Lib Dems join Amnesty International UK in fight against NI abortion laws Cable: Housebuilders must not pinch their profits from the public purse PM in the process of creating a double cliff-edge Govt's no deal papers shows PM driving UK to a cliff edge Labour fail to oppose Govt's controversial knife crime orders Lib Dems join Amnesty International UK in fight against NI abortion laws Today, Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine will join women impacted by NI abortion law along with Amnesty International UK, other MPs, and other service providers and activists to hand in a petition to decriminalise abortion. ...
ALDC (the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners) is the must-join organisation for Lib Dem campaigners - and there's a special discounted rate for joining on offer.
Let's take a break from the Liberal Democrats and the TIGgers and enjoy a bit more Pagan London. In 2011 the Barking and Dagenham Post covered the campaign to keep the idol in Dagenham. According to Wikipedia, that campaign succeeded and it is now on permanent loan to Valence House.
Current Present Danger, ed. Eddie Robson A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara ι1 Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot Last books finished θ1 The Capital, by Robert Menasse Next books Troll Bridge, by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan
I attended Gateshead Council Cabinet his morning. There was only one item on the agenda: proposals for a clean air zone in central Gateshead and Newcastle. One of the options is to charge all vehicles to cross the Redheugh, Swing and Tyne Bridges, other than a few ultra low emission cars. All other cars will be charged the same amount, regardless of their emissions. I am not convinced this will
My old friend David Boyle has stirred things up with an article on the Guardian website this morning: So this is what I believe Vince Cable should do. As soon as possible, the Lib Dems should join the Independent Group in parliament. I suggest this partly for the good of the independents. Joining the 11 Lib Dems (plus Stephen Lloyd, who resigned the whip recently, but who would surely then follow suit) would double their size and give them momentum. The new group would then be almost two-thirds of the way to becoming the third largest party (currently the SNP ...
Just to cheer you up, here is a report from Business Insider: The Liberal Democrats are worried about a potential exodus of financial backers, after a number of donors withdrew their support to get behind the new anti-Brexit Independent Group of MPs. ... Following their departure, Charlie Mullins, the anti-Brexit owner of Pimlico Plumbers, confirmed that he intends to support TIG after previously donating £25,000 to the Sir Vince Cable-led Liberal Democrats in 2018. Multiple sources have told Business Insider that other major donors are either holding back funds from the Lib Dems, or have already walked away from the ...
This one didn't take the judges long. Well done to the Daily Mirror. The Lib Dem pizza tycoon in question, incidentally, is Baron Verjee.
Action Fraud has received several reports where fraudsters are claiming to be landlords of properties offered for rent online. [IMG: SCAM] How it works Prior to viewing a property, the criminal requests that the individual pays a deposit. After the victim pays the money, the scammer sends a bogus email purporting to be from a Tenancy Deposit Scheme confirming they have received their deposit. This email is false! The money was sent directly to the criminals' account. The victim is left out of pocket and without the home they thought they were renting. What You Need To Do Always make ...
LibLink: David Boyle - The Lib Dems should act decisively - and join the Independent Group now
Over on the Guardian's Comment is Free, David Boyle uses his first-hand experience of the Liberal party/SDP merger to reflect on the new situation with the Independent Group of MPs: ...this is what I believe Vince Cable should do. As soon as possible, the Lib Dems should join the Independent Group in parliament. I suggest this partly for the good of the independents. Joining the 11 Lib Dems (plus Stephen Lloyd, who resigned the whip recently, but who would surely then follow suit) would double their size and give them momentum. The new group would then be almost two-thirds of ...
Mon, 12:21: RT @IanDunt: Have you... have you seen Ghostbusters? Mon, 12:30: RT @Dublin2019: Don't forget, deadline for nominating in @TheHugoAwards is the 15th of March. Mon, 12:56: RT @Chris_Auld: A rant about the state of statistical work in (clinical) medical journals: 4/20 "Weed day" edition. Last year @JAMAInterna... Mon, 16:05: Neil Gaiman on honouring Terry Pratchett's last request: 'You have to do this' The story of Good Omens. Mon, 16:19: RT @AlbertoNardelli: Britain's post-Brexit trade conundrum. A short story. I had a meeting this morning with a Japanese diplomat who said... Mon, 16:39: Epic thread with pictures ...
Scottish Lib Dems pass policy to make it easier for domestic abuse victims to stay in their homes
I was really pleased that Scottish Conference passed a motion I proposed which aims to ensure that victims of domestic abuse don't have to suffer the added nightmare of going through the homeless procedure when they finally seek help. It should be much easier for them to be able to stay in their home and for the perpetrator to leave. Commonspace reported on the debate: Across the UK, two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week. Scottish Lib Dem member, Vita Zaporozcenko told the conference of her personal experience of being raised in a house with domestic ...
Both May and Corbyn have backed themselves into a corner on Brexit - and this is what that might mea...
Theresa May is in real trouble on Brexit, but that's no surprise. What is, a little bit anyhow, is the fight shown by Conservative MPs to stop no deal Brexit from happening. It wasn't something I was counting on, particularly when you figure out that Tory voters aren't going to thank them for it (even if they would have been equally upset if no deal went ahead and it was a disaster – but if no deal is stopped, the counterfactual can by definition never be realised). With this stand by MPs, including current members of the cabinet, May is ...
Just to report back on a number of local issues that have been raised by residents in recent weeks: Litter – 8 new bins on their way! Thanks to a grant that your three local councillors have made to the volunteer group 'Clean Team Prestwich', eight new litter bins are on their way to Holyrood Ward. These are proposed for: – Bury Old Road (near the bus stop across from Heaton Park metro) – Upper Wilton Street – Heys Road (near the school) – St Margaret's Road (near the park entrance) – Heaton Street (near the bowling green) – Heywood ...
There is no doubt that Luciana Berger's defection to the nebulous Independent Group in the House of Commons has forced a number of senior figures in Labour to face up to the anti-Semitism problem in the party. But just how widespread is that issue? According to this piece in the Independent, the Momentum founder, Jon Lansman believes that Labour has "a much larger" group of anti-semitic members than it recognises and which Jeremy Corbyn has failed to "deal with". They say that the Labour leader's long-standing ally believes "conspiracy theorists" had infiltrated the party as a consequence of its huge ...
Jo Swinson gave a wide-ranging speech to Scottish Conference at the weekend. She talked about Brexit, and how she'd apologised to a class of 10 year olds for it. She talked about the challenges posed by new technology and AI. And amidst all the crap that's going on, she found reasons to be optimistic about the future. Here is her speech in full. 10 year olds ask the best questions, don't you think? I've been asked all sorts over the years:What is communism? Have you met the Queen? Can you explain the backstop? This week though, I was asked a ...
First Bus has announced its intention to sell the Queens Road bus depot and operations to the Go-Ahead Group for £11.2 million. The sale would include the First Manchester depot site and 160 buses, and all the services which operate out of Queens Road (which includes most Prestwich services). First Manchester will continue to operate from two sites: Oldham and Bolton and will continue to operate Queens Road buses as now while the sale goes through. Go-Ahead is the largest bus operator in London and also operates services in a number of English regions. According to the Manchester Evening News: ...
Memorial to be unveiled to former Prestwich and Whitefield Heritage Society chairman, Ian Pringle
A memorial to the former chairman of the Prestwich and Whitefield Heritage Society is to be unveiled. The special plaque, dedicated to the memory of Ian Pringle, will be placed on the gateway between St Mary's Church and the Rectory in Church Lane, Prestwich. The plaque has been funded from contributions made after a memorial service to Mr Pringle at St Mary's Church is to be unveiled today (26 February 2019) on what would have been Ian's 69th birthday. Mr Pringle was a founding member of the Prestwich Heritage Society and served as the society's chairman for many years. During ...
Occasionally in political debate one has to concede that those whose views are in opposition to oneself have been successful, that they have played the "political game" extremely well, have been smart, focused and, to an extent, have earned their success. The European Research Group, "the party within a party", are a step or two [...] The post Is the European Research Group just a step away from victory? appeared first on Radix.
Carers are being invited to a series of workshops to play their part in how support services are to be developed. Bury Council and Bury CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) recently consulted carers and those who support them about the services they have used, their needs, and what provision for carers they would like to see in Bury. This was done using the written format, electronically using the One Community platform or face-to-face focus groups. A number of feedback workshops is now being held as follows: For carers: Monday 4 March, 1-3pm – Lancaster Room, Bury Town Hall Monday 4 March, ...
Bonnie Dundee AGM tonight - don't miss it!
Forgive me for not getting over-excited about Labour backing a People's Vote. Obviously, it is good that they are going to – but this doesn't mean that all of their MPs will vote for it. From the BBC The BBC's Vicky Young said it was a highly "significant" development as Mr Corbyn had previously been "lukewarm" about the idea of another vote. Theresa May is under growing pressure to delay the 29 March Brexit date. Labour are not yet making clear what their proposed referendum would be on. When asked to clarify this, a spokesman for the leader's office said: ...
To Tracy Brabin,MP for Batley and Spen. Dear Tracy Brabin, Next month will be the most crucial in British politics since 1945 and I urge you to use your influence and vote in the long-term interests of our whole country rather than the perceived short-term advantage of your party, or even your majority in Batley and Spen. All the economic and political events of the past two and a half years have made it increasingly clear that no deal can be anywhere near as good for the whole country as the very advantageous deal we already have if we choose ...