It's been a long day today, with the last press release issued after 10 p.m.... Tories "unacceptably risky" on impact of Brexit food shortages Number Ten bows to pressure on FOBT stakes Failures on women's health becoming the norm DUP "punishment beating" comments unacceptable and dangerous 'No Brexit' still a very real possibility Country still none the wiser on PM's blindfold Brexit Brexit will rob UK of crucial cross-border crime-fighting tools Tories "unacceptably risky" on impact of Brexit food shortages Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran has warned the Tories are being "unacceptably risky" as a House of Commons committee finds ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

A 70th birthday tribute.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

There is a petition on calling on Harborough District Council to get its act together and see that the usual Christmas lights go up in Church Street, Market Harborough. (I blogged about this controversy yesterday.) Already it has gained more than a thousand signatures - mine is one of them. As the explanation that accompanies the petition says: Church Street is a lovely small street in Harborough that's full of independent businesses who work hard all year round in the town. The Christmas Lights have been a beautiful feature in Church Street for many years, with lots of customers ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Theresa May's statement in Downing Street tonight seems to have motivated a bunch of people to do something to stop Brexit. They've joined the Lib Dems. More than 200 people have joined @LibDems since Theresa May's statement. That's more than 1 a minute. Join them – and help us fight to keep Britain in the EU: — Greg Foster (@LibFozzy) November 14, 2018 And it must be pretty remarkable if the BBC notices: So, if you have signed up tonight, welcome. Have a look at my Lib Dem Lowdown post from last year to get some idea about the ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

As I blogged last week, an emergency Liberal Democrat board meeting took place last night to discuss the state of the party's finances. PoliticsHome reports that the board will meet again tomorrow, as the meeting broke up at 10.15 without getting through the agenda. As to what happened there: At the meeting last night, board members discussed party spending priorities and budgets for the next three years, during an exchange that overran by some two hours. "It was very lengthy, it was tense and it was heated at points - but there is some positive stuff coming out of it ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I predicted on Facebook this morning that there would be few if any resignations in the wake of the Brexit deal and it looks like, thus far at least, I've been proven right. The thing is, Tories love power. They feel entitled to power. When they have it, even if they are trashing the place, they are not going to give it up. So they grit their teeth and put up with a deal we know that they hate. The deal is by its very nature worse than the deal we have at the moment. For sure, the EU needs ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

New parking charges come into force in Ludlow next Monday, 19 November 2018. Shropshire Council says this will be better for Ludlow. In the town centre, it will cost £1.80 an hour to park from 8am until 6pm, seven days. Pop and shop will be reduced from 15 minutes to five minutes. Castle Street car park charges will rise to £1 an hour and stay will be unlimited, working out at £8 a day. Around the town centre, on-street charges rise and maximum stay. Charges will now apply on the Linney and Coronation Avenue. Costs in Smithfield and Upper Galdeford ...

Posted by andybodders on Andy Boddington
Wed 14th

Hybrid, by Shaun Hutson

Second paragraph of third chapter:He crossed to the sink, filled the kettle then plugged it in and waited for it to boil.This had been on my eventually-getting-round-to list for ages, on the basis that it came up as a possible addition to the list of sff novels set in Ireland. To be honest it barely qualifies. There are two plotlines, set several years apart; in one, a writer in 2002 finds that he is writing a novel without any memory of actually writing it, in what feel to him like alcoholic blackouts; the other plotline is the story of the ...

Read the manifestos from Lorraine Zuleta and Ben Sims, the two Liberal Democrats bidding to be chair of London Region.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

At long last, the "deal" has landed, bringing with it opprobrium from both Leavers and Remainers. Speculation today has mostly been centred on which cabinet members will resign shortly (so far, none have) and whether May has any hope of getting this "deal" through parliament. Thinking ahead, however, a much more interesting question emerges, this one surrounding Labour and their response to the "deal" once it goes to parliament, and with that what the fallout might be for Jeremy Corbyn. Assuming for the moment May's "deal" falls at the first hurdle and then the substantive motions regarding what to do ...

Posted by Nick on

No deal was ever going to better than the deal we have as EU members and this is a very bad deal for the United Kingdom. We are left rule takers not rule makers. The Liberal Democrats won't stand idly by and watch a Tory Brexit destroy our businesses, service sector, and our economy. Far from creating a 'Global Britain', this deal will leave the UK as an insignificant vassal state, tied loosely to Europe but with no influence, and shunned by the rest of the world. Rather than wasting time, money and effort on delivering a Brexit deal which ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

miss_s_b | The Blood is the Life for 13-11-2018 I posted The Blood is the Life for 13-11-2018 to my dreamwidth blog Women Politely Ending Conversations With Men In Art - The Toast If you like what you see here (or even if you don't) please consider dropping me a tip: [IMG: Paypal Donate Button] [IMG: Buy Me an uncaffeinated beverage (because I'm allergic to coffee) at] [IMG: comment count unavailable] comments

Wed 14th

My tweets

Tue, 12:56: What Do Our Oldest Books Say About Us? Another London exhibition for my list. Tue, 14:22: RT @JenniferMerode: I am standing by 7-10 days for EU processes to approve any Brexit deal, after conversations with two more sources. Mee... Tue, 15:23: Another great thread from @PMDFoster. Tue, 16:05: The Trump Administration's Fantasy World | The American Conservative "the Trump administrat... Tue, 17:15: RT @tconnellyRTE: BREAKING: EU and UK negotiators have agreed a text on how to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland, which will for... Tue, 17:15: RT @Telegraph: The Telegraph ...

After last Sunday's win in the Brazilian presidential election, supporters of Jair Bolsonaro took to the streets clad in the yellow and green colours of the Brazilian flag. That people and parties with more liberal and open political platforms have everywhere allowed the extreme right wing to appropriate the national flag and the power of [...] The post How liberals handed over our national flags to the far right appeared first on Radix.

Posted by Joe Zammit-Lucia on Radix

The Liberal Democrats have today announced they will back a cross-party amendment to the Finance Bill to ensure the maximum stake for fixed-odds betting terminals are introduced within six months. Speaking ahead of the vote next week, Liberal Democrat Leader Vince Cable said: "A few months ago I was approached by a mother who was distraught after her son had committed suicide as a result of distress caused by debts that had accrued from compulsive gambling. "There is now a network of grieving relatives who have been brought together by the same dreadful experience. Like them, I want the NHS ...

Posted by LD Neath on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

After an inspection report revealed Border Force staff shortages at British seaports, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey has called on the Government to recruit more officers to secure our borders. The report by David Bolt, the Government's Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, details concerns among Border Force officers that the agency is "resourced to fail" and that, due to staff shortages, "the border is not secured by any stretch of the imagination". Home Office accounts show that funding for the Border Force has been cut by 8% in real terms since 2015 and the number of ...

Posted by LD Neath on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Responding to documents published by the European Commission which show that British visitors to EU countries will require visas if their stay exceeds 90 days in a 180 day period, Brexit Spokesperson Tom Brake said:"Now we are beginning to realise why the Brexiters wanted everyone to get new, blue passports; to collect all the visa stamps they will need to travel as freely as they do now. "This will come as a real shock to those who spend their winter months in Spain or Portugal and will now see additional costs and potential queues providing extra baggage. "Theresa May and ...

Posted by LD Neath on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Following the passing of a motion in the House of Commons yesterday calling on the Conservative Government to publish the legal advice it has received on Brexit, Liberal Democrat Brexit Spokesperson Tom Brake said: "Tory Ministers must now be honest and upfront with the public and make available the final legal advice they have received on Brexit and the Northern Ireland backstop. "But frankly, Labour too have a problem with legal advice. Does their legal advice confirm whether Brexit is stoppable or whether their six tests are legally compatible? The public are entitled to know. "Both parties need to be ...

Posted by LD Neath on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Brexit deadlines come and go. Agreements are nearly achieved, but 95 per cent ready is 0 per cent agreed, as both sides are keen to remind us. However, it does now seem that as we approach Christmas and an apparent timeline cut-off point for some sort of Brexit political agreement (the trade agreement will take [...] The post Is this the last chance saloon for the Brexit hard right? appeared first on Radix.

Posted by Peter Fischer Brown on Radix

A pilot Metrolink offer launched on Monday. These 'Early Bird' products are aiming to reduce congestion by encouraging travel at times where there is less overcrowding. The reduced prices are available every weekday until Christmas Eve but only on the 'Get Me There' smartphone app and must be purchased before 7am. There are two options: Early Bird – £1: Unlimited travel on all Metrolink tram services from start of service until 7.30am. Early Bird Plus – £3: Unlimited travel on all Metrolink tram services from start of service until 7.30am PLUS unlimited travel between 1pm and 3.30pm and unlimited travel ...

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone

Fracking is on our doorstep but how many folks really appreciate that and indeed the troubles that it could well cause in mid-Sefton and West Lancashire? The process is advancing in Great Altcar, West Lancashire and at some point, subject to further permissions etc. a green light could be given to start fracking under our communities. Lydiate, Formby, Ince Blundell, Little Crosby, Hightown, Crosby, Little Altcar, Great Altcar, Maghull, Downholland are all within range for the process to take place below them. But, have a look at this Channel 4 News video which details what has happened in Holland and ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

Panorama this week revealed large numbers of social housing tenants on Universal Credit owe more than double in rent arrears on average than benefit claimants on the legacy Housing Benefit scheme. The new benefits scheme is sending many council tenant's rent arrears spiralling. Research conducted by the show revealed that across much of the UK, Universal Credit (UC) claimants owe local authorities an average of £662.56, compared with £262 .50 on the Housing Benefit scheme... Universal Credit was rolled out in Flintshire, North Wales in April 2017. UC claimants there owe the council an average of £1,424, six times the ...

Posted by Joe Bourke on Liberal Democrat Voice

Pictures of the old Bury library that Victoria Wood visited as a child are now on display - alongside her letter 'admitting' book theft. Victoria was a regular visitor to the Junior Library when she was a Bury Grammar School pupil, and these images of the Junior Library and the Reference Library show how the buildings would have looked at the time she visited. Next to the old photos is the original letter that Victoria sent to library staff in 1999, which says: "Dear Sir/Madam, I've just looked at the label inside this book, and I have a feeling I ...

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone

This week (12-16 November 2018) is the 25th National School Meals Week, a week to celebrate the important role school means provide in keeping children healthy, well nourished and well educated. The event website features a resource page for parents with lots of great ideas around cooking with children. According to a national survey in the run-up to the week, the nationals favourite school lunch is Curry with the clear winner for dessert Chocolate Sponge and Custard......

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone

I have stopped watching Question Time on the BBC, I have too much respect for the safety of my television. Last night as Brexiteers lined up to condemn Theresa May's deal as a sell-out, the red mist descended again. I hadn't felt that way since I last dived for the remote control as David Dimbleby introduced Nigel Farage for the nine thousandth time. Brexiteers like Boris Johnson who had made promise after promise about taking control just under two and a half years ago, who had offered us £350 million a year for the NHS and trade deals galore, and ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

St Margaret's Church Christmas Fair takes place this Saturday, 17th November 10am to 2pm, St Margaret's Road M25 2QB There will be a variety of stalls; a well stocked cafe; Father Christmas in his grotto. Admission 50p. accompanied children free. Please let us know if you have a community event that you would like us to include in these emails.

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone

On hearing that a technical deal had been done for Brexit Jacob Rees-Mogg said that "it is a failure of the government's negotiation position, it is a failure to deliver on Brexit..." The news is that the technical deal has been done and the document is over 200 pages long. It is reported that there will be a meeting on Wednesday (14th March 2018) at 2:00 pm with the Cabinet to discuss the proposed technical deal and at the same time ambassadors of the 27 EU countries will also get copies of the deal. It is being speculated that the ...

Posted by Tahir Maher on Liberal Democrat Voice

Register your free place online at or search Al-Maktoum College Symposium 2018 on Eventbrite. For more information, please email