Current A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot κ1 Last books finished Present Danger, ed. Eddie Robson ι1 Next books Troll Bridge, by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan
Just published this evening, the Whickham eFocus no. 114 covering the following issues: council budget approved but no extra money for sweeping streets; Swalwell scrapyard could be used for house-building; branching into Lobley Hill and Bensham; Arson attack on Dunston Staiths; charity coffee in Sunniside; Gibside's "Route to Relaxation" trail. Woodmans application deferred. You can read
I was in South Wigston to but a new cooker - where else would one go? - and this building was across the road from the shop. The Greater Wigston Historical Society tells us: The Marquis of Queensbury, formerly known as the Duke of Clarence and the Gaiety, is a relatively large two storey structure of red brick under a pitched slate roof. Although now converted to apartments, the building was constructed as a hotel with ballroom at first floor. Despite the building's size and commanding presence, it sits well within the street scene. The building has been awarded a ...
The group Uppingham First has lived up to its name in a letter to Theresa May. It hasn't quite demanded she "puts Brexit on the sidelines to intervene before the last bricks and mortar bank in the town closes on April 26," as the Leicester Mercury says. But it has come close to it. The paper quotes from the group's letter: "This is a critical blow to the town's economy, given that our post office building is already a busy place, does not have mobility impaired access and the nearest Barclays branch is a substantial car or bus journey away. ...
Millionaire Brexit backer Arron Banks eagerly pursued a multibillion-pound gold deal brought to him by a Russian oligarch with links to the Kremlin just months before the EU referendum, Channel 4 News can reveal.
Mole Valley Liberal Democrat members have re-selected Paul Kennedy as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC).
We've all had a week off Brexit, courtesy the scuttle-diplomacy of Theresa May and her attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, who are both doing their best to look busy in the hope that their blatant attempts to run down the clock to 29th March can retain a mere shimmer of credibility. He has, reports say, given up the hope of persuading the EU to annul the Irish backstop by ensuring the UK can renege on its agreement whenever the fancy takes it (grrr, rotten foreigners, eh?!)... or not, if you believe his partial denial of those reports. I sometimes struggle to ...
A Brexit manufacturing timeline. May 2016 Professor Patrick Minford, of Economists for Brexit, says of manufacturing: Over time, if we left the EU, it seems likely that we would mostly eliminate manufacturing, leaving mainly industries...Continue Reading The post When Brexit nonsense hits manufacturing reality appeared first on ten pence piece.
England is suffering a serious epidemic of knife crime, with a high proportion of teenagers amongst both the victims and perpetrators. A few months ago a teenager was a murder outside my local Tube station; some fresh flowers marked the spot as I walked past it this morning. Many others are similarly finding the epidemic ... Continue reading Knife crime requires local action and resources, not national grandstanding
MP loses appeal, sentence not long enough to trigger by-election but voters can still force one
To unpack the headline: Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya (elected as Labour, since expelled) has lost her appeal against a conviction for perverting the course of justice. Her jail sentence is not long enough to force a Parliamentary by-election and the review process has concluded without it being increased. However (thanks to one of the political reforms the Liberal Democrats did secure during the coalition years), voters in Peterborough can trigger a by-election anyway if enough of them sign an official request. Keep up with news about elections by email If you'd like to be notified by email when new posts ...
A video summing up our fantastic #VisitMyMosque day. @LondonLibDems mayoral candidate @SiobhanBenita and the GLA candidates were welcomed warmly at all the mosques. Thank you @MuslimCouncil for organising a great event. — Cllr Hina Bokhari #FBPE [IMG: 🔶] (@bc_hina) March 3, 2019 It is easy to see our country as divided, especially when we watch the news about Brexit or, most recently, the public reaction to Shamima Begum's situation. There is no denying that hate crime has risen and that extremists on either side of the political spectrum are increasingly exhibiting intolerance and prejudice. Sunday's "Visit My Mosque Day" ...
Mon, 12:12: Best of luck to @spendarovski. Mon, 12:17: RT @Guy_Stallard: Thread to read Mon, 12:47: RT @ELarrissy: Thread Mon, 12:56: RT @OxfordDiplomat: Marr: In terms of individual deals, how many are now on track? Fox: Em, that is. Marr: You must know the answer? Fox... Mon, 13:17: RT @clumperino: Interesting thread from EU27 perspective. Mon, 13:47: RT @dduane: Thread. Mon, 14:00: In case anyone's interested, my write-up of the Savile Inquiry into Bloody Sunday: Mon, 14:17: RT @Roy_Isserlis: Not very hard to outmanoeuvre a bollard. Mon, 14:47: RT @omminc: Excellent summary ...
Several things obvious to eventually take place, at least to those paying close attention to the Brexit process, have been confirmed this week already. Geoffrey Cox, the Attorney General, has tacitly admitted that the EU isn't going to reopen negotiations and change the backstop in any meaningful way. This means the ERG won't vote for the deal and it will be defeated again on March 12th. On March 13th, parliament will vote on no deal. This has to be a free vote. It will be voted down by a massive majority. The following day, parliament will vote to extend the ...
In her Scotsman column this week, Christine Jardine describes seeing an offer for deodorant for £1 in a pharmacy. Men could buy a full size can. Women got a travel size. That encapsulates the problem that she is trying to sort out in a Bill aimed at tackling the so-called "Pink Tax" she is introducing today. The women's movement has come a long way. Parliament itself is an example. We don't have a perfect gender balance yet, but we do have the largest number of women ever elected, and the green benches are beginning to look vaguely like the country ...
Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey has called on the Conservative Government to take responsibility for the knife crime epidemic and invest in more police and youth services.Ed Davey said:"Far too many innocent young lives are being taken by the epidemic of violence that is consuming our cities. Instead of just lamenting these tragedies and talking tough, Ministers need to accept their share of responsibility for this crisis. "When children are excluded from school and see their youth centres closed, it's hardly surprising that so many of them fall into the grip of gangs. When they see fewer and ...
Today Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine introduces a Bill to to end the so called 'Pink Tax'.Christine Jardine is launching her campaign to remove the gender price gap with a Bill to be presented to Parliament to mark International Women's Day.Commenting on her Private Member's Bill, Ms Jardine said: "It is entirely unacceptable that in 2019 women and girls are still paying more than men for basic products, such as razors and deodorant. Whilst women are often still being paid less too, women really are being hit by a double whammy. "Products marketed at women are on average considerably more ...
Me at the studios of National Public Radio in Washington DC When I was in Washington DC last month, I discovered that the headquarters of National Public Radio (NPR), the US wide public broadcaster, was near my hotel. I was able to go on one of the daily tours of the offices and studios. It ... Continue reading Exciting tour of National Public Radio in Washington DC
Like other developed countries, the USA is experiencing more inequality than at any time since World War II. As in other countries, the rise of populism in the US, including the election of Trump as President, is a manifestation of the anger and resentment by millions of citizens who feel forgotten and left behind. What is [...] The post Beware of socialism, whatever that is (Letter from America) appeared first on Radix.
My good friend and fellow blogger Phil Holden has recently been pondering on the issue of the new Independent Group in the HofC and in doing so reflecting on the rise and fall of the SDP. His posting is accessible via this link:- One particular part of Phil's posting stood out for me and it is this:- 'The SDP foundered in part on whether it should be a party of the left, taking on Labour in a fight to the death, as David Owen wanted, or a centre-party that cosied up to the Liberals, as Roy Jenkins wanted. Jenkins ...
Whatever sobriquet is finally awarded to Theresa May's Government, the word competent is not likely to be included. Not only has she made a pigs ear of the whole Brexit process, but she has lost control of her own Parliamentary Party and is widely considered to be in power but not able to exercise it. The latest attempt at effectively buying votes for her Brexit deal sums up her approach. As the Independent reports, she has earmarked £1.6 billion over six years to help deprived towns, many of which will have voted to leave the EU. Her government says the ...
From the 14th century it was customary to administer punishment to vagrants in the street in Britain. Some were flogged, some clapped in irons, others dragged around on wooden frames. At the end of the Middle Ages, society was highly stratified, and most people were not permitted to travel freely. The word vagrant means 'wanderer' and to an extent the wanderer was being punished for 'not being in his or her place'. Many were escapees from rural servitude. So the fact that the transgression of vagrancy is still on the statute books, might suggest we have not progressed sufficiently far ...
Incredible Edible Prestwich and District (IEPAD) are looking for more people to get involved in their excellent work. They are looking for more help across their sites in Prestwich and Sedgley Park. If you have an interest in growing food, like fresh air and teamwork then this could be for you. You don't need any experience and we'll provide guidance and advice. They usually meet at the weekends and how much you put in is your call. They also need help from a more experienced grower to co-ordinate the fruit and vegetable garden at the Ostrich. IEPAD say: "It's a ...
Thankfully not too many roadworks to report this month – for the full list see the GM Roadworks site here The Major roadworks in March are: – Whittaker Lane (near the lights) Road closure 13 March 2019 (United Utilities) – Bury New Road, just south of Church Lane, carriageway incursions 11-13 March 2019 (United Utilities) – Bury Old Road, near Singleton Road (in Salford) – lane closure 16-16 March 2019 (United Utilities) – Thatch Leach Lane (in Whitefield) – traffic lights near Besses Metro 25-29 March 2019 (Bury Council)
Bury Council would like to invite you to an event at which we will outline the vision for working towards ending loneliness and social isolation in Bury. This event will be your chance to make a big difference to the lives of people living in Bury. The team say: Loneliness and social isolation are some of the biggest challenges facing our society and local communities, effecting people's health and wellbeing. It can affect people of all ages and all backgrounds. At the event we will work together to develop a shared understanding of the causes of loneliness and how collectively ...
Prestwich Hospital have a volunteering open day "Spring into Volunteering" on Tuesday 12 March 2019 2-6pm. The Trust are looking for volunteers for their inpatient services at Prestwich hospital. This includes adult care services, young people's services, the deaf service and substance misuse services. All welcome – more information from Noreen McCole 0161 271 0294.
Tory Govt must take responsibility for knife crime epidemic Today Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey has called on the Conservative Government to take responsibility for the knife crime epidemic and invest in more police and youth services. Ed Davey said: Far too many innocent young lives are being taken by the epidemic of violence that is consuming our cities. Instead of just lamenting these tragedies and talking tough, Ministers need to accept their share of responsibility for this crisis. When children are excluded from school and see their youth centres closed, it's hardly surprising that so many of ...
A number of constituents have raised concerns about the lighting on the public pathway that runs to the side of Harris Academy down to Riverside. Several of the lighting units are in a vandalised state or simply not working. I reported this to the council's Street Lighting Partnership and have now been advised : "We have decided that we are not simply going to replace the fittings as it is clear that they are mounted in a location which is easy to access and prone to vandalism. (We are) currently working on some design calculations with a view to installing ...
... for various reasons beyond your control, and there's a bunch of stuff that you can't really properly solve even if/when you can soothe it a bit, and it's all a bit stressful... Spending some time on Skype with someone who soothes your brain and makes you laugh and values you for yourself rather than what you can do for them? That's worth more than all the tea in China. I am very lucky to have people like that in my life. ♡♡♡♡ [IMG: comment count unavailable] comments