Mitchell's Fold is a Bronze Age stone circle, found to the west of the the Stiperstones close to the villages of Priest Weston and White Grit. It is in Shropshire, but hard against the Welsh border. I once attempted to fall asleep within it, reasoning that would bring me prophetic dreams, but failed.
Sir Terry Morgan, the former chair of HS2, spoke to the House of Lords economic affairs committee earlier this week. As Rail Technology Magazine reports, he did not hold back: "They [the HS2 project team] have a lot of work to do," Sir Terry said, in response to Lord Forsyth's query on overall cost. "Nobody knows actually yet. All I'm saying to you is that the HS2 team will have the challenge of what I would describe as cost, time, and not least, scope."And that was not the half of it: Sir Terry went on to note that the current ...
No council by-elections this week, so a reminder instead of the excellent and important ALDC local election appeal for the May elections.
Second frame from third page: Achiel: "May I have my umbrella back, young man?" Suske: "?!" (See previously vols 1, 2, 3) Flemish FNAC customers voted this as their favourite comic of 2014, but I thik it would be pretty impenetrable if you weren't at least vaguely familiar with Suske and Wiske, and also with the previous three volumes of the series. Here, Lambik, Suske and Wiske's adult friend from the present day, zooms forward to the year 2047 to try and save them from the evil Krimson and other dangers. He runs afoul of the mysterious deaf girl, Jérusalem, ...
As the staggering uncertainty around the Brexit process continues in Westminster, the risks faced by the millions all around who back up the economy has been largely ignored. This must come into focus as the Davos conference comes to a close, an annual meeting of the global economic elite, the big business. While they sip away at their innumerable glasses of champagne, those who rely on Europe for frictionless and tariff-free trade are fraught with anxiety. The small-business community contains some of the hardest-working people in Britain, and they form the backbone of the economy. In the midst of the ...
Last night I was at the Liberal Democrats' national headquarters for a briefing on Brexit organised by Southwark LibDems and addressed by three of the key party spokespeople in the House of Lords, Dick Newby, William Wallace and Sarah Ludford. Though only the House of Commons has the necessary clout to stop Brexit or significantly [...]
The party meets again at its Spring Conference in York on the 17th-19th March, and if you have not registered yet there is still time! Federal Conference Committee has also now met to decide the agenda so we can reveal what topics will be up for debate. Motion selection proceeded in the usual fashion that by now will be familiar to many readers – in the first round, members of the committee debated the suitability of each motion for debate considering how well it was drafted, how recently the topic was last debated and so on. Once that has happened, ...
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Oh, where have you been, my darling young one? Come with me, you're one of us! You'll be all right... We used to run the country in one another's interests but now we'll help them manage: by privilege, and bluff, and an educated way of pretending things [...]
The debate around no deal Brexit has heated up to a place I never imagined it would. I always knew pretty much what Theresa May was going to do, and I have been mostly right on that front; what I failed to see was that the hardcore Leavers on the Tory backbenches would vote down May's deal in such numbers. I just figured they'd vote for it in the end, and May would in that case carry enough votes from the Labour side of the House to see it through. Instead, they have doubled down on the idea that leaving ...
There is much talk of treason in the air, most of it from people who define treason as being "a view or act which doesn't concur with mine". For, whilst I may disagree with those who want Brexit, I cannot easily conclude that they don't have what they perceive to be the country's best interests at heart. Wrong, maybe, but not malicious. Yes, there are exceptions, I suspect, but they are only likely to be a very small proportion of those who still believe. All of us want the best for the United Kingdom, most of us support the notion ...
Wed, 12:56: Veteran MEP Brok generated cash from Parliament visitors - POLITICO Extraordinary story abo... Wed, 13:15: Reasonable people can disagree on this. But for my money, Baxendale's books are nice to have, where Hinchcliffe's a... Wed, 13:58: The latest blockbuster from Sir Ivan Rogers. "Where did Brexit come from and where is it going to take the UK?" 30... Wed, 15:28: GPEI-"To succeed by 2023"- extraordinary joint statement to Polio Eradicators Wed, 15:32: RT @alexvtunzelmann: When we talk about empire/imperialism underpinning Brexiteer (and Remainer) thinking, this is what we mean. Roger Boot... Wed, 16:05: ...
In the preceding article, on the People's Vote [link], I argued that the process should be given significantly more time. However, we also have a real problem: both of the big parties are too fractured either to govern or to face a General Election. The unedifying results create the opposite of the sense of stability needed for such the People's Vote. This is the time for a Government of National Unity bringing people together from across Parliament, not as a formal coalition between parties, but as an interim arrangement, which would need a more collaborative way of working. The obvious ...
[IMG: Roadworks sign] The planned closure of part of Horn Street, Cheriton, near Folkestone, will now be from Monday 28 January 2019, with estimated completion by 29 April 2019. The closure planned for Monday 21 January did not go ahead for operational reasons, and has been deferred until next Monday, 28 January. Apologies are given for any inconvenience caused by this change. Horn Street will be closed at its northern end, between St Martin's Primary School and the junction with Queen's Avenue. Local access to the remainder of Horn Street continues from either direction up to where the road is ...
You know that you have entered a parallel universe when those advocating we should leave the EU so as to 'take back control of our own country' appeal to a foreign power to overrule the democratic decision of an elected and sovereign Parliament. And yet that is precisely what has happened. As Indy 100 reports, Daniel Kawczynski, the MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham in Shropshire, has formally asked Poland to veto any extension of Article 50. He revealed this startling news in a tweet: "Today I have formally asked Polish Government to veto any motions by EU to allow extension ...
Responding to the publication of the long awaited Draft Domestic Abuse Bill, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey said: "Every case of domestic abuse is an abhorrent and unthinkable crime. So we must get behind this welcome work to improve the law and court procedures. "However, Ministers have taken rather too long to come forward with these ideas, and if we are to get people the support and justice they deserve, there must not be any more unnecessary delay. "And Ministers must be honest enough to admit that new laws won't make any difference if there aren't higher budgets ...
In Aix-la-Chapelle, the capital of the Western Empire of Charlemagne – precursor, twelve centuries ago, of the European Union – the leaders of France and Germany held a historic summit on Tuesday. Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel wish to renew and broaden the Elysée Treaty signed 55 years ago. Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer [...] The post Trump and Xi will agree at Europe's expense appeared first on Radix.
Caron asked me to write a series a little while ago about being a PPC - and my response at the time was that a day-in-the-life blog might put people off ever applying to be a PPC! Being a PPC is hard work - we are volunteers and unpaid, but expected to do a huge amount of work building our teams, supporting local elections, sending out press releases, attending local events, answering letters and emails, the list goes on. However, I willingly signed up to the never-ending work. Why? In my case it was my anger at poor mental health ...
Lydiate residents may recall recent newspaper headlines whereby a dog walker with a dog off its lead in a Lydiate park was given a ticket for a fine under a Public Space Protection Order. That fine was subsequently rescinded following an appeal but the problem is still there because Sefton Council regulates dogs locally not Lydiate Parish Council. After Parish Council discussion with Lydiate dog walkers, some of whom attended the Parish Council meeting last Tuesday, it's been agreed that a part of Sandy Lane Playing Field will be fenced off where dog walkers can let their dogs off their ...
Plans for 200 homes south of Rocks Green approved by planners with increase in affordable housing in...
Yesterday, Shropshire Council gave full planning permission for 68 homes and outline planning permission for up a further 132 dwellings east of the Ludlow A49 bypass at Rocks Green. The first phase of the scheme includes twelve affordable homes. The scheme by J Ross Developments is expected to accommodate up to 200 homes (17/05189/FUL). It will be built in three phases. The first now has full planning permission has 68 homes, four fewer than originally proposed. Twelve homes on the west of the site will be affordable (18%). This is an increase from the ten affordable homes initially proposed following ...