In a message on Twitter this evening, Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran set out what really happened at the 2013 Liberal Democrat conference in Glasgow.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

There is talk tonight of a cabinet coup against Theresa May next week. Who will take over as caretaker prime minister? This video may give a clue to the sort of person who may emerge.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Hi everyone. I have a story I want to share....tweeted Layla Moran this evening. And here's the story:Three quick thoughts... First, this story - or more or less lurid versions of it - have been in circulation for a while. Second, Layla is sensible to deal with it head on. Third, the fact she has done so suggests she is seriously considering standing for leadership of the party. She is not so much clearing the air as clearing the decks for action,

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

My suggestion that every Liberal Democrat leadership election is a rerun of the 1976 Liberal Party contest between David Steel and John Pardoe has been getting some traction recently. The idea , as I said in that original post, is that you get a recurring pattern where one candidate (Steel) is orthodox, sensible and a little dull and the other (Pardoe) is more charismatic, more open to new ideas but less reliable in his judgement. It is discussed by Mark Pack and Stephen Tall in their latest Never Mind the Bar Charts podcast and it also got some notice on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 23rd

Put It to the People

Today I went on the People's Vote march against Brexit in central London, along with what the organisers say were more than one million people. I can't authenticate that figure, but the demonstration was certainly bigger than the last one I went on. Liberal Democrats, unsurprisingly, were out in force. The front of the march [...]

Posted by jonathanfryer on Jonathan Fryer

After the brilliant march today, what next? Here are quick and easy things you can do to help strengthen the campaign against Brexit. 1. Spread the news of the success of the march It looks like over a million people marched. Make sure people know just how big and successful the march was. 2. Sign-up If you've not done so already, sign the key anti-Brexit petitions, including the one to revoke Article 50. Those petitions will then all prompt you with easy sharing links to tell your friends about the petitions too. 3. Write to your MP Marches and petitions ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

British people don't often take to the streets in massive numbers. And when they do it twice in six months, you would hope that those who represent them at any level take note. 750,000 in October. Estimates of a million today. From Wick to Cornwall and pretty much everywhere in between. You would think that if there was a real desperation to leave, there would be another million supporting that cause. But there isn't. Nigel Farage was surrounded by a couple of dozen people on Sky News. In contrast, apparently there are still some people to leave Park Lane after ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

I spent most of Saturday in Nashville last weekend, the first time I had ever been there. I was there in order to speak on Brexit to a professional conference, but applying the Woodrow Wilson principle meant that I had some time to look around town, though not to take in any of its musical heritage. My old friend H had briefed me about one of the most extraordinary things I have seen in America: a full-scale replica of the Parthenon as it would have been in its prime (or as that was imagined in the 1890s). It doesn't quite ...

Sat 23rd

What a march!

Here are some of the highlights from the mammoth Put it to the People march today, which probably saw the biggest congregation of Liberal Democrat members ever outside party conference, and perhaps the biggest ever even including party conference... (Activism interlude: don't forget to add to the impact of the march by signing the key anti-Brexit petitions.) A huge assembly of people from across the country: Comfortable shoes at the ready! #PeoplesVote #ExitFromBrexit #Remain — Mark Pack (@markpack) March 23, 2019 Now the march is over, here's what you should do next.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sat 23rd

Marty (1955)

Marty won the Oscar for Best Motion Picture of 1955, and picked up another three, Best Director (Delbert Mann), Best Actor (Ernest Borgnine) and Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay (Paddy Chayefsky). Betsy Blair and Joe Mantell were nominated for Best Supprting Actress and Actor respectively, and it also got nominations for Best Art Direction-Set Direction and Best Black-and-White Cinematography. The other contenders for Best Motion Picture were Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing, Mister Roberts, Picnic and The Rose Tattoo. I haven't seen any of them. IMDB users rank Marty 15th or 11th of the films of 1955. Six films are ahead ...

Sat 23rd

My tweets

Fri, 12:56: Why Brexiteers forgot about the Border Honest admission of error from@OliverNorgrove. At le... Fri, 15:11: Way too optimistic! Requires MPs to act sensibly and in the national interest. Fri, 15:19: Losers #BrusselsAttacks Three years on. Fri, 16:05: Debut Author Lessons: So you've been nominated for an award... Good advice. Fri, 17:11: Lives are ruined by shame and stigma. LGBT lessons in schools are vital Important and right. Fri, 20:48: RT @charlwynmcr: List of things I was exposed to at school and didn't turn into: 1) oxbow lakes 2) The assassination of Archduke ...

They're coming from all over the country to London to make their voices heard. Have an amazing day, everyone! One coach left Inverness a couple of hours ago and another 3 are leaving Edinburgh in the next half hour. @richardpbacon #PVRoadTrip — Scotland for a People's Vote (@Scotland4pv) March 22, 2019

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

As I start writing this post we are just 1,500 signatures short of four million on a petition to Parliament, asking MPs to revoke Article 50. Already, Brexiteers are questioning its legitimacy, but this is not some fly-by-night, click-bait site with dodgy verification processes, this is the House of Commons website, complete with proper authentication procedures. The route to revocation still lies in a third referendum in my view (the first was in 1975), but nobody should ignore the grassroots feeling that has driven so many people, possibly a record number, to go online and put their name to this ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Just over five months ago, I set out for London on a beautiful, sunny morning just so I could walk from Hyde Park to Parliament Square. That relatively short stroll took me about 4 hours. Sharing it with 700,000 like minded people was one of the best experiences of my life. We were marching then for a People's Vote. Today, the "Put it to the People" march takes to the streets of London as we face the very imminent prospect of leaving the EU in circumstances which will make us poorer and smaller in spirit as well as pocket. The ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

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