Last week I paid two visits to Lobley Hill and Bensham ward in Gateshead to help our local election candidate Nick Seaborn. Nick is new to the party but is very keen to lead the battle in the ward. So far we have had one action day this year which saw the whole of Lobley Hill leafleted. Nick has recently been delivering letters in the Festival Park area and I will shortly be providing him with

Posted by jonathanwallace on Jonathan Wallace

There's a fair chance that the People's Vote march on Saturday will be the largest concentration of Liberal Democrat members ever seen outside a federal conference, and quite possibly the largest even taking them into account.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Following news earlier this week of Vote Leave being fined £40,000 comes news of yet another piece of law breaking by Leave campaigners. This time it is Labour Leave being fined. It has to pay up £9,000 after being caught by the Electoral Commission breaking election finance rules for the referendum: Failure to deliver accurate campaign expenditure return; failure to deliver accurate weekly pre-poll donation report for 2016 EU Referendum. Keep up with news about elections by email If you'd like to be notified by email when new posts about how are how our elections are run appear on this ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Well, the crest is still on the lectern. So no General Election then. But... Unless she whips off the crest partway through, Bucks-Fizz-style... — Jo Swinson (@joswinson) March 20, 2019 Vince's comments: The Prime Minister says the public is tired of Brexit. If she wants to end the soap opera she has one clear way to do so: concede a People's Vote. A short extension on the pretence her deal is acceptable to Parliament will achieve nothing. Liberal Democrats and the Remain movement will not be blackmailed into supporting the deal today, tomorrow or in June. Opposition parties stand ready ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Vince Cable has just been on Sky News to say that the opposition leaders' meeting with Theresa May was courteous but just went round in circles. She was not willing to move at all. So far so unsurprising. But what was incredible was his revelation that Jeremy Corbyn was going to meet her with them. But as soon as he saw Chuka Umunna and Anna Soubry there, he legged it. So the country is in crisis and he is not prepared to behave like a grown up. I remember this sort of game playing in student politics days but not ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Vince Cable, Liz Saville-Roberts, Ian Blackford and Caroline Lucas have been meeting the Prime Minister this evening. And they went in with intent to argue with her pretty robustly. They basically said that Parliament should sit in continuous session until they can sort this out. MPs would not be bullied into making a choice between a disaster and a catastrophe. And they added that they would bring forward a vote to revoke Article 50 "as a last resort". They issued a joint statement before going in to No 10. The Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the SNP and the Green Party ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

[IMG: Mum Blogger on 'Mums Make Porn'] Watch me, Emma, Anita, Sarah & Sarah Louise tonight on Channel 4, 10pm 'Mums Make Porn' The post Mum Blogger on 'Mums Make Porn' appeared first on FeministMama.

Posted by ambitiousmamas on FeministMama

The Liverpool Echo has the article on its website – see link below:- This is an interesting piece of Liverpool's history which the Echo has resurrected. It shows how different the thinking was back in the 1960's about how a city should develop and radically change. I guess we are grateful that much of it was not implemented.

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

When I was an Assistant Scout Leader, I taught the bit about the Union Flag that new scouts had to learn before being invested. Here is an expanded version: A little history At the time of the Romans, there was a province called Britannia, which the settled area extended, for a time, to Central Scotland, [...]

Posted by haroldwoodcitizen on Harold Wood citizen's Blog

I'm fairly sure that every day is an international day of something or other. I suspect that there are so many, there are diary clashes as well. Anyway, today is the international day of happiness,...Continue Reading The post Transplant +189: The International Day of Happiness appeared first on ten pence piece.

Posted by tim on ten pence piece

On Friday afternoon at our Federal conference, there was a consultation session on A Fairer Share for All – consultation paper. The consultation period continues until Sunday 31st March. I think members should email their comments rather than answer the questions the working group asks as I don't think the questions cover all the areas that need commenting on. The consultation paper doesn't talk about levels of benefits (which I have done mainly in The working group asks about reforming or scrapping Universal Credit. I think Universal Credit should be scrapped and replaced with a Working Credit for people ...

Posted by Michael Berwick-Gooding on Liberal Democrat Voice

[IMG: Brexit March] Brexit March In Parliament, MPs have been debating on (and rejecting) this botched Tory deal. Beyond Parliament, young people have been watching on in horror and disbelief. As a wealthy Brexit elite, red in the face, tell themselves to hold their nerve, it's clear that they've got no regard for our future. Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn? They just aren't listening - they are completely detached from reality. They're causing embarrassment on an international scale, the world over the country we love is a laughing stock. It's shameful, and history will look harshly on the perpetrators of ...

Posted by Charlie Murphy on Liberal Democrat Voice

Barrister Isabelle Parasram has been elected by the Federal Board as the party's first Vice President BAME. I was delighted by this result because I voted for her and encouraged others to do so as I had been really impressed by her clear vision for the role. She talked a lot of sense about how to change the party's culture. I've seen that her previous work, the report into dealing with complaints of sexual impropriety, has been thorough, clear and fair. In an email to members, Miranda Roberts, Chair of the Federal People Development Committee, welcomed Isabelle's appointment. At our ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 20th

Liberalism and porn

'Where and how does pornography fit into Liberalism?' is a question that I asked myself when I was being filmed for a Channel 4 documentary. The three-part programme features five mothers, including me, who are introduced to the problem of easily available online porn for children to watch. While the impact on children was my primary concern, the content that I was viewing was disturbing for another reason. Much of it was highly dehumanising and derogatory of women. I found it distressing. Scenes of women being violently grabbed, slapped and shoved raised my feminist hackles. Teenagers were the favoured category ...

Posted by Jane Chelliah on Liberal Democrat Voice

There is something unspeakably depressing about Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, seeking a short delay to Britain's departure date from the European Union, currently 29 March. According to the news reports this morning, this extension should be a short one, of no more than three months. She has decided on this, apparently, because a ... Continue reading Theresa May is stuck in a hole. She has decided to keep digging

Posted by Matthew on thinking liberal
Wed 20th

My tweets

Tue, 16:05: RT @jonnymorris1973: New on my blog: my best Doctor Who short story, The Thief of Sherwood. Tue, 17:11: Paddy Ashdown - a frank remembrance Rather brutal stuff, but necessary reading, from Trevor Smith. Tue, 17:57: RT @MichaelPDeacon: Why didn't you tell us the Meaningful Vote was going to be meaningful Tue, 17:57: RT @seanjonesqc: Brexiters imagined this would be the moment when Jonny Foreigner looked across the poker table and into our flint grey eye... Tue, 18:09: RT @JenniferMerode: Significant. Michel Barnier gives his view on a longer extension: it "needs to be linked ...

We advise that you fill in your nomination forms at the earliest opportunity possible. You're able to submit them from March 27 onwards and the deadline for returning them is 4pm on Wednesday 3 April. The following paperwork needs to be completed correctly and submitted on time: Nomination papers Candidate's consent to nomination Candidates address form Deposit (not for locals) Form for the appointment of the agent Delegated Nominating Officer (DNO) paperwork (for use of the party name and logo on the ballot paper) Most Returning Officers will supply forms, but some may expect you to supply your own from ...

Posted by ALDC on Liberal Democrat Voice

The signature of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle by Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, on January 22, gave rise to a lot of hope, particularly in France. We could indeed rejoice to see a revival of the Franco-German couple, spurred on to drive the European Union (EU) so that it can finally face the major geopolitical [...] The post The sad breakdown of the Franco-German engine appeared first on Radix.

Posted by Renaud Girard on Radix

I am beginning to feel left out. I didn't receive any of the controversial emails, texts or Facebook adverts sent out by Vote Leave. Who told them that I was a Remainer? Am I to believe that they read this blog? Despite that apparently 196,154 people did receive texts from Vote Leave during the referendum campaign. The only problem is that the recipients didn't give their consent to being contacted in this way. The Independent reports that official Brexit campaign has now been fined £40,000 by the UK's privacy watchdog for sending these unsolicited text messages. The campaign group, which ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

On Sunday I was delighted that Conference overwhelmingly passed the emergency motion on knife crime and youth work that I was so pleased to propose. The excellent motion, drafted by our lead member on the LGA Children's Board, Cllr Lucy Nethsinga, made clear the clear link between the dramatic cut in youth services across the country and the subsequent increase in knife crime. In passing the motion, Conference reaffirmed the Party's commitment to invest in both universal and targeted youth work. However, we need this affirmation to lead to more than just empty words, words that sound good in the ...

Posted by Jon Hubbard on Liberal Democrat Voice


'Govt treating EU citizens appallingly' with Settled Status call charges Responding to reports that thousands of EU citizens are being forced to pay for calls to the Home Office's Settlement Resolution Centre for help with their Settled Status applications, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey said: EU citizens in the UK are our neighbours and our colleagues, our families and our friends. But ever since the Brexit referendum, they have been treated appallingly by this Conservative Government. Making them pay up to 40p per minute to get help navigating the complex Home Office system for applying for Settled Status ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Someone asked me on Twitter how to go about getting a song in the Liberator Song Book to have it sung at Glee, and traditionally the process has gone:Glee hosts are drunk and need a wee, or not drunk enough and need to go to the bar Someone has offered earlier in the evening to do a song they have written; they are found and told to go up on stage so the hosts can go to the loo/bar If the song goes down well, months later when we are having a meeting in the pub to decide what should ...