Lib Dem policy for 9pm junk food marketing watershed has public support Responding to a survey by Obesity Health Alliance (OHA) which shows the widespread support for the Liberal Democrat policy to create a 9pm watershed for junk food marketing, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Judith Jolly said: With obesity as one of the leading causes of cancer, there is increasingly concern about the childhood obesity epidemic throughout the UK. The Conservative Government have failed to take these concerns seriously. So far all we have seen from the Tories is an unambitious strategy on Childhood Obesity that will do little to ...
I'm a day behind, so time to catch up, I think... Brexit: Govt approach to citizens' rights "fundamentally flawed" Responding to Sajid Javid's comments that the Government will support Alberto Costa's amendment on citizens' rights, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey said: After being forced into one U-turn on the £65 fee for settled status last month and another on ring-fencing citizens' rights in case of no-deal today, the Government should finally just admit that their whole approach is fundamentally flawed. These U-turns are welcome, but the spectacle of the Prime Minister saying one thing yesterday and the Home ...
Filmed today as we shifted our supply of paper for the local elections into the office in Consett. A third of a tonne of paper!
I filmed this at the Lib Dem Pint event in Felling, Gateshead, last night. Team Low Fell used the event as an opportunity to sort all their target mail!
Another LGBT History Month draws to a close. At the various events I've spoken at or attended in Bristol people have been asking me about my experiences as an openly gay politician. I was the first and so far openly gay MP in Bristol. I was also the first openly gay Liberal Democrat MP and [...]
[IMG: Teach yourself mindfulness by eating a Lychee] Sometimes life's lessons come from the unlikeliest of sources. Eating Lychees this week has taught me how unmindful I can be when I eat. Gobbling without thinking would be a far more apt description of... The post Teach yourself mindfulness by eating a Lychee appeared first on FeministMama.
Francis Young on the rediscovery of forgotten riches. Collecting folklore was all the rage in Victorian England. Although there were occasional collectors of 'popular antiquities' in the 17th and 18th centuries (John Aubrey is perhaps the most famous example), it was not until after William Thoms coined the word 'folklore' in 1846 that books dedicated to folk beliefs, stories and customs became popular. The foundation of the Folklore Society in 1878 inaugurated the golden age of English folklore collection, which lasted up to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. As the progress of technological innovation and social ...
Our trip to the Lib Dem office in Consett today was not just to deliver paper for printing, It was also to sort the target mail for two wards - Whickham South and Sunniside, and Dunston Hill and Whickham East. The letters had been put into envelopes at an event on Sunday. Today was all about integrating the different letters and putting them into their delivery patches. In addition, I printed
The Gateshead Lib Dem Land Rover fleet was in action today to move a third of a tonne of paper from Newcastle to the office in Consett. We are now stocked up for the local elections! At current rates of leaflet production however, I can foresee our having to restock by the end of April!
The Old Fox in Felling was the venue for Gateshead Lib Dem Pint last night. No Lib Dem event can be held without some work being done on literature. This event was no different. Team Low Fell turned up with over 1000 letters to sort and bundle up. Meanwhile, the buffet catered for all tastes and diets. And there were plenty of empty plates at the end of the evening.
At a meeting earlier this week, businessman and campaigner Martin Sawyer was chosen by local party members to be the Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) for Northampton North.
As seen in the café at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, April 2015. A taste of things to come after a no-deal Brexit? The post Exclusive: A first look at that highly-anticipated no-deal Brexit advertisement appeared first on ten pence piece.
These consultations will be of interest to motorists who use these roads, not just cyclists. South Glos Council is consulting on two schemes to make local roads safer for cyclists. In both cases existing advisory cycles lanes (dotted) would be converted to mandatory cycle lanes (solid white lines). As well as making the cycle lanes more visible and therefore safer, motor vehicles will be prohibited from driving or parking in the cycle lanes - it's not illegal at the moment. Access to premises, parking bays and junctions along the route would be not be affected by this proposal. That's basically ...
An Arriva 300 bus at the Meadows bus stop, Maghull. Merseytravel have launched a bus network review for bus routes serving Sefton Borough – see link below for details and to take part in the online survey of your views about local bus services:- If you use local buses please take a few moments to complete the online survey or you can attend one of a couple of face to face events in Bootle Strand or Southport. I have completed the online survey and made reference to the 31/31A buses probably being better routed to the new Maghull North ...
1. A letter to the Guardian on 26th February from a Will Taylor of Devon claims that: "this whole sorry [Brexit] episode cranked into place as soon as it seemed that the EU might crack down on money laundering and tax havens." It's not a connection that I've made and I'm not sure that the dates match up. After all, anti-EU manoeuverers have been disrupting the Tory party at least since John Major's premiership (1990 to 1997 - he called them "the bastards") and I've no idea if and when the EU decided to get its teeth into money launderers ...
Jo Swinson voted for Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit motion in the Commons last night. According to the New European: Her apparent defiance of her party's policy raised eyebrows in Westminster - but a party source said it was a "genuine mistake".
The Scotsman explains why the Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader was recorded voting different from fellow Lib Dem MPs last night.
Norfolk County Council passed its budget earlier in the month. Nothing remarkable about that – councils up and down the land have been doing the same. In Norfolk, though, it marked the final act in an intense debate about how the Council supports new families and gives children a fair start in life. It's a debate that has exposed some of the rawest edges of today's politics. Sure Start was a noble idea from the first Blair government: Jeremy Corbyn's 2017 manifesto described it as one of the Labour government's greatest achievements. It aimed to deliver support to children from ...
There is a reason why we talk about the Westminster bubble; it is small, reasonably hermetic, claustrophobic at times, and most will agree it feels more separated from the real world than it should be.There is no real way to measure this, for obvious reasons: the bubble is not tangible, and even if it were, [...] The post Why information fatigue is such a problem appeared first on Radix.
Wed, 20:17: RT @bbclaurak: Labour loses its amendment - so, in theory, the party should shift its position now to backing another referendum Wed, 21:53: RT @YvetteCooperMP: Amendment wins 502 to 20. Strong support from every party & from across the Government too. Shows the support across th... Thu, 08:42: RT @nick_gutteridge: 1/ A common conception in the UK that fundamentally misunderstands both what the backstop is and what the EU's priorit... Thu, 09:24: RT @jimwaterson: The coverage of the Momo challenge is possibly some of most irresponsible journalism in this country for ages. Samaritans... Thu, 10:45: The lost tunnels ...
ALDC flagged a story this week here, telling us about how Lib Dem-led Sutton Council has decided to trial an On Demand bus service. Users will be able to use an app to request a bus to stop for them. The benefits are not just for the user – getting more people out of cars and onto buses and public transport reduces congestion and will improve air quality. Sutton Council is working with Transport for London on this trial, with more info on that partnership here. Lack of bus services, and cuts to bus services, concern many communities up and ...
The Guardian reports on the EU Commission's dissatisfaction at attempts by Facebook, Twitter and Google to tackle the well-documented problems with the use of their data, and their deep concern that elections to the European parliament in May could be the target of manipulation in a similar manner to the US presidential election and the UK's Brexit referendum. The Commission say that Facebook has repeatedly withheld key data on its alleged efforts to clamp down on disinformation ahead of the European elections. Commissioners want "hard numbers" to prove that the company is living up to promises made in a voluntary ...
Scope, the disability equality charity in England and Wales, has released a new report showing how life is more expensive for those living with disability. Their study shows that those with disability spend more on heating, insurance, equipment and other essential goods and services. Scope says These extra costs mean disabled people have less money in their pocket than non-disabled people, or simply go without. Therefore, disabled people are likely to have a lower standard of living, even when they earn the same. There are two parts to the report: The Disability Price Tag 2019 Policy Report discusses the key ...
The Friends of Blackness has an upcoming Family Ceilidh tomorrow evening. Parents and carers can purchase tickets at ParentPay :
Brand Lane will close for around 15 minutes midmorning today to fix a nasty pothole at the Old Street end. There will be no signposted diversions and large vehicles will need to wait for the road to be cleared. I have asked for the work to be timed to minimise disruptions to the town bus services. Please be patient if you get held up. This brute of a pothole is wrecking cars and must be repaired. Bell Lane In other news, highways officers are chasing up contractors to get repairs to Burway Lane. Burway Lane