. He is one of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.
I'm not going to rehash what you'll all have seen already on the news, so this isn't going to be a long entry. Just four images... Yesterday this birb was flitting around my garden. We had an entertaining discussion about what kind of birb it might be, and eventually settled on maybe a yellowhammer or possibly a siskin. But [IMG: [personal profile] ] hollymath pointed out that yellowhammer was a good name for a lib dem bird, and I said I was choosing to see it as a good omen for the elections. I didn't stay up very late, just ...
Huge changes at Mole Valley Council as Lib Dem's win 9 seats and control of the council. I'm back in – now in Beare Green. An unexpected but enjoyable win against a strong incumbent. — Caroline Salmon (@CarolineMSalmon) May 3, 2019 The news has just come in that the Liberal Democrats have won control of Mole Valley District Council. We gained 8 seats, while the Tories lost 9. There was one gain for an Independent. So, the status is currently: With 162 out of 248 councils declared: The BBC say we are on 19% of the national vote with ...
More guff is usually said in the wake of local election results than any other type of political event in the United Kingdom. Partially because they are complex and you can generally swing them in all sorts of different ways. This is happening today, despite the results being unusually clear. Let's start with the Tories. As of the time of writing, with 156 of 259 councils having declared results, the Conservative party has lost a net total of 705 seats and 15 councils. That's pretty ugly going. However, these results do not come as any sort of shock – everyone ...
[IMG: Interesting links on Lib Dem success at the local elections] Jo Swinson was on the BBC election programme overnight and did extremely well in setting out the party's pro-Remain position. She managed the spectacular task of treading a line between not being overly optimistic about... The post Interesting links on Lib Dem success at the local elections appeared first on A Feminist Mum making a difference.
I hope that this blog makes sense! Yesterday I was working for 22 hours (well the last two of those hours were watching the results on the BBC). Locally, we had hoped for three gains and were a very sad ... Continue reading →
Thu, 12:35: Many thanks to @UlsterUni @ASPS_UU @SluggerOToole @dmcbfs @KLasslett for hosting great event and discussion last ni... Thu, 12:56: RT @PoliticoRyan: Opinion: Hitler Was Incompetent and Lazy—and His Nazi Government Was an Absolute Clown Show ... Which is why you should b... Thu, 14:23: RT @gabyhinsliff: Look I haven't a clue what Gavin Williamson, or of course Another Mystery Person, said to Steven Swinford but generally:... Thu, 15:33: RT @QuintinOliver: As the @SluggerOToole boffins do their techie stuff @alaninbelfast @dmcbfs - 25 good jokes so far in first ten minutes f... Thu, 16:05: Universal credit is 'Orwellian', says ...
WATCH: Labour's Barry Gardiner to Tories on Brexit "We are in there trying to bail you guys out"
Coming to a Lib Dem risograph near you very soon, I would imagine. Seriously, Labour's shadow international trade minister told Tory James Cleverly ON LIVE TV that "We are in there trying to bail you guys out" on Brexit. .@BarryGardiner admission on BBC1 that @UKLabour are trying to bail the Tories out to deliver Brexit will go down like a lead balloon with Labour voters... looks like we are seeing that tonight #LocalElections2019 — Lib Dem Press Office (@LibDemPress) May 2, 2019 You could not make it up. No wonder reports from the talks earlier this week made them sound ...
I have speculated previously on this blog as to whether Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price's advocacy of an independence referendum in the event of us leaving the EU without a confirmatory plebiscite means that he is actually more comfortable with Brexit than he lets on. He was at it again only last week, telling the BBC that a Welsh independence referendum should happen if Brexit goes ahead without a second EU referendum. What is certain is that Plaid Cymru want to stay in the single market, recognising that this is in Wales' best interests. I think we can also confirm ...
Four years ago, I was utterly heartbroken at this time in the morning. Not only had we lost almost all our MPs, but we'd suffered heavy losses in the council election. Today, after spending most of yesterday in a darkened room whimpering in pain, I wake to absolutely brilliant results. Already we are up (at the time of writing) 271 councillors and most of the results aren't in yet. It's not surprising that Ed Davey described the results on BBC Breakfast as the best local elections for the Lib Dems in a generation. Some more of the highlights: We seem ...
It was a moment which felt, for me, like throwing oneself into the deep end: Nick Silver and I went on Sky News' All Out Politics to talk about our new Radix publication, A Guide to New Political Movements: How to Do Politics in the 21st Century. Five minutes is a long time in the sightlines [...] The post Are the new parties going to break through? appeared first on Radix.
**6:33 summary: The Lib Dems have gained control of eight councils (two from NOC) and held two. We've won 177 extra council seats – making a total of 384 including seats held. The Tories have lost 11 councils and 254 seats. Labour have lost 2 councils and 45 seats. We've gained control of: FROM THE TORIES: CHELMSFORD SOMERSET WEST AND TAUNTON HINCKLEY AND BOSWORTH BATH AND NORTH EAST SOMERSET COTSWOLD WINCHESTER FROM NOC: NORTH NORFOLK NORTH DEVON We've also held South Lakeland and Eastleigh. Layla Moran has summarised this as "the best @LibDems local election results since 2003 – right ...
Local results for Yate, Dodington and Chipping Sodbury CHIPPING SODBURY AND COTSWOLD EDGE (2 seats) CREER Rob - Conservative - 1527JAHANS-PRICE Roger Frederick - Labour - 158JAHANS-PRICE Ruth Mary - Labour - 183ROMAINE Becky - Conservative - 1352RUSH Adrian Samuel - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1556 ELECTEDTRULL Patricia Anne - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1539 ELECTED Note - one Lib Dem gain from Conservative DODINGTON (2 seats) DAVIS Tony - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1522 - ELECTEDHARRIS Louise Anne - Liberal Democrat Focus Team - 1516 - ELECTEDLIVERMORE Ian James Donovan - Conservative - 649SCHOFIELD Simon Peter ...