Cable: Brexiters losing argument and votes Schools resorting to desperate tactics to tackle funding emergency Cable: IMF report should put to bed Brexit fantasies Govt must bring together all MPs to agree to a People's Vote Cable: Brexiters losing argument and votes Following the votes in the House of Commons tonight, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said: Parliament has now taken back control and the UK is on course for an extension to Article 50 and European Parliament elections. Brexiters are losing the argument and losing votes in the Commons by healthy margins. The Prime Minister must now ...
Liberals, pro-Europeans and centrists have had a bleak few years. At the start of 2019 I would have given my right arm for the chance to fight the May European elections still as a member of the EU. These elections offer a fantastic opportunity to get a large group of MEPs elected on a ticket of [...]
It's amazing what you find on YouTube. The blurb there describes this as a "radio drama from the late 1980s starring Robert Stephens". It turns out to have been written by Seán Street, and his website says it was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1986. I have a suspicion, though, that it was broadcast the following year, the centenary of Jefferies' death, and that I listened to it at the time.
Last month Jo Vigor-Mungovin wrote a guest post for this blog about Joseph Merrick. You can now listen to her speaking about him. An address she gave to the Whitechapel Society has been posted as a podcast on the Casebook: Jack the Ripper site. The photograph above shows the former Green Man pub in Wharf Street, Leicester, which Jo mentions. And a post of mine once made connections between Jack the Ripper and Wharf Street (as well as bringing in a lost Victorian cricket ground.)
The other day I suggested that when Brexit goes sour or fails to happen it will all be the fault of the liberals, the Remoaners: Theresa May, the House of Lords, Jeremy Corbyn, the BBC, the Irish, the abolition of National Service, immigration, trendy teaching methods, decimal currency, the decline of proper wet fish shops, unelected Eurocrats, elected Eurocrats and Gary Lineker.It seems I left someone off the list: It was naive of the monarchy to imagine that not intervening was the uncontroversial option here. I'm afraid it simply demonstrates to supporters of constitutional monarchy that we do not have ...
Find out the most common reasons why you've not received that email from the Liberal Democrats which other party members have received.
Current A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot Last books finished Before Mars, by Emma Newman Combat Magicks, by Steve Cole Time Was, by Ian McDonald Publishing and the Science Fiction Canon: The Case of Scientific Romance, by Adam Roberts The Land of Somewhere Safe, by Hal Duncan Embers of War, by Gareth Powell Next books Troll Bridge, by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan
Frustrations are ten a penny in politics at the moment as Parliament blunders its way through Brexit. Few things are as heartbreaking, though, as some of the experiences outlined in this Guardian article at the weekend. In the fifth richest country in the world, children describe the pain and embarrassment of being poor. This should not happen. Maddy, 16, described her embarrassment at being identified as being on FSM. "When she [lunchtime staff at the checkout] was like 'You can't get that, you're free school meals', like I was really embarrassed 'cos people were waiting behind me, I was kind ...
The Liberal Democrats' candidate selection in England, Scotland and Wales is well under way for EU elections on 23rd May as the Tories scramble to put together a last minute list of candidates.Party members are voting across the country as the party plans to use the election as an opportunity to send a message to both the Conservatives and Labour that it is time for a People's Vote. Liberal Democrat Brexit Spokesperson Tom Brake MP said: "The Tories have made an absolute dog's dinner of Brexit and instead of working to give people the final say, Corbyn seems to have ...
Following the votes in the House of Commons last night, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said:"Parliament has now taken back control and the UK is on course for an extension to Article 50 and European Parliament elections."Brexiters are losing the argument and losing votes in the Commons by healthy margins. "The Prime Minister must now show leadership by offering a People's Vote. It is her only chance to get her deal through Parliament and a crucial opportunity to show the changing will of the public, who are swinging firmly behind Remain."
Mon, 12:39: APCO Worldwide is looking for a great Project Consultant at our office in Brussels - suitable for candidates with 1... Mon, 12:56: RT @alanferrier: This gentleman is Professor Daniel Muijs, Deputy Director of Ofsted - the UK Government Office for Standards in Education,... Mon, 15:49: RT @pmdfoster: @bopanc The fact May is travelling not sitting in Westminster talking to Corbyn seems to indicate that there is little prosp... Mon, 16:05: RT @dakami: Well, shit. Mon, 16:28: RT @UKPoliticalNews: Today is Theresa May's 1000th day as Prime Minister. Mon, 17:11: Polish general who fought with Washington may ...
Veillez agréer, Monsieur le président, d'accepter l'assurance de nos salutations distinguées Translation: We are two members of the British Liberal Democrat Party. Our party has been an enthusiastic supporter of the European Union since its inception. Now we are ashamed of the foolish antics of our government. We are two of the more than 6 million people who signed a petition for the withdrawal of Article 50. We hope that our parliament will have the good sense to do that before the end of the week. If they do not , then we beg you to grant us another extension ...
LibLink: Christine Jardine: Brexit - two party system is held hostage by their extremes
In her Scotsman column this week, Christine Jardine looks at two events in Parliament last week that she said made the place look like a black comedy: The first came as MPs gathered in the House of Commons' chamber for the start of what was billed as, potentially, yet another defining moment for Brexit, only to see semi-naked protesters super-glue themselves to the perspex screen in front of the public gallery. Ironically, the screen has separated the public from politicians since protesters from Fathers for Justice threw flour bombs into the chamber in 2004. This time the protest was about ...
Just to let residents know about seven recent planning applications in our area . Please just let us know if you have any queries. Single storey rear extension 12 Orford Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 3DBRef. No: 63962 | Received: Wed 20 Mar 2019 | Validated: Wed 20 Mar 2019 | Status: RegisteredNon-material amendment following grant of planning permission 61859 for demolition of existing bu...1A Nursery Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 3EWRef. No: 63940 | Received: Wed 13 Mar 2019 | Validated: Mon 18 Mar 2019 | Status: DecidedLawful development certificate for proposed construction of a garage/shed25 Malvern Close, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 ...
Prestwich Clough Day takes place on Sunday 19 May 2019. This is a FREE Annual Event held from 12pm - 5pm in St Mary's Flower Park and outside The Church Inn, Church Lane with activities, stalls and entertainment. More information here including information on how you can help as a volunteer or sponsor.
Please find below information on new Mental Health evening sessions at the Creative Living Centre. For more information or to register your interest: Visit or call 01616967501. You can also e-mail at
Help to protect people from falling victim to scams is being offered at Bury Library on Monday 29 April. Paul Geary, community banker at NatWest, will look at a wide range of scams and explain how to spot them and avoid them. Scams can be very believable and are often the work of highly organised criminals. This Friends Against Scams event is free – to book a place, go to The session runs from 10am to 11.30am. Please enter the library from the disabled entrance opposite the Job Centre 10 minutes before the start time.
I have been asked to start a discussion on: "System change. Challenging established notions. Re-imagining our societies". I assume that the aim of the discussion is to produce material to enable Radix to publish a report. I need to be explicit about my background, values and vested interests, to enable you to understand where my mindset [...] The post Re-imagining our societies 1 – The System appeared first on Radix.
The Guardian tells us that there has been another cabinet reshuffle - a promotion born of strong performance and quiet diligence. Evie the cat has moved up in the Cabinet Office to be the new face of the Equalities Unit. They say she has broken through the glass cat-flap, and stolen some of the limelight from her male colleague Larry - who, despite multiple reports of his aggressive nature, will not give up his prime position at No 10. They are right when they say that these sort of feline distractions are absolutely necessary when faced with the incompetence and ...
The argument for a referendum is well rehearsed. A narrow majority secured by deceit and illegality for a range of proposals is no mandate for any one specific proposal. With a million marching, over six million signing a petition to call for revocation of notice given under Article 50, and polls consistently showing a majority who wish to remain in the European Union; any mandate, even for a vague set of proposals, is doubtful. Without a referendum on future arrangements the people of the UK will be in the position where their government, elected by an archaic and dysfunctional electoral ...