Broome, a request stop, is the first station out of Craven Arms on the Heart of Wales line. It is also the least used station in Shropshire. I got off there many years ago so I could walk to Bishop's Castle (or it may have been Clun). As well as celebrating its rural location, this film has something serious to say about the railway companies' claims about accessibility.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Thomas Cook company website tells this story: On 9 June 1841 a 32-year old cabinet-maker named Thomas Cook walked from his home in Market Harborough to the nearby town of Leicester to attend a temperance meeting. A former Baptist preacher, Thomas Cook was a religious man who believed that most Victorian social problems were related to alcohol and that the lives of working people would be greatly improved if they drank less and became better educated. As he walked along the road to Leicester, he later recalled, 'the thought suddenly flashed across my mind as to the practicability of ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

My wife keeps up with the news, but she can't recall the last time she saw a national story about the Lib Dems. As Labour and the Tories struggle to hold themselves together, the Lib Dems fight simply to be heard. For most people in the country there is a fading memory of a liberal voice where the party used to be. With the party's leadership election looming, that matters. There will be a big temptation among activists to make the contest a battle of ideologies. "Which candidate is closest to my beliefs?" members will ask, endlessly dissecting policy statements, ...

Posted by Iain Roberts on Liberal Democrat Voice

The new Yate WI meets on the second Monday of each month at Poole Court at 7.30 pm. Just come along, or email to find out more.

Posted by Paul Hulbert on Focus on Sodbury, Yate and Dodington

Conservative MP Chris Davies has now pleaded guilty to two charges of false expense claims.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Each year at the end of February, councils vote on a budget and the level of Council Tax that residents will pay for the forthcoming year of services. Ealing Council debated proposals this year and the Liberal Democrat group voted down proposals for a number of reasons. First of all it must be said that the national Conservative party has been reducing money for our Council, essentially robbing money from our residents before they knew they have lost it. Also there is little evidence that the Government is willing to help solve the national funding shortfall affecting all councils for ...

Posted by Gary Malcolm on Councillor Gary Malcolm

For more than ten years Liberal Democrat councillors have seen the northern party of Southfeld Chswick suffering from the dairy producing near constant noise pollution through the night caused by a range of reasons including vehicle movements and heavy plant equipment operating. Many of their vehicles or vehicles that enter or leave their site with collections of milk or the raw materials block some of the roads nearby to the dairy. Again they flout the rules making sure they use loopholes to evade justice. The dairy creates more noise than a group of cows I have welcomed the hard work ...

Posted by Gary Malcolm on Councillor Gary Malcolm

As we approach Brexit day, whenever it finally occurs, it is important to remember the struggles and victories that have defined the political liberalism that is at the core of the modern movement in Britain. One such famous example is the landslide victory for the Liberal party in 1906. If 1951 was the nadir of our history, then 1906 was surely one of the many high points. The creed which we might call 'Gladstonian Liberalism' was at its intellectual apogee, but the new ideas of social liberalism and equality were also beginning to flourish and resonate with the populace, with ...

Posted by Patrick Maxwell on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's very simple: you can sign the Parliamentary petition to revoke Article 50 here. You need a working email address as signing the petition to revoke Article 50 will trigger a confirmation email. Sometimes those end up in junk/spam folders, so keep an eye on them if your email does not arrive soon after signing. Parliamentary petitions are open to British citizens and UK residents. But wait! Or rather, come back once you have... because there's more you can do too. Here are three other things you can do too: Sign these other key anti-Brexit petitions: Exit from Brexit (Lib ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

I may be forced to stop posting via this blog site soon as changes to it, to fit in with revised/updated editing processes by Word Press, have made it very hard for me to edit any new posts and all but impossible for me to include anything other than text. If the situation can't be resolved (and things are sadly not looking good presently) then my blogging days may be curtailed at least for the foreseeable future. The problem? Everything is greyed out so I can't used Word Press's new 'blocks' despite hours of trying to find out how to ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

My good friend and fellow blogger Phil Holden often posts about music and occasionally I do too. In recent times I have really begun to appreciate that the only way you can tell really great musicians is by how they perform live, so here are my 10 best live performances, in no particular order:- Bobby Womack – I Wish He Didn't Trust Me So Much Candy Dulfer – Don't Go Isaac Hayes & Soul II Soul – Papa was a Rollin' Stone Cris Rea – Josephine Joan Osborne & The Funk Brothers – What Becomes Of ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

As Theresa May twists and turns in Europe trying to square the Brexit circle, it's worth noting what isn't going to happen - any agreement in Westminster on her Withdrawal Agreement today, Friday 22nd March. The House of Commons petition to Revoke Article 50 notification has become a record breaker with over 2 million signatures,repeatedly bringing the petitions website down and attracting thousands of signatures per minute. Many organisations are shifting to support revocation, and it seems this Saturday's march will contain more Revoke groups than those supporting a fresh referendum. Our party leadership has repeatedly claimed that we are ...

Posted by Dave Page on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 22nd

My tweets

Thu, 12:22: RT @jameschappers: I once wrote a front page story about @NicolaSturgeon during the Scottish indyref campaign with the headline "The Most D... Thu, 12:40: RT @iainmartin1: @BrunoBrussels @Sime0nStylites @TomMcTague @pmdfoster She's increasingly resigned to no deal and two thirds of the cabinet... Thu, 12:56: RT @kathy__odonnell: The publisher of the study which invented 'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria' admits that the science was faulty, issues co... Thu, 14:39: RT @rtenews: "The mood has hardened here in Brussels" @tconnellyRTE with the latest on #Brexit | Thu, 15:14: RT @ninaism: #UPDATE: "In the case of a negative British vote ...

I have been to some odd meetings in my time but this was one of the oddest. Last night, unitary, town and parish councillors met with a phalanx of Shropshire Council officers to debate infrastructure priorities for the Ludlow area. But the meeting proved to be more like a crowdfunded proofreading than a structured discussion about the future of this area of the county. Discussion of the most controversial infrastructure proposals, combining both GP surgeries and community health services on a single site, was blocked by the chair. The first meeting on the forthcoming Place Plan for the Ludlow area ...

Posted by andybodders on Andy Boddington

In February's issue of Prospect, Chaminda Jayanetti asked: "We know what the Independent Group are against—but what on earth are they for?" They're not going to give a clear answer any time soon. Why should they, when being all things to all people will draw in new supporters? It's different for us. What we believe has been consistently misrepresented for nine years. We have to explain clearer what are we for, if we are to correct this. Some think we've become the party of Europe, the EU-KIP party. But that's a short-term issue for the moment. We need to explain ...

Posted by George Kendall on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's getting hard to know what to say about all of this. I mean, there is so much going on, technically speaking, that there should just be so much to talk about. Strangely, no. Take Theresa May's speech on Wednesday. It was awful, sure, yet it was no more awful, really, than any other speech she's given recently. Maybe a bit nastier, I suppose. But it was really just more of the same non-information recited in monotone. I guess I could go on to say that the speech made literally no tactical sense whatsoever. I mean, to get the deal ...

Posted by Nick on

In my day, anybody who aspired to leadership would need to demonstrate some gravitas, an understanding of the issues, an ability to put the best interests of the nation first, and a modicum of dignity under pressure. And whilst a certain ruthlessness has always been a requirement, for appearances sake at least, a candidate would at least attempt to show some grace towards their opponents and the person they seek to replace, so as not to alienate their electorate. I am not sure at what point, this job description was rewritten to turn every leadership contest into the political equivalent ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The Beatles sang: "All you need is love", and young girls delicately placed flowers in the barrels of the guns of National Guardsmen. For a brief period in the 1960's and 1970s we thought that love would emerge as the world's overpowering human emotion. That the words of Franklin Roosevelt—"all we have to fear is fear itself"– would pass into historical redundancy. And that Senator McCarthy's commies under the bed witch hunt was an uncharacteristic historical blip. Sorry, it was not to be. Fear is once again the overriding political emotion which is driving the thinking of the electorate and ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Proportional Representation (PR) is the favourite alternative to remedy the glaring defects of the First-Past-The-Post system of electing representatives (deputies, MPs). Discussion of second rounds (as in France) and voting by listing preferences (like the Alternative Vote, rejected in a UK referendum in 2011) has abated. Otherwise there is much popular (populist?) advocacy of so-called [...] The post What is wrong with proportional representation appeared first on Radix.

Posted by Paul Gregory on Radix

Today I have welcomed the call by City Region Mayor, Steve Rotheram, to scrap the role of Elected Police Commissioner and stop the chaos of Liverpool citizens voting four times next year. Early last year we moved in the City ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

George Washington, born 22 February 1732 (NS), became President 30 April 1789, aged 57 years 67 days; served as President until 4 March 1797, aged 65 years 10 days (thus becoming the only ex-President) died 14 December 1799, aged 67 years 295 days, held the record as longest-lived President for another 3 years, 250 days after his death: 14 years 113 days in total as the longest-lived president. John Adams, born 20 October 1735 (NS), served as President 4 March 1797 to 4 March 1801. He outlived Washington on 20 August 1803, died 4 July 1826, aged 90 years 247 ...

Here's Play On Wheels Easter Holidays events in the West End for local children! Play On Wheels will be out whatever the weather so hope to see lots of you for some adventures. Come and say hello and have some fun. Everyone welcome and all sessions are free of charge. Play On Wheels is a Smart Play Network project funded through the BIG Lottery Investing in Communities 21st Century Life programme.