I'm just in the door, home from a wonderful weekend in York at Conference. It is a miracle that I am able to write this, given that I left the Novotel Bar at 4:15 this morning after a night of great fun with friends. You may or not be impressed to know that when I got back to my horrible little room, I laid out my clothes for the morning and plugged in everything to charge that needed to be charged. I was back at Conference by 9:15 this morning feeling a lot better than I deserved. These are anxiety ...
As part of the Liberal Democrat efforts to improve our record at diversity and inclusion, a new party post has been created: Vice President, BAME.
I'm back home from Lib Dem spring conference at York. Lots of photos taken and video shot. A good set of debates as well. The debate on setting up the registered supporters scheme did not entirely produce the fully desired result - members voted not to give a leadership vote to supporters, only to members - but the scheme will otherwise go ahead, which is great news. I was also in the
On Saturday we held a debate about the development of a new supporter's scheme for people who support our ideals but for a variety of reasons feel unable to join a political Party. We agreed to have a supporter's scheme. ... Continue reading →
Firstly I would like to start off this blog by offering my own condolences to the many victims of the Mosque shootings in New Zealand that occurred this past week. I will always struggle to understand the actions of extremists no matter where they come from, and who they claim to represent. I can only [...]
In a world of Trumps, Le Pens and Putins, we are firmly on the other side - Vince Cable
Earlier today, Vince Cable gave his last speech to Liberal Democrat conference as party leader. He set out powerfully the case for the Lib Dems as the liberal, internationalist and outwarding looking voice in British politics. What Vince Cable said It is a sobering thought that just under 2,000 years ago there were people gathered on this spot no doubt complaining about a treaty from Rome. ...with tiresome regulations about daily baths and straight roads; muttering under their breath that these legionnaires should go back to Gaul or Carthage. And you would have heard lots of people saying Interum sumo ...
Writing in the foreword to his new pamphlet, published today as mentioned in his conference speech, Lib Dem leader Vince Cable writes: 2019 was billed as the year of Brexit. Yet even if the Government succeeds in any version of its plan there will be years more of negotiation and debate in prospect during a transition, before settled new trading arrangements could be agreed. I am one of those people who believes Brexit would be so damaging that it should be stopped, and the focus of Liberal Democrat political eforts has therefore been fghting for a People's Vote including the ...
Rhythm Passport says: The Great Malarkey are eight musicians from around the globe - England, Canada, Portugal and Latvia - and they want you to join them on the multicultural train of fast beats and trembling slams of punk-folk spirit. Gimme Sugar is a track from their 2017 album Doghouse.
Sat, 12:05: RT @pmdfoster: " It's not where we wanted to be, but it still leaves us with cards to play." @CitySamuel selling the backstop... and rath... Sat, 12:06: RT @DPhinnemore: Once again, the Saturday morning read from @tconnellyRTE is a must. Capriciousness and Cox On Cox: 'when he [first] ar... Sat, 15:57: RT @GoodwinVianna: While you're still horrified by the mosque shooting, I'm going to share something I don't normally share. Because tomor... Sat, 16:05: 'The Left Hand of Darkness' at Fifty https://t.co/0MDF1SglT7 @CharlieJane writes. Sat, 17:50: RT @bricksilk: In this just-published further Opinion on the PM's #Brexit deal, ...
I did not stay overnight last night in York. I simply weighed up the costs and found that it was far cheaper to go home and come back this morning. It meant last night I was in our goat house at 11pm bottle feeding two baby goats that were born ten days ago. An interesting distraction from politics! Anyway, I am now back in York having got the first train out of Newcastle (which was packed) this
Just when you think that Chris Grayling could not dig himself into a deeper hole it transpires that the botched contracts he put in place to help the country ferry in vital goods in the case of a no-deal Brexit could cost almost £30m more if the UK's departure from the EU is delayed. The Independent reports say that the deals that were set up to take account of a potential no-deal exit on 29 March could see firms receive compensation for expenses incurred and may also cost more if the departure date alters, creating extra work: The controversial ferry ...
Today is going to be quite sad because it will be Vince's last speech to Conference as Leader. He's been the grown-up of British politics and he's served us well these past two years. He deserves to be cheered to the rafters for stepping up as he did in 2017. The Federal Board report at 9:45 is likely to prove controversial. There are some very awkward questions in part thanks to Gareth Epps not being politically restricted any more. He's making up for lost time. 09.00-09.45 F12 Policy motion: Access to Justice for All 09.45-10.00 F13 Report: Federal Board 10.00-10.45 ...