Labour must stop 'chasing their unicorn Brexit deal' - Jane Dodds Welsh Lib Dem Leader Jane Dodds has criticised Jeremy Corbyn's "intentionally ambiguous amendment" and urged the Labour leadership to stop "chasing their unicorn Brexit deal". Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said: Brexit is a national embarrassment. The Prime Minister's plan B looks no different to her plan A. Meanwhile, the Labour leadership continues to ignore its members, its voters and the country's interests. With just 66 days to go until we leave the European Union, we do not have the luxury to wait for Corbyn to slowly inch ...
Proxy voting for MPs on baby leave might be in place by the time of the crucial Brexit votes next Tuesday night. In response to an urgent question from our Jo Swinson today, Leader of the House Andrea Leadsom confirmed that MPs would get the chance to pass a motion implementing the move on Monday. However, if just one MP shouts "object" the whole project could be delayed further. Many people were horrified that Hampstead and Kilburn MP Tulip Siddiq was put in the position where she had to delay the caesarean section which would bring her son, Raphael, into ...
I accept that this post will be something of a minority interest, but the photograph has much of interest even if you are not a fan of this strange Shropshire town. Next to the gasworks, to the west of the line just north of Craven Arms station, stands the former LNWR engine shed. You can also see some carriage sheds and, in the distance, the signal box controlling the Long Lane level crossing, which is still in operation. Read more about the station and these other buildings on Disused Stations.
Polling UnPacked is an email digest (no more than one email per day) which brings you the best and latest news about British political opinion polling from a range of different experts direct to your inbox: Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Name* First Last If you submit this form, your data will be used in line with the privacy policy here to update you on the topic(s) selected. This may including using this data to contact you via a variety of digital channels.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to ...
Sad news today – the legendary Pat Wainwright has passed away at the age of 85. She was the lynchpin of every by-election in the 90s, running the front-of-house operation. She would be the person who would greet you when you arrived and the person who would make you go out again or stay and stuff an impossibly huge pile of envelopes. I first came across her at Littleborough and Saddleworth in 1995. She greeted us with smiles and very clear instructions about what work we were to do. She wasn't afraid to tear a strip of me for doing ...
Just published: Droplets retain crystal-like structure while sliding on vertical substrate. A news article exploring work undertaken by scientists in Japan, who have observed the spontaneous self-assembly of organic molecules into macroscopic droplets that exhibit unexpected properties. Published by Chemistry ... Continue reading →
It's good to see Karl Popper getting some attention. When I discovered him while doing my Philosophy degree he was deeply unfashionable. Unfashionable both with the subject's Oxford-schooled establishment and with the left, who dismissed him as a Cold War warrior. With the resurgence of anti-democratic forces across the West, his ideas suddenly seem more relevant. In particular, the Paradox of Tolerance he identified - you can find the original text on this blog - has been doing the rounds on Twitter. It has been helped by the Pictoline graphic above, which rather makes Popper appear a kindly, twinkly-eyed figure. ...
Pat Wainwright MBE passed away peacefully earlier this month in a nursing home in Eastbourne, aged 85. For years, she had been the face of Liberal Democrat Parliamentary by-election campaigns, the indefatigable front of house maestro who would welcome you with charm, occasional impatience and always with a steely determination to make the most of your time. That determination was not just reflected in her desire to hustle you out the door again as quickly as possible. It was also reflected in a real concern that the whole campaign made good use of your time. I had the good fortune ...
Current Avalanche Soldier, by Susan Matthews The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga Secret Histories, ed. Mark Clapham δ1 Last books finished From Here To Eternity, by James Jones Blue Box Boy, by Matthew Waterhouse γ1 Next books Fanny Hill, by John Cleland Candide, by Voltaire
Yesterday was supposed to be Blue Monday, but I was excited to be granted permission for a phased return to work. So I did return, today. I'm going to be working reduced hours Monday –...Continue Reading The post Transplant +132: Return to work appeared first on ten pence piece.
Image: BBCSometimes I wonder if there's a race on between biographers of Theresa May to complete their work. Only the first of them to finish will be able to use the title Nothing Has Changed and the rest will have to scrabble around to try and find something, anything, that resonates even half as well. Theresa May became Prime Minister in July 2016 and since then the entire country has been stuck in a holding pattern, eagerly awaiting some vision about what shape Brexit will take only to find that when it came down to it, all we had was ...
Following on from all of the arguments, disputes and political deadlock over Brexit, there has been much talk of holding a new or 'second' (or 'third'!) or 'Peoples Vote' referendum over the issue, to allow 'the people' to make a decision. It is something I have always supported, and continue to help campaign for. And I make no apologies for doing so! From where we are, I don't see any other way out of the situation - we have to understand what the majority actually want, knowing what we know now about both possible outcomes and about the potential wrongdoings ...
If you were hoping to see Britain make an orderly and dignified exit from the EU on 29th March this year then I imagine you think that the Brexit process is going very badly indeed. But if, like me, you hope that Britain doesn't leave the EU at all, then I think you should be delighted with how things are progressing. Some of the problems currently besetting the Brexit process were predictable from the beginning. It was clear even during the 2016 referendum campaign that people were voting Leave for a wide variety of reasons, which (being generous) could not ...
Mon, 12:38: RT @Fhamiltontimes: Daily Mail says that victim in Prince Philip crash was pressured to keep quiet by police liaison officers who apparentl... Mon, 13:24: RT @chrisgreybrexit: Not entirely flippant to say that Brexiters have moved from promising voters they could "have their cake and eat it" t... Mon, 15:16: First of two posts for Martin Luther King Day: erasure in the cinema Mon, 15:59: RT @alexvtunzelmann: Good luck, English learners! See also: "This is shit" = this is bad; "This is the shit" = this is the best thing. http... Mon, 15:59: RT @damonwake: @alexvtunzelmann And sometimes ...
The 3 million EU nationals in this country may no longer have to pay a fee for settled status but that doesn't mean that we can have any confidence in the process. It doesn't mean that we should be any less angry that our friends and neighbours and family and partners are being put through this. They were citizens, free to enjoy pretty much the same rights as us. Overnight they become people who are subject to immigration control. If we could trust the Home Office to make humane, reasonable, rational decisions about people's lives, it would still be insulting ...
I've had an individual membership of ALDE, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, for a couple of years now. As our membership of the EU was under threat, it seemed important to be a part of that wider movement of European Liberals. I renewed my subs recently and paid a little bit more for a "Fight like a Liberal" wristband. It's the ALDE slogan for the European elections. Yes, that's right, that monolithic superstate decried by Brexiteers was underpinned by a Parliament. It's not perfect. It needs more powers, but democracies evolve. And the Brexiteers are howling with ...
The Liverpool Echo has the article on its website – see link below I've always thought that taking out 22 of Liverpool's 26 bus lanes was a backwards step which would inevitably mean later running and more unreliable buses plus it was certainly a poke in the eye to all who hold environmental issues close to their hearts. Yes, it was popular with many car and van drivers; well it would be wouldn't it! My guess is that it was done to make it look like having an elected Mayor for Liverpool City meant that decisive policy changes could ...
The Guardian contains a wake-up call for those MPs who believe that a customs union is a viable alternative to remaining a member of the EU. Pascal Lamy, who is a former head of the World Trade Organisation told the paper he did not see the UK having a decision-making role if it were in a customs union with the EU. Lamy compared the preference of many MPs, including the leader of the Labour Party to the current arrangements between the EU and Turkey: While a customs union would help solve the impasse over the Irish border, the EU would ...
The Brexit shenanigans and the turbulent politics in many other countries is almost enough to make one lose faith in democracy. Meantime, the apparent success of authoritarian countries like Singapore and China act as siren songs for more centrally directed rule. Someone should be in charge! I write this on the plane back from Italy [...] The post Don't just wait around for Mussolini – democracy is actually winning! appeared first on Radix.
Thank you everyone who has reported the problem with the pedestrian controlled lights outside Aldi on Station Drive. This is a busy crossing that links our two supermarkets together. But it hasn't operated properly for several weeks. Previously the lights changed fairly quickly and people got used to that. Now, they take around fifteen seconds to change. The problem has been caused by roadworks by Western Power Distribution last year disrupting sensors. Shropshire Council says it is going to get it fixed as a priority. Image: Google In the last few weeks many of us have noticed a change in ...