Today I was on the BBC's Sunday Politics (North East and Cumbria) programme speaking about the need for stronger opposition to Labour on North East Councils. It was recorded on Thursday on the Gateshead Quays. My bit was longer than my usual blink-and-you-will-miss-it but two blinks and you could be forgiven for not noticing me! You can see the interview on this link.
Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 545th weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere ... Featuring the five most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (7-13 April, 2019), together with a hand-picked seven you might otherwise have missed – including some from the last few weeks when we've had a Conference and lurgy induced break. Don't forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging. As ever, let's start with ...
I can date these photographs precisely: I took them on Saturday 16 May 1981. That was the day of the Rugby League Premiership Final at Headingley between Hull and Hull Kingston Rovers. Special trains were run from Hull to Headingley via York and the Harrogate line, and one at least was hauled by a Deltic. This would have been its return working, and the photograph was taken at one of the little stations between Harrogate and York as the driver collected the single-line token to allow him to proceed. With the help of Google Street View, I have identified it ...
At the end of May I'll be heading up to Ripon: Where to next for the Liberal Democrats? Mark Pack is the editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire and a very entertaining* speaker. We are hosting him for a discussion on the future direction for the Liberal Democrats. Ripon Community House, Allhallowgate, Ripon on 25th May, 2-4pm. Click here to buy tickets. Like me to come and give a talk or training session in your patch? Do get in touch. * No pressure then...
The judges are unanimous: the Mirror wins Headline of the Day. Incidentally, Maggie has previous. Here's the late Christopher Hitchens: It happened in the course of an exchange of views about Rhodesia in the late fall of 1977, when she was still leader of the opposition and was pandering to the racists in her party and the electorate. Influenced perhaps by the fact that we were meeting in the Rosebery Room of the House of Lords, I made the mistake of bowing as if to acknowledge some point of hers, and she took swift advantage of my posture by shrieking, ...
Over the past few months I have called at literally thousands of doors in Liverpool. I was, of course, calling about the local elections but amazingly what people have talked to me about time and time again is BREXIT and ... Continue reading →
I've been a member of the Brussels Brontë Group mailing list for many years, but until today had never been to any of their events. However, with the rest of the family away this weekend, rather than be at home alone I made a rare Sunday morning visit to the capital, where Jones Hayden was leading a two-hour guided tour of the sites most associated with Charlotte and Emily Brontë's 1842 teaching experience at the Pensionnat Héger, and Charlotte's return the following year. Charlotte fell in love with the headmaster, Constantin Héger, who did not return her feelings; she mined ...
One of the most pleasing aspects of the otherwise deeply depressing Brexit situation has been the billboard campaign by the pressure group Led by Donkeys. As with many genius ideas, the basic premise is simple: to put up giant posters of tweets by Brexiteers and members of the current Conservative Government which they would rather [...]
Spud and I were lucky enough to attend a work-in-progress performance, from the Bristol-based theatre company Can't Sit Still. The work, Invisible Thread, is a part-devised, part-improvised performance, intended for mums and their pre-crawling babies; based around physical theatre, circus, music, and storytelling, and drawing on the Mexican Cerrada ceremony. The show aims to be immersive and intimate, and 'explore the connection between mother and baby and aims to have a positive effect on maternal mental health and well being.' The company are all mothers themselves, which lent a beautiful note to the piece. Spud has a habit of sleeping, ...
Apologies for the radio silence over the past couple of months - normal service might resume now that I have personally become a little more settled. Since my last post I have had my baby, henceforth known as Spud, and my family and I have left London for the countryside of Wiltshire. Image Credit: These changes present new challenges but also, hopefully, new opportunities. It will be a different sort of life, but one that is full in a new and exciting way. I am blogging about some of these moments over on DandTMakesThree. Here's to the future!
Still, I must observe; always from a point of view, better to combine... Advertisements
I have just voted in the selection of Lib Dem candidates in the North East region for the European Parliament elections. It is of course a secret ballot so I will not be divulging who got my preferences. Two candidates stood out. It's still up in the air whether or not the election will take place. And I have a feeling that if there is an early general election, it could be on the same day (23rd
Pelaw and Heworth ward in Gateshead is a marginal ward. Once a Labour stronghold, it went Lib Dem in the Blair years, back to Labour in the Coalition years and since then Labour lost one seat to the Lib Dems Ian Patterson) by 20 votes but held on by about 100 votes last year. So it is a ward with an interesting history. To add to this, defending Labour councillor Jill Green is the mayor. I
Sat, 12:56: RT @gowri_chandra: an older lady asked what I do and I said journalist and she gave me a fist bump and said WE HAVE TO BRING TRUMP DOWN and... Sat, 13:15: 'It is a religion': how the world went mad for Moomins Sat, 13:34: Behind the scenes at the 2019/1944 Hugo announcement video Sat, 14:48: RT @MykeCole: Absolutely brutal re-enactment of Demetrius Poliorcetes' siege of Rhodes in 304 BC. The reenactors clearly illustrate that de... Sat, 17:20: RT @LisaMMcGee: Okay for those asking the Donna Traynor footage in Derry Girls isn't archive, we shot it, the ...
Pip Blom is the name both of this Dutch band and its lead singer. Eve Garner met them at Hebden Bridge Trades Club: Although this is Pip's project, it's clear that this is a team - listening to one another attentively and respectfully challenging one another's points of view. On stage, that friendship is present; they wind each other up and laugh as if they're sharing private jokes. The music itself is high-energy and fun-spirited with pithy lyrics and punchy melodies. The gig is sold out, but it doesn't seem to faze any of them. Darek, the bassist, tinkers with ...
Welsh Lib Dem education secretary Kirsty Williams has announced an increase in funding for disadvantaged children in school. The announcement will provide support to an additional 14,000 learners. Introduced in 2018, PDG-Access helps families cover the costs of school uniform, sports kits, as well as equipment for activities outside of the school. To receive the support, learners must be eligible for free school meals. Currently, PDG-Access is worth £125 per eligible pupil entering reception class in primary school or Year 7. Today's announcement means the scheme will be extended to include Year 3 and Year 10, and provide funding for ...
Labour's toxic disciplinary problem hit a new low this morning with revelations in the Sunday Times that they have failed to take action against hundreds of members accused of anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. The paper says that a hard drive of emails and a confidential database last updated on March 8 reveal how the party's system for dealing with such complaints is bedevilled by delays, inaction and interference from the leader's office. These documents reveal members investigated for posting such online comments as "Heil Hitler", "F*** the Jews" and "Jews are the problem" have not been expelled, even though ...
I have rarely been more jealous of Jo Swinson than I was when she tweeted this on Friday: Very excited to be in Berlin for this amazing event tomorrow! [IMG: 👇🏼] If you had the chance, what would you ask Barack Obama? — Jo Swinson (@joswinson) April 5, 2019 It is worth taking a couple of hours out of your life to watch Obama talk about investing in the next generation of leaders to work on securing action to combat gender inequality and climate change. "Change happens because citizens are mobilised and force change" he said – an inspiration ...
Having become aware that at the junction of the Northway Service Road and Moorhey Road there's no dropped kerb for cyclists to access the short path to the pedestrian/cycle crossing across the A59 I took the matter up with Sefton Council's Highways Dept. They've come back to me and there's some good news – They say that the missing dropped kerb will be included as part of the Dover Road improvement scheme and will be one of the first pieces of work for that project. It seems the works are scheduled for the coming financial year but there's no firm ...
Residents recently asked me for an update on when the new steps currently under construction in Pentland Avenue will be available to use. I asked for an update from the City Council and the Project Officer in the Housing Asset Management Unit has advised as follows : "The stairs cannot be opened until the handrail has been fully installed. The contractors programme of work shows this should start next week. The handrails could not be fabricated until the installation of the pre cast concrete steps was finished as they need to fit the final gradient of the steps plus the ...