[IMG: Me and local leaseholders outside the Civic Centre] Last week I attended a Council meeting that Haringey Lib Dems had called to try to halt the Council's plans to waste vast sums of money on ridiculously overpriced TV aerials (you can see a webcast of the meeting here). The Labour-run Council have decided to install very high-specification digital TV systems in all their Council housing – at a cost often exceeding £1,000 per flat. According to leaked reports, this is 7 times more expensive than systems being installed in some other London boroughs. The cost to the taxpayer of ...
Did you see the BBC's 'Question Time' programme last week..? I thought it was a good panel. Among them my old favourite Charles Kennedy. And the ever-tart, and irrepressible, David Starkey. Why am I telling you this? Well, I was struck by what David Starkey said about politics and celebrity. I can't quite remember how it came up... ...
It has been one of those non stop 12 hours out of the house days. I've been in 3 Council owned buildings during the day and 2 were so hot the window had to be opened letting in a draught, the other had such a hot kitchen I thought the cooker had been left on. So much for reaching our carbon reduciton targets here! However I did get an unexpected 30 minute break and as 2 of the...
[IMG: freaky-photoshop-photo-21] Back in June I wrote a piece called "Why I wont support Armed Forces Day". At the time I was disappointed that the armed forces seemed unable to stop the goverment using them for their own political ends. I even went so far as saying that I wanted to see the Army "stand up to the Government" . Of course I was not suggesting tanks at No10 - more like not allowing the government to use them as cover or excuses for their actions, politely but firmly refusing Government involvment in Armed Forces day and being totally honest ...
Please check out this blog which will tell you a great deal about some of the issues causing concern in Stretford that will have a profound effect on Chorlton if implemented. Will bog in detail soon
Stockport Council are only responsible for maintaining temporary traffic lights. If the lights are permanent you will need to report the details to Greater Manchester Urban Traffic Control (GMUTC.) GMUTC are responsible for the control and maintenance of the traffic signal network in Greater Manchester. Their contact details are: General Office: 0161 247 3175 Fault Control Room: 0845 600 1220 General fax: 0161 228 1530 Email: gmutc@manchester.gov.uk
I've always felt uneasy about civil servants becoming too politicised and the Tories' latest announcement does not bode too well. There are already clear guidelines about the movement of politicians into the private sector, I always think they could be tightened up, so that they do not benefit from the knowledge, experience, and contacts they have made in public office. This does not always work as well as it should, viz Ken Clark at BAT, Bernard Ingham and BNFL, etc. The Dannat affair, diminishes him in my eyes, because I cannot help but go back over what he has said ...
Earlier this year I went through the wide-range of different business models that newspapers could look to copy in order to survive in an age when so much news is found for free online. A different way of looking at the future of newspapers is to focus on content; i.e.what content is most likely to have a monetary value? That's what Alan Mutter has done over on his blog.
Today, I got involved in a Feminist campaign at the University, which seeks to challenge objectification within the Student Union. It was interesting to learn about the motions that have been passed in the Union, where the Union has agreed to make sure that objectification of women does not occur, but then they do exactly ...
Seen in a shop window in Oakham.
So on we go with Nick Clegg's Demos pamphlet. Chapter 4 is titled "The economic crisis". These sort of publications have a short life, but this one seems out of date after only two weeks because there is so little in it about the budget deficit - "savage" cuts or anything else. But in a way that is no bad thing. Economic debate in politics has declined to such an extent that a penny on or off income tax - which in normal times should be policy small change - is seen as all there is to talk about. So ...
In response to questioning from Paul Waugh, the Conservative Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, has detailed exactly what he would like to see in the history curriculum. Details are over on Paul Waugh's blog and what strikes me is the way it skips past the historical clashes between the Christian west and the Islamic Middle East. That phrase is a huge simplification of a complicated and nuanced theme stretching over many years, yet military conflict between Christian and Muslim forces were a regular part of European and Mediterranean history. Not just the crusades, with their large and ...
The Conservative County Council want to close Warwick Fire Station. Liberal Democrats Councillors are opposing this closure. There are 3 things you can do to keep up the pressure to Save our Fire Station. Complete the consultation Complete the consultation form and return it to the Fire and Rescue Service Deadline for return is 8th December 2009 - we strongly urge you to wait until after the meeting on November 10th to complete the form. You can download a copy of the form from http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ and follow the Fire Service web site. Write a Letter Write a letter to go ...
I went over to Walthamstow last night to hear Vince Cable speak. It was at an event organised by Walthamstow Liberal Democrats to celebrate Black History Month. Vince, as per usual, was a great speaker introducing the event. He is so knowledgeable and spoke elegantly on the history members of other races settling in Britain, reminding us that black and Asian people were here long before the
BLAAANG! The opening G11sus4 – probably the most famous opening chord since Wagner's Tristan chord, opens what is the first Beatles album to really feel like a Beatles album. This is the album you would imagine all the other early Beatles albums to be if you hadn't heard them – full of pop classics, all originals ...
I just happened to watch a bit of Countdown today. All I would say is that Rachel Riley is in grave danger of making a few old men extremely happy over their high teas, as she sticks up her consonants. -Not sure about the standard of maths on the programme though... Today I managed to work out the maths conundrum to the exact number, while both contestants and Rachel couldn't manage it. Now that wouldn't have happened in Carole Vorderman's day....
A range of popular websites, providing useful services such as information on local job vacancies and planning applications, have been closed down following the Royal Mail's decision to crack down on the use they made of its postcode address database. As Alex blogged previously: With postcodes so increasingly important to national life, it's ridiculous that they are not public data that is, as a minimum, free to use for non-profit organisations. It's that non-profit issue that is key. I've no problem with the Royal Mail making money from people who want postcode data so that they in turn can make ...
So you're a Tory. You believe in lower taxes, you are suspicious of Europe, you believe in the institutions of state: the Queen, the Union, the military. If you had to pick out one area of government to be supported over all others you would probably go for the military. You thus have to pity Dave. He has worked so hard since 2005 to make the Tories electable. He has shut the more loony parts of his party up, he has changed the logo, he has sidelined his only serious challenger, David Davis and he has tried to 'out New ...
I've spoken to a member of the Licensing Committee who has told me that after a very long meeting and hearing evidence from both sides the committee today upheld the original decision to suspend Club 195's licence. So the club will remain closed at least until a full hearing later this month. As I mentioned below, local residents are entitled to submit their views to the committee but should do so by 13 October (next Tuesday).
The other day I came across a fascinating little episode in political history via the Wikipedia entry on Ruth Dalton, wife of the Labour chancellor. That entry links to the Commons maiden speech by Helen Goodman in 1997: It is an honour to be the first woman MP for Bishop Auckland, and that honour belongs to Ruth Dalton, who took the seat in a by-election in 1929. Her husband, the then MP for Peckham, had already been selected as the Bishop Auckland candidate for the forthcoming general election when the sitting Member unexpectedly died. Meanwhile, in Peckham the prospective candidate ...
Thousands of police officers forced to retire after being injured in the line of duty face having their injury pensions cut back to minimum levels, research by the Lib Dems' home office team has found. Previously, officers were allocated an additional sum each year to compensate them for the injuries they received, even when they reached retirement age. However, since Home Office guidance was issued in 2004, many forces have reassessed officers when they have reached retirement age and reduced their injury awards to the lowest possible level. The Labour Government's recent response to a consultation on this subject suggests ...
In-depth historical research has shown the profile of the most likely candidate to win the Presidency in the USA. The model used predicted the winner correctly in 25 or 28 past elections, missing in only very tight races. So, if someone wants to maximise their chances of being President they should: -be called John Smith (i.e the more common name wins) -be heavy -be very tall -have an ancestor who was President -have a father who held high political office -Be an only child -have lost at least one parent before the age of 30 -Be married (not divorced) with ...
I used to have a tutor (to whom I owe my extensive knowledge of middle Anglo-Saxon cemeteries), who once got himself into a spot of bother as follows: According to [Dr Maddicott], students at Oxford can get through a degree in history, without knowing anything about Magna Carta or the Glorious Revolution. Mention the Black Death ...
As Andrew Allison points out in his blog, "If he had listened to the question, he would have given the appropriate answer. He didn't and he has paid the price." To be fair, it's not just confined to the Tories, but as George Osborne also showed this morning on Radio FiveLive, irrespective of the question asked the consumate politician will answer the question they want to answer, not the one that is being asked.
Conservatives show their true colours - all that talk of being liberal was just that - "talk"...
[IMG: freaky-photoshop-picture] I should be grateful really - for all the pretence at liberalism we have heard from David Cameron of the "nice" party over the last year or so, it was Chris Grayling, the anonymous-looking Conservative home secretary, that actually showed us the real face of the Conservatives in his speech today. Perhaps his speech was off-message; perhaps after all the talk of action over Europe (or lack of it) the high command felt the need to offer the Right a bone; I suspect however that this is, actually what Conservative liberalism actually looks like... ...an all out assault ...
Well the feedback from my poll on my blog's colour scheme was universally negative. Therefore I've changed to a new template from Marzuki Jalil. I have kept the yellow colouring (personal preference/Lib Dem allegiance), but the main text is on a white background now.So hopefully your eyes won't try and jump out of your head when reading my headblurts from now on.No doubt I'll be tweaking things
One thing I hate about the American Family Association (AFA) is that they seem incapable of expecting anyone to give impartial advise. Therefore it was sadly no surprise that their latest outcry came to my ears. Kevin Jennings, is the head of the White Houses Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. 21 years ago he told a student that if he was having a relationship with an older man, he should be careful to use a condom. Now for starters surely that is sound and sage advise, even if the young man were already sexually active with other men. As ...
LDV post-conference members' survey (2): 'savage' cuts, tuition fees, 'mansion tax' and the leadersh...
Over the weekend, Lib Dem Voice invited the members of our private forum (open to all Lib Dem members) inviting them to take part in a survey, conducted via Liberty Research, asking a number of questions about the party and the current state of British politics. Many thanks to the 200+ of you who completed it; we're publishing the results on LDV over the next few days. You can catch up on the results of all our exclusive LDV members' surveys by clicking here. First up, LDV asked: In a media interview before the party conference, Nick Clegg spoke of ...
When the historians come to write the obituary of the outgoing Labour government what will they say was the greatest missed opportunity of their 13 year reign? According to the New Statesman, Tony Blair told his friends, upon leaving office, that the greatest regret of his premiership was abandoning what his one-time mentor Roy Jenkins called the "breaking the mould" options open to him in the wake of new Labour's landslide victory in 1997. Several of these options still remain open to Labour in its final months under Blair's successor, Gordon Brown, including: the introduction of proportional representation for the ...
Mr George Osborne and his friends show their solidarity with low-paid workers.
Whilst I accept it was a bit of a coup (hopefully not a military one!) for the Tories to recruit former head of the army, General Sir Richard Dannatt as an "adviser", the guy has instantly undermined his position as a respected voice for the army and our troops. From now on he will be seen as the voice of the Conservatives.The additional unfortunate point for him is that the Conservatives are not
The Tories' claim that they would save billions by moving the male retirement age from 65 to 66. This is sheer nonsense. It is simply impossible for the Tories to save £13bn a year by raising the state pension age for men alone. "Boy ...
Almost a quarter (300) pupils at Linlithgow Academy have called in sick over the last few days, 135 of these have shown flu like symptoms, over 100 are suspected of having swine flu. At Linlithgow Primary School which adjoins the campus a further 40 pupils out of a roll of 415 are off sick. All parents of both schools have been written to and the council is following Government advise at this time and not shutting the schools. The high incidence rate may be the indication of a fresh cluster developing as the weather took a sudden turn for the ...
It's firework season again soon, when children whoop and dogs whimper in equal measure all over the country. The only place where whimpering out-does whooping is on Bury New Road, where for the last two years a dodgy fireworks seller has set up shop in a portakabin opposite St Mary's Park. His appearance has not been welcomed by many local people, rightly concerned that the "safe fireworks" message is not helped by someone peddling dynamite from a street corner box. It's not easy to stop kids hurling lit fireworks at each other and at passers-by at the best of times. ...
Success! The Minister for Social Justice and Local Government, Brian Gibbons, has just announced during a Welsh Liberal Democrat debate pressuring him on the issue of council tax that he will be ending the anomaly that sees service personnel charged full council tax in Wales. In Scotland and Wales service personnel are currently charged only 50% council tax. The following press release has just been issued by Peter Black AM. You can read his previous comments on the issue here. The Welsh Liberal Democrats have welcomed the decision by Brian Gibbons, the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government to ...
The news that General Dannatt is to join the Conservatives as an adviser has been welcomed by the Tories today. As a former head of the army, Dannatt is a big hitter and it is a real coup for Cameron to have him on his team. However, I think the manner in which this has happened could eventually come back to haunt Mr Cameron. General Dannatt has publicly attacked Gordon Brown's handling of the war in Afghanistan accusing him of having chosen options to save money. It is currently fairly unusual for a former army chief to launch such an ...
One of the problems with Councils is that they tend to drown in their own bureaucracy. There's rarely ever a meeting without at least one person too many round a table. And it's even rarer that said meeting doesn't ramble on far longer than required. If I was in charge I'd do away with tea and coffee for most meetings. Then I'd do away with the chairs. Sadly, I'm not in charge of anything, and so by my calculations I waste approximately a third of my life listening to people repeat themselves, commit to things they have no chance of ...
This was introduced at the Cheadle Area Committee last night (and all the other area committees over the week). I'll just quote from the Stockport website. Have you a 'Big Idea' about how your local area can be improved? What would make your community flourish and do well? If you had the power, how would you make this happen? However big or small your idea might be Stockport Council wants to hear from you. For your 'Big Idea' to be successful it has to improve your local area in one of the following ways: Improve your local economy. Improve the ...
Now this is not the normal place for a Blog on this subject but I think this is important to many as football is expensive enough already. The article here covers the story well including a few extra details not mentioned here. So why is this not being reported as a bad thing in the national press? Well is it because many papers are showing the game on there websites and earning money from it? Maybe it's just too soon, but I'm not sure the average football fan is not happy about the game being internet only. Surely it ...
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to stand in for the Deputy Mayor who was unable to attend a function. I'm always delighted to do these events - I had such a great time as Mayor and loved meeting all the people who are contributing to the community. I've now got a photo to share with you from the Library Service, and we have to thank the librarians for another hugely successful project. Over the summer 3000 children in the borough enrolled on the Summer Reading Challenge, which this year was titled 'Quest Seekers'. They were encouraged, with ...
A Norfolk Labour activist is suggesting that people buying a round of drinks be effectively abolished as people's alcohol consumption could be monitored on an "entitlement card". His suggestion would mean that if you bought a round the whole round would appear next to your name on your record of alcohol consumption. This would stop you buying rinks for your partner, it would stop people drinking if they had had too much. Presumably also creating a black market for people who don't drink to also sell their entitlement to someone else ? And of course on top of all this ...
[IMG: David ireland] ...and no, I don't mean David Cameron. I've made the point on this blog a few times before but the reason I first got the bug to campaign for action on empty homes - nearly four years ago now - was all down to one man: the inspirational, indefatigable David Ireland. And one phone call in the summer of 2006. Fast forward to 2009... - Lib Dem councillors in Reading are actively campaigning in Redlands, Katesgrove and across Reading to bring the numbers of empty private properties down. - Empty homes is a standing item on the HHCC Scrutiny Panel agenda ...
I blogged yesterday about the problem with the Conservative's proposal to increase the inheritance tax threshold. BBC political editor, Nick Robinson, interviewed David Cameron today and he went a little further than others have when questioning him about the contradictory message of advocating expensive tax cuts for the rich while simultaneously claiming that reducing Government ...
This is going to be one of those emotional poilitical statements that I disapprove of myself, but I hope you can forgive me. Listening to the headlines, I'm left with a feeling that the Tories haevn't changed. Telling people that the Conservatives are bad news may not be what many people want to hear, particularly those riled to the point of rage with Brown and looking for reasons to justify it. The overwhelming impression I got from listening to the message of "tough choices" and "all of us in it together", is that these weren't tough choices. Was it an ...
Responding to the news that Crosby Labour MP Claire Curtis-Thomas is standing down at the next election, the prospective Liberal Democrat MP for Sefton Central Richard Clein said: "I'm not surprised by this announcement as it is clear that Ms Curtis-Thomas was heading for defeat. She has gone from being the most expensive MP to the most inactive and like a Gormley statue has been doing nothing, saying nothing and is unable to stem the incoming tide of rejection at the ballot box. "The reality is she knows that, with no councillors in the new constituency, Labour cannot win. "The ...
Just clearing up stuff from LGBT Pride and came across a card for a social group and thought I'd give it a plug. TransForum Manchester Trans Discussion & Mutual Support Group Jenny-Anne Bishop (Group Coordinator) call 07500 741955 or jennyannebuk@yahoo.co.uk There is so many different types of google searches that lead people to my site it might be useful. ...
On a post about the Conservative Conference, interesting left wing thinker Left Outside has turned the conversation onto the question of Karl Polanyi and whether markets are natural or not: are free markets intrinsically against the interest of people? By coincidence, this also relates to a discussion with Geoff Payne of the Social Liberal Forum. They (accurately) discern that CentreForum do not represent all of Lib Dem thinking - well, we are independent of them - but in my view inaccurately set up a distinction between a belief in free markets, and "economics as if people matter". As I argue ...
The new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which has just started its run in the US, features a reunion of the four main characters from Seinfeld. Can't wait.
Peter Millea, Richard Oglethorpe and I were on a ward walkabout yesterday. Well I say walkabout but it was more of a drive about as the rain seemed intent on interfering every now and then (luckily we avoided the real downpour later in the day though) Obviously we are out and about most days but in this case we wanted to show the new neighbourhood manager for South Liverpool some of the issues raised with us. I'll be reported back on various of these as they are looked into and (hopefully) sorted.
Concerns are rising about the future of rural schools in the Ribble Valley, reports County Cllr. Allan Knox. First came a report in the Lancashire Telegraph on Monday where it reported: Former headteacher Bob Stott, who is now in charge of education from birth through to 18 at Lancashire County Council, said they may appoint one head for up to three primary schools to ease the crisis. The next day Allan received a email from the Tory cabinet member in charge of rural schools which contained a briefing note for a potential themes that could be considered in a review ...
She was deeply committed to Truth. Following in the fine tradition of Quakers and other Christian radicals, she believed in Speaking Truth to Power. Anna Politkovskaya was indeed a Christian, as Lord (Frank) Judd emphasised in his tribute today at the thanksgiving service at St. Bride's, Fleet Street, for the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, but above all ...
If cuts in public spending are savage and premature, then the consequences for our economic health could be even worse than the harm done to public services. I'm sure you have all heard talk of: green shoots, economic recovery, lights at the end of various tunnels, and a return to growth. It is claptrap designed to support a return to business as usual - what might also be labelled the old order – and we've all been hearing it for months now. Liberal Democrats should not be taken in. While we may be in the first phase of an epic ...
I agree with Mark who reckoned this morning that the fact that David Cameron had a full champagne flute in his hand last night at a Spectator fringe event was largely a non-story. At least I agree that supping the champagne in itself is a non-story, I trust it was a decent example of the vintner's art. What made the whole thing a story is that the Tories have been trying, and failing, to control the media agenda at this, which for them, is a crunch conference.It is the conference before a General Election and as a party looking to ...
I have been quite busy working to highlight the systematic problems that cause the situation where Birmingham has the problems as identified in Monday's report. I will do a detailed post at some stage about this.However, it is my view that Birmingham is far from being the worst Childrens Services Authority for Child Protection. It is, however, the most honest.
Back on 19th September, I reported that the City Council had agreed to trim overgrown shrubbery and trees in Pennycook Lane, following my raising residents' complaints about this with the Council. Click on the headline above or go to http://tinyurl.com/pennycook to read the earlier article. An officer in the Waste Management Department has now advised me : "My colleagues in Contract Services have received the work order from City Development but have advised that the Pennycook Lane car park will need to be closed to the public for a full day in order to carry out the required works on ...
Sky News has reported a story today about a couple from Wisconsin who watched their daughter suffer from undiagnosed diabetes without seeking medical treatment for her. Instead they invited friends to sit around and watch her on the floor as she deteriorated, became unable to eat, speak, drink or walk and eventually died. At first this story seems quite inexplicable and you might think that the parents and the friends they invited around are pure evil. However the parents and the friends actually had the best of intentions. Dale and Leilani Neumann and their friends are religious and they thought ...
So as I headed to Pret in Piccadilly Gardens for a spot of lunch today I noticed Independent's excellent chief political columnist, Steve Richards, was sitting outside eating soup and no doubt contemplating the goings on at the Tory party conference. After I'd got my sandwich I went and introduced myself to Steve and we had ...
Liberal Democrat prospective MP for Redcar Ian Swales has responded to the news about lack of Government support for the local chemical industry. He said: "I am shocked that the Government is doing so little to protect this country's vital strategic industries. Lord Mandelson's reply amounts to an insult when we're talking about such a big slice of the national economy. This is not just about jobs although that is absolutely vital for Teesside. It's also about security of supply for the important materials that our society needs. I worked at Wilton and Billingham for over 20 years. I can't ...
Commenting on George Osborne's address to Tory party conference, Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable said: "This set of deficit reduction proposals is Lib Dem Lite. "The sum total amounts to nothing more than a drop in the ocean and will not deal with the structural deficit. "What is more, Osborne has in effect guaranteed that these policies will merely pave the way for a return to traditional Tory politics - hitting the public sector now to pay for tax cuts for millionaires later. "Only the Liberal Democrats have made a commitment to bringing public spending under control whilst making ...
It is normally the formula for social acclaim: from a humble background, a young man uses hard-work and ingenuity to make a success of himself, and becomes a multi-millionaire. His story shows that in our society, through motivation and dedication, anyone can achieve prosperity. It is quintessentially the American Dream, and is a prevailing ethos throughout Western culture.Normally.But Curtis
As I've said before, I think the idea of centralising power in councils into one person isn't a very good one, regardless of whether that person has the title of Mayor, Leader or Lord Grand High Poohbah. But it seems they don't go far enough for the Tories: Twelve cities across the country would hold referendums to ...
The October edition of Total Politics has a piece from me on how local authorities can learn from the Obama campaign's mastery of the internet to build communities of active and engaged residents. You can read it over on my blog. The basic theme – too many councils are trapped in the idea that a good online presence equals a 1990s style website which you then just expect people to come to – is one I also talked about in one of The Voice's fringe meetings at Bournemouth Conference. The podcast of that, along the contributions of Jo Swinson MP ...
Liberal Democrat prospective MP for Redcar Ian Swales has responded to the news about lack of Government support for the local chemical industry. He said: "I am shocked that the Government is doing so little to protect this country's vital strategic industries. Lord Mandelson's reply amounts to an insult when we're talking about such a big slice of the national economy. This is not just about jobs although that is absolutely vital for Teesside. It's also about security of supply for the important materials that our society needs. I worked at Wilton and Billingham for over 20 years. I can't ...
Lib Dem campaigner, Vic D'Albert has called a public meeting to sound out public views about Bury Council plans for The Longfield Suite in Prestwich. Vic D'Albert, who is also Chair of Prestwich Area Partnership said, "I know there is a great deal of concern following the article in the Guide/Bury Times last week. Local Councillors are also deeply concerned because so far as we are concerned the suggestions so far albeit vague, would appear to fly in the face of the proposals previously agreed as part of the Love Prestwich Strategy. Especially the perceived threat to the much prized ...
[IMG: http://www.wikio.co.uk] [IMG: Mushy] A while ago, at Lib Dem conference, I attended a very interesting fringe meeting with Nick Harvey MP, Lib Dem Shadow Defence Secretary, and Kate Hudson, Chair of CND, to discuss nuclear weapons. It has been estimated that the Trident replacement will cost at least £76 bn, but Nick Harvey pointed out that this value should be in the region of £104 bn! Of cause, should Trident be scrapped today the 'bail-out' savings wouldn't kick in until at least 2014. Currently, the UK has a continuous at sea deterrent - this not only reduces the sub-fleets ...
Today is Vladimir Putin's Birthday, so I thought I would add another country to my series of 10 Famous... and go for 10 Famous Russians. This is of course to demonstrate that there is much more to Russia than the man who is taking his country down a dark road to failure. It is actually an immensely difficult task to make the choice, not only because Russia is quite a multi national state, but also because the list of Russian talent is amazingly strong, nevertheless I have made as eclectic selection as I could: 1. Alexander Pushkin- the most beloved ...
I read a novel once where the author recieved a brown envelope through the post containing the diary of protagonist in a long forgotten mystery. I have been getting more than my fair share of such post recently. First the book which must be the biggest Tory own goal of the generation in this town and now I have recieved a second package I must admit that the second package was a pleasure to read. It contained 13 thin yellowing pages of quarto paper. The document was typed on an old fashioned typewriter and there are no corrections-not a drop ...
Hip hip hoooray. Good news in the latest email I've had from Islington Council. The green box doorstep recycling scheme now takes a wider range of plastics. So - note to self - you can now recycle: Plastic bottles of all kinds, including: Mineral water, cordial and cooking oil bottles Milk bottles Coloured and clear fizzy drinks bottles Bleach and cleaning fluid bottles Shampoo and shower gel bottles Detergent and fabric conditioner bottles Plastic containers of any size or colour, including: Yoghurt pots Food trays Ice cream tubs Margarine containers Fruit punnets Plastic bags (yay!) Magazine wrapping (cue scramble in ...
Mornings like this I can live without! On the Council side, I've reported a faulty green light on the traffic lights by the newsagents on Gatley Road, been working on how to crack the parking issues on Oakfield Avenue in Cheadle, chased up the poor condition of the alleyway from Gatley Station past Brentwood Drive to Gatley Road and had a long chat about the Tatton. Work was an accountancy morning, so less fun. Now off to have some lunch.
It was always going to be difficult for the Tories to suggest to the world that they had seen the light and come over all socially liberal. When Pickles suggested that there you couldn't put a cigarette paper between Lib Dems and Tories on such issues Norman Tebbit spoke for most Tory activists by wondering out loud what exacting was in that cigarette paper-maybe drug reform will be the next Tory policy announcement. Now news reaches us of how these obvious contradictions are being played out. It is hard to present yourself as socially liberal and take up with the ...
Huw Lewis shows his mastery of YouTube videos.
I was just listening to the radio - Nick Ferrari - to be precise. Bridget Stevenson, Brown Owl leader in Hammersmith to 24 brownies is being forced to retire (after 20 years) having reached Girlguiding UK's mandatory retirement age of 65. Given that Girlguiding UK says this policy is under review - and having listened to Bridget (who skis, plays tennis and is much loved by the girls) surely this is an opportunity for Girlguiding UK to use common sense and suspend their policy pending the outcome of that review. It is so hard to find enough good people to ...
Tuesday: Master Gideon has demonstrated a NEW talent: reading aloud. Who'd have thought? A couple of weeks ago, Mr Vince "the Power" Cable put out a pamphlet spelling out some of the PAIN we will have to suffer because of Mr Frown's economic mistakes. He got NO COVERAGE. Now, Master Oboe cherry-picks the passages that will play well to Conservatory Conference and he is treated as the New Messiah*. In which case, I have here a novel called "Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol by Millennium Elephant" that I should like to sell you for a couple of million dollars please. ...
So I'm getting out of my car in 2009 when suddenly everything goes dark. I wake up to the strains of Human League ('Don't you want me?') coming from the car. I am wearing a hopelessly over-tailored suit weighed down on one side by what appears to be a house brick - until it starts to ring. My car is a red Audi Quattro. I look around in vain for Keeley Hawes (well wouldn't you?). I switch on the car radio and instantly I am reassured, for here is something I can understand. I am in the 1980s. The Tories ...
As I covered previously, Liberal Democrat Voice is helping two academics do a survey of the readers of political blogs. If you've not yet done the survey, it would be great if you could spare a few minutes to complete it. Thank you!
Can we get real? On the one hand the Tories claim that the Lisbon Treaty is not likely to be adopted before the next general election, and therefore possibly not at all, and on the other hand they are going wild at the prospect of Tony Blair becoming 'President of Europe'. I'm with them in not wanting Tony Blair to get the job. I appreciate his presentational skills - they are hugely impressive and work as well in the European Parliament as in the House of Commons -but I believe the man deceived MPs, launched an illegal war that led ...
[IMG: nick-john-hannah.jpg] The Liberal Democrats will win Manchester Withington constituency at the next general election according to a recent influential poll. In the largest ever survey of the country's marginal parliamentary seats, the independent political research organisation, PoliticsHome, has forecast a further swing away from Labour nationwide with Lib Dem MP , John Leech, set to win Manchester Withington for the Lib Dems. These findings, which are based on direct interviews with voters, come just days after Prime Minister Gordon Brown predicted a Labour win in seat. John Leech said: "I'm obviously grateful that this poll suggests that local people ...
[IMG: Out on the 'Big Canvas' in Woodside] It is quite something when we go out en mass - us Liberal Democrats. In recent months, we have adopted a new style for canvassing where we all get together in one particular area every couple of weeks. It makes it fun. The response is very warm on the doorsteps too. Cllr Lyn Weber (who organises these events) is doing a fantastic job - and may I say - it is the best organised anything I have ever been involved in - so huge thanks to Lyn.
Last month I wrote about some of the ways to make comment moderation more nuanced than a simple publish / don't publish decision, such as the way in which Labour List tags some comments as trash - and it is then up to the site visitor to decide whether or not to read such comments. I also highlighted the perils of the Daily Mail's approach - letting people vote comments up/down - because that often simply produces a herd mentality that reflects the opinions of the readers rather than the merits of the comments. Extending the range of example approaches, ...
Last night the Berry Edge Residents Association had its AGM, and I bowed out as secretary after two years. I had only ever offered to take the job on to enable the completion of the projects the association has had under way for the five years since it reformed, and now hope to leave the job in the safe hands of a new secretary - though those hands are yet to be offered. If you could spare a couple of hours a month, let me know and I'll pass the information on. It was an upbeat meeting, with the chairman ...
A bustling, vibrant playgroup at Pitreavie Playing Fields was my visit this morning. Led by parents this chairity received a glowing report from the inspectors. Take a look for yourself... www.pitreavieplaygroup.com
My first thoughts about today's BBC report of the Google-sponsored fringe meeting at Conservative conference weren't wholly complimentary. "Google sponsored meeting says route to electoral success is to give money to Google; gosh, shock!" But on reflection the real lesson of the story is the reminder of how little most people know. I suspect most readers of this blog will find the ideas in that BBC story all very familiar, and there is nothing in there that they haven't known for years. But - crucially - the fact that the BBC website (which has a good record on reporting technology ...
There is more in the media this morning on the disappointment felt by many campaigners concerning the outcome of the Assembly Government's bid for powers to legislate on the Welsh Language. Frankly, I am not surprised at their anger. The final Legislative Competence Order is a real dog's breakfast. Westminster have tied up the Minister's room for manoeurve and tried to draft the measure for us. The arguments over the level of government funding that would be required before an organisation is required to embrace bilingualism is a valid one but it should be determined by the Assembly when it ...
Two big stories Cuts are in the air this conference season, but none of the parties are calling for these ones. The BBC reports that British Airways is cutting 1,700 jobs and introducing a two-year pay freeze for cabin crew. Evidently asking employees to work for free, as the airline did a few months ago, didn't do the trick. Meanwhile, the Daily Express reports that little seems safe from the Conservatives attempts to out-cut Labour and the Lib Dems. Ministers' pay to be cut. MPs' jobs to go. All but the lowest paid civil servants to have their pay frozen. ...
FTSE Performance 2009 Source: FT There are now several commentators who are arguing that the global market rally is "too much too fast". George Soros, Nouriel Roubini and Robert Prechter have all independently issued warnings about the potential for market volatility. This comes on top of serious emerging problems with the US Dollar and the growing crisis in Latvia which could have serious consequences across Europe. The dramatic spike in the price of gold to hit new highs is a reflection of a profound sense of underlying crisis, despite the market rallies in stocks that are in anticipation of a ...
So apparently David Cameron was "caught" drinking a glass of champagne at an event yesterday. The Daily Mirror has decided to go big on this story today. They clearly think that it is extremely damaging for the Tory leader to be photographed doing this and their headline is: David Cameron seen drinking champagne as Tories reveal wage freezes and pension cuts They also have a quote from union leader Dave Prentis: It is sickening. This is the real face of the Tories. Champagne for Cameron and his crew, as though the recession never happened, while millions face a thirsty future ...
The Conservative Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, looking all serious in long trousers at the party's conference in Manchester yesterday, solemnly trotted out the new Tory mantra: 'We're all in this together!' The deliberately Churchillian echo was designed to conjure up wartime nostalgia, of getting everyone to put their shoulders to the wheel at a time when ...
Liberal Democrat prospective MP for Redcar, Ian Swales took the Save Our Steel campaign to the recent Liberal Democrat conference. He is pictured with Lib Dem leader and Sheffield MP Nick Clegg. Nick said " I am very concerned that our Government is not working with other European Governments to ensure a level playing field for our steel industry." Ian Swales said "we have to get as many people as possible behind the campaign to save the local steel industry. I was fortunate to be able to state the case to so many parliamentarians at the Conference."
The next election is increasingly going to be one for the the manic depressives of this country. George Osborne's speech yesterday was a mixture of the glum, the moody and the foreboding sacrifices ahead for this country. The man struggled to break into a smile throughout the whole event, and if his whole demeanour is carried ...
So, the Conservatives' much-trailed plans to freeze the pay of "high earning public officials" means everybody on £18,000 a year or above. That is basically everybody earning one and a half times the minimum wage, including many people who qualify for help such as tax credits to keep their families at a decent standard of living. If the Conservatives think that hitting ordinary families on less than the average wage is hitting "high earners" it shows how out of touch they really are.
Yesterday I covered the anti-homophobes letter from amongst others Stephen Fry, Partick Stewart, Eddie Izzard and Jo Brand. Today there is news that the he president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Vivian Wineman, has also sent a letter to the Conservative leader over his alliance with far-right groups in Poland and Latvia. There is rising concern about just what some of the Tories partners stand for. In the same way that under the gloss that Nick Griffen likes to put on the BNP there is a lot of concern about the core values of what he party ...
The Assembly's Enterprise and Learning Committee has published a timely report today looking at the economic impact of higher education. The report appears just as the Government's budget delivered savage cuts to Higher Education, chopping 5% off the funding for the entire Higher and Further Education Sectors. The Committee found that the huge potential for Higher Education Institutions to improve the Welsh Economy is not being met and calls on the Labour-Plaid Government to "prioritise investment in them accordingly." Commenting, the Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Minister for Education and the Economy, Jenny Randerson said: "This report shows the budget for ...
[IMG: tony-blair1] The view in the more hysterical reaches of the Eurosceptic press is that Tony Blair is heir apparent to become President of the European Council should the Lisbon Treaty be ratified. This fits a neat narrative for those on the Right who wish to warn Cameron that Lisbon is roughly synonymous with Armageddon. Tony Blair is the only man in three and a half decades to have successfully challenged - indeed, reversed - the electoral ascendancy of the Tory party. He is feared, respected and reviled by Conservaties in about equal measure. But the major issue about Blair ...
Lib Dem Work and Pensions spokesman Steve Webb was quick to share his thoughts about George Osbourne's plan to raise the retirement age with Lib Dem Voice readers yesterday. Today he has issued a stinging rebuke of the implications of the Tory scheme for women: Women have been a total afterthought to this announcement. It is simply impossible for the Tories to save £13bn a year by raising the state pension age for men alone. George Osborne's plans would require the pension age for women to increase each year until 2016. The Tories must come clean or risk leaving every ...
It's well-known that Mat and I don't watch tv all that much. So it was mere happenstance that tonight we tuned in to the first episode of a new series on BBC4 called It's Only A Theory, which is a sort of panel show devised and hosted by Andy Hamilton. I'm SO glad we did. And I am even more deeply in love with Reginald D Hunter than I was before. Do try and catch it on the watch again. It has a couple of kinks that will need ironing out, but it's shaping up to be great. And at ...
ITV London have picked up on the Banksy work in Sutton and featured it on the six and ten o'clock news programmes today. You can view the article here: http://www.itv.com/london/artorgraffitti70978/ So far there has been a lot of support for keeping the work with 85% of people who have sent an email to the council saying we should keep it. The site will close on 31st October, so why not have your say on the Sutton Council email address artorgraffitti@sutton.gov.uk
Something about the previous post reminded me of something, then I realised it was this: In The Know: Is The Government Spying On Paranoid Schizophrenics Enough?
I find myself in possession of an unused ticket for the Libertarian Alliance Conference on the weekend of 24th/25th October at the salubrious National Liberal Club. Long ago I agreed to an invitation from them to speak at the conference, and did not realize at the time I bought my ticket, that speakers were invited to the whole weekend for free. So, as a one time only offer, I suggested that instead of a refund, I would offer my ticket to someone who would want to attend but who was not in a position to spend £85 for a ticket. ...
David Cameron doesn't want any country to ratify the Lisbon Treaty including the final two countries. Unfortunately all the other countries already have ratified it. Are you starting to think that David Cameron is in a minority? Even in his party there is a split. Eurosceptics are asking for a commitment to a referendum. He won't give it. I had thought about asking a dozen or so people whether they would vote for a referendum in Britain on the Lisbon treaty but after asking four times I gave up. Nobody knows about this treaty, so let me explain. If we ...
Sunday: Or, as the former Chancellor, actually put it: "We realise we have got to present some substance, a bit more seriously." All right, maybe that's not QUITE as exciting as my headline, but everyone was EXPECTING Mr Andy Marrmite to follow up his question to the Prime Monster: "So, Mr Frown... what pills are YOU on?" With a question to Mr Balloon of: "So, Mr Balloon... what pills are YOU on?" Instead it was a terribly OLD-FASHIONED interview: Mr Marrmite asked perfectly reasonable questions... and Mr Balloon refused to answer them. He really DOES thinks he's Prime Monster already! ...