Read about how you cna help here.

Posted by Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Home Office Watch is highlighting an embarrassing Whitehall leak: the Home Office's anti-leak guidelines for workers on the National ID Register have themselves been leaked! If you are as concerned as we are, please sign our petition.

Posted by Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Latest LibDem broadcast

Its no secret here in Wales that I have supported Kirsty for a long time as a potential Welsh Lib Dem leader. So todaysresult is a great one for me personally. However I also think it is a great day for politics in Wales too and marks thefirst step in the changing of the guard, as well as being the first female leader she is also the first leader who wastoo young to vote in the 1979 referendum

Posted by Pete Roberts on Politics from a Mid Wales town

Pendle Lib Dems Press release:Leading local Liberal Democrats met the "Missing Link" train from Skipton to Colne when it arrived at Colne station earlier today, including the leader of Pendle Council Councillor John David, County Councillors David Whipp and Sonia Robinson, and Councillor Tony Greaves who has championed the Colne-Skipton project in the House of Lords. Tony Greaves said: "It is thought this is the only public excursion train ever to bring people for a day out in Colne! "The milling crowd on Colne station was a joy to see. "The SELRAP campaign group are doing a fantastic job and ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed's Blog

I don't usually read the Fail, but someone else linked to this article, and I had to share: A mother who bought a Scrabble game for her eight-year-old son's computer console to improve his vocabulary has told of her disgust after it produced a string of swearwords. Tonya Carrington, 36, gave her son Ethan the Nintendo version of the much-loved word game, enabling him to pit his wits against 'virtual' characters, but she was horrified to discover that the computer-generated players were laying down words containing crude slang and abuse. Now she is urging other parents considering buying the popular ...

Posted by SB on The Yorksher Gob

As most literary scholars now accept that the model for Bonkers Hall is Nevill Holt, the news that its current owner David Ross has resigned as a director of Carphone Warehouse is bound to attract attention. According to the BBC: Mr Ross used 136 million of his 177 million shares as security against personal loans without telling anyone in the company.He has admitted doing the same thing with shares of Big Yellow Group and National Express.Coincidentally, this is not the first time that allegations of financial impropriety have surrounded the occupant of... Lord Bonkers hurriedly interrupts: That was all looked ...

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

The latest Calder's Comfort Farm has been posted on the New Statesman website: I had not heard of Len Duvall before today. He sounds like a ballroom champion whose attempt at Continental sophistication - by adopting "Duvall" - is undercut by his first name. Maybe he is one of the less popular judges on Strictly Come Dancing?He turns out to be the leader of the Labour group on the Greater London Authority.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

Yes, it's Regional Executive time once again. Today, I'm listening to the Proclaimers... "But I'd be happy When next I ask the time If I find I've wasted none of mine Listening while you wasted all of yours..." It's looking like it'll be another grim evening...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

When the Maoists came to power I asked a couple of times (here and here), if we should be worried about the Maoists being in control of Nepal. Afterall Mao Zedong, The Kymer Rouge, and all that the Maoist did in Nepal's civil war. Anyway it seems there isn't too much to worry about the moment. They don't seem to know how to handle Government. How many leading parties have you heard of that have threatened to pull out of their own Government? Well that's what Prachanda's Maoists are threatening to do. They're criticising the Napali Congress (the previous rulers), ...

Posted by Alasdair W on A Radical View
Mon 8th

Goodbye Haloscan

When I first started blogging I used Haloscan to manage my comments instead of Blogger. This was because Blogger had only just introduced comments and Haloscan had a ton of features. After a while I discovered that I was helping out a lot on the forum, and soon after I became a moderator and got a free premium account. When I finally moved from Blogger to Wordpress I decided to stay with Haloscan for the comments, however today I finally moved on. There are several reasons. Haloscan was "sold" sometime ago, and the new owners just weren't the same as ...

The situation in Eastern Congo is a horrific one. Ethnic divisions have been carved up by militias since 1994, as they carry out ethnic cleansing and gross Human Right's abuses. The region has been at the heart of the deadliest conflicts since WW2 which has killed over 5million. The UN mission is not equip or well funded enough to deal with it. And the Congolese Army isn't well disciplined, organised and effective. That's why we've seen the Humanitarian Catastrophe unfold lately, which has left a quarter of a million homeless. The history suggests solving the problem is hopeless. But it's ...

Posted by Alasdair W on A Radical View

Dad called tonight to inform me of the sad death of Councillor John Walter, Conservative councillor for Larksward Ward in London Borough of Waltham Forest. Although a member of a different political party, Dad always spoke well of Councillor Walter. This will now result in another by-election for the Waltham Forest team, the sixth in the past year. Last Valentine's day the Lib Dems won a seat

Posted by Neil on Neil Woollcott

A bit late on the update, as I don't have a blackberry! Today, the new leader for the Welsh Party was announced. Kirsty Williams. Firstly, congratulations to Jenny Randerson who ran a campaign which got most of us students invigorated and interested. She was a strong, friendly, warm candidate and I know we all look forward to spending more time with her as a local AM again! But obviously, congratulations to Kirsty. She will be a sincere voice for the Welsh Lib Dems, able to take the fight to the other three parties. It is fair to say they've had ...

Posted by CSLD on Cardiff Student Lib Dems

Zimbabwe is in meltdown as the Cholera epidemic grips the nation, hyperinflation continues to boom out of control, 90% are unemployed and no effective Government has been put in place. The situation is disastrous and radical, urgent actions must take place. The kind of action Desmond Tutu has been talking about. So you'd hope that we in Europe would take some radical action. Well they've imposed travel bans on 11 more people! What will that do? Mugabe had a travel ban and was still invited to Portugal for the AU-EU summit. We ourselves may not be able to take military ...

Posted by Alasdair W on A Radical View

Wolverhampton South West Liberal Democrats have announced their candidates for the 2010 local elections. Congratulations to the following successful candidates.

Welcome to our live Q&A session with Steve Webb, the climate change and energy spokesperson. It's dead easy. Click into the box below to get started with your questions, or just to read what others are asking. The chat will go live from 6.30pm. Note on how Cover It Live works: Once you've hit send, your question goes into a queue and waits for me (your host, Alix of Mortimer) to ok it. There is a facility for me to permanently allow up to ten commenters (so your questions appear straight away and don't need moderating) but I probably won't ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 8th

Britblog Roundup 199

This week's roundup has the Redemption Blues.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England
Mon 8th

We're all you've got

The battles about the 1600s were about the power of the King and his servants vis a vis the power of the people. The King has now been replaced with the Prime Minister. One problem with our constitution is that the Prime Minister substantially controls the Legislature. When it comes to a legal way involving the use of words rather than force for the people to control the King the only solution

Posted by john on John Hemming's Web Log

The BBC is reporting a controversial legal ruling in Australia where someone was found guilty of possessing child pornography because he had cartoons of the Simpson family, including Bart and Lisa, engaged in sexual activities. The judge ruled that the animated cartoon could "fuel demand for material that does involve the abuse of children,". In other words, it's illegal to possess this because it could motivate you to get some real child pornography. So anyone who heard a reference to the London Olympics logo resembling a certain fictional Simpsons character performing a certain activity can now consider themselves a sex ...

Posted by Costigan Quist on Himmelgarten Café
Mon 8th

The return of Dr Death

I returned home this evening to find the latest constituency newspaper from the Lib Dems on my doormat. And on the back page there was a photo of a familiar figure. In what must be his first appearance in any Lib Dem propaganda for the best part of a couple of decades, there was Dr Death himself, David Owen. In fairness, the picture was from 1984 and it featured in a tribute to the late Lord Russell-Johnston. But it was an interesting blast from the past nonetheless.

Posted by Bernard Salmon on The Sound of Gunfire

Great to see Kirsty elected as the new Welsh Liberal Democrat leader, this is a call for change in the party in Wales. And Jenny also got a strong vote, which I believe is a positive thing. Jenny should play a big part in Kirsty's team. The BBC reports: The mother-of-three looked tearful when the result was announced at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff. She said her

Posted by Duncan Borrowman on Duncan Borrowman

A series of videos of the Memorial Service which was held in Manchester on Friday is now up on You Tube here. It is very moving and a wonderful tribute to Neil.

Posted by Liberal Neil on A Liberal Dose

I attended the Climate Change March on Saturday, mostly to seek absolution for my lack of domestic recycling, but also to support the Cleggmeister in his attempts to sway hippies with powerful rhetoric. Previous readers of this blog will know I love protesting. There's always a little bit of theatre that makes me believe it's all [...]

Posted by declineofthelogos on Decline of the Logos

Andrew Lilico has this piece on Conservative Home. Really the substantive body of the piece is an awful lot of moralising about how dreadful things are in Zimbabwe and other places. From this Lilico draws the conclusion that Britain fights 'to few wars'. Lets sample a bit of what Lilico has to say; "We are too happy to let the months slip by, for the most terrible of images of starving children, brutalised women, and mutilated men only infect our television screens for a few days before the news agenda moves on. Eventually, far too late and with inadequate effect ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

City Council's cabinet meets on Wednesday to discuss, amongst other things, the Housing Revenue Account. Fascinating paper for the aficionado and one of the aspects that is truly fascinating is the "through the looking glass" reasoning by HMG. For all the time that I've been a councillor, governments of all persuasion have dedicated (part of) themselves to trying to ensure that everyone has a

Posted by Brian Collin on Oliver's Battery & Badger Farm Councillors

{A sieve} A confidential Home Office document has been leaked to a campaigner against ID cards - the subject of which is... how to prevent leaks. Phil Booth of the NO2ID campaign received the document, which appeared to outline measures to stop employees of the five companies bidding for work on the ID cards scheme from leaking information about the project. It even seemed to suggest that police would not need a search warrant to enter the homes of employees. The Times has the story: "Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, has suffered fresh embarrassment from a new Whitehall leak disclosing ...

Posted by Home Office Watch on Home Office Watch

I'm sorry I've been off line for a couple of weeks - everything was pretty busy, I had fallen behind on my postings and then total disaster struck. One of my closest friends Councillor Neil Trafford (Manchester City Council) was killed in a car crash. The effect has been devestating and it has created a huge hole. I'm delighted to say that the funeral and memorial celebration were both very special and appropriate with the right balance of laughter and tears, but there is still a gaping hole where once Neil shone. But I thought I should explain why there ...

Posted by Ed Fordham on 474 votes to win

It's a shame Lib Dem Peer Lord Lester walked away from his job as an unpaid advisor to Jack Straw on human rights as I see from the Times that Straw desperately needs some advice. Straw has spouted some reactionary nonsense about how the Human Rights Act has become a 'villains charter'. And in an [...]

Posted by Steve on Cllr. Cooke's Blog.

...content to the right, here I am, stuck waiting for the page to load as you've got some Javascript widget which takes forever to load and I give up reading your site. It's also really bad when trying to read your blog on a mobile* as you have to scroll past lines of links to blogs that I don't care about just to read the punchline. So if you are a blogger and are looking for a new template, make sure the sidebar is on the right and if you do insist on it being on the left, use CSS ...

Mon 8th


Eid mubarak to everyone who is celebrating it.

Posted on singing my song

News just in: Kirsty Williams, AM for Brecon and Radnorshire, is the new leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats.

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

I have recently been reading Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, and this section from the end of Chapter XVI particularly caught my attention: [B]y the greatest miracle of all, this postwar world of super-international controls and coercions is also going to be a world of "free" international trade! Just what the government planners mean by free trade in this connection I am not sure, but we can be sure of some of the things they do not mean. They do not mean the freedom of ordinary people to buy and sell, lend and borrow, at whatever prices or ...

Posted by Tom Papworth on Liberal Polemic
Mon 8th

So much for "peak oil"

It seems a long time ago, now, but just prior to the recent recession the price of oil reached new heights and wild predictions of $200 a barrel and more were flying around. At the time, many energy- and environment-pundits, including some among the Liberal Democrats, believing that we had now reached "Peak Oil", that mythical time when the increase in our rate of consumption outpaces the increase in our rate of discovery and so initiates an accelerating decline in supply until the oil runs out and civilisation as we know it ceases to exist. Those who talk about it ...

Posted by Tom Papworth on Liberal Polemic

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as adopted by the UK 10 December 1948

Posted by Alison Wheeler on AlisonW - mostly harmless

Yesterday, we gave you a sneak peek at the back cover of The Tangerine Book, Lib Dem Voice's answer to the Blue Peter Annual. Now, in an attempt to get you to BUY BUY BUY! here's a peek at part of the Index: {A peek at the index of LDV's The Tangerine Book} Hopefully, it's a good taster of the book as a whole. Yes, there's a comprehensive index. Yes, there are a mix of quirky and serious stories from the blog this year. Yes, there are at least 140 pages, and probably more! And, erm, yes, there are typos. ...

Posted by Alex Foster on Liberal Democrat Voice

Last Friday the latest Liberal Democrat TV film was broadcast, and it's now up on YouTube here:

Posted by Nigel Rumble on The Belsize Activist

I seem to have found my way onto the mailing list of something called the Rural Services Network, something that I never subscribed to but I assume that I have been added to because I am a Councillor in a relatively rural Borough. This seems to be happen quite a lot at the moment - I have also been added to a rather strange email list from some anti-european organization (Is this because I write so much about Europe on here?). Normally I would be annoyed by this, but some are quite good - the RSN does seem to be ...

Posted by adriansmith on Cllr Adrian Smith

Monday: If there's a PROBLEM with the BBC's funny-talking money-guru Mr Robert "Hey!" Presto, it's NOT that he knows NOTHING, but that he tends to know ONE thing and make a big thing of stating and re-stating this. But he certainly doesn't have the depth or breadth of knowledge that, say, his predecessor had. Normally, this is fine, because the ONE thing that he knows is the IMPORTANT thing, and the focus of the story. (Then you call up Mr Vince and let him explain it.) But occasionally, it means that he'll TOTALLY MISS the POINT by a country mile. ...

Last time I wrote a piece about something Jonathan Isaby wrote I misquoted him so to be doubly sure this time I think I will let him speak for himself.... "The Welsh Liberal Democrats will discover later today who they have elected as their new leader after a ballot in which members got the chance to choose between Assembly Members Jenny Randerson and Kirsty Williams (my money would be on the latter). But I was astounded to read on Lib Dem Voice this morning that the party only has 2,600 members in Wales. This seems a remarkably small number, since ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity
Mon 8th

De Mortuis....

A principle said to have been first recorded by Chilon of Sparta, but more usually given in Latin is "de mortuis nil nisi bonum decendum est"- "Of the dead speak nothing unless good", or rather, do not speak ill of the dead. Yet there are those where it is very hard to adhere completely to this rule. I don't mean such obvious villains like Stalin, but more nuanced figures. Such a figure is the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Alexius II. His death at 79, announced on December 5th, came after a long illness. In its wake came a raft of ...

Posted by Cicero on Cicero's Songs
Mon 8th


My sexy, charismatic, wise (well, after a few shorts, anyway) friend Mr Costigan Quist writes today of the Labour Government's latest puritanical sallies back into the progressive-conservative don't-do-what-you-want-it's-not-good-for-you brigades of a century ago. Occasional drinking is, they suggest, exactly on a par with helpless drug addiction, and it's just as harmful for your child to see you with a glass of wine in your hand once a week as it is a glass syringe once an hour. Is it bollocks. Good timing, though, with debates raging on how libertarian Liberals should be, and at the seventy-fifth anniversary of prohibition's scrapping. ...

Posted by Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty

As blogged about previously (here, here and here), Conservative MP for Newbury Richard Benyon looked to have broken the rules over Parliamentary funds with his website, using Parliamentary money for party-political work. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards has now written back to the constituent who lodged a complaint, saying that Richard Benyon: has accepted that the content of the articles identified was in breach of the rules of the House in respect of the Communications Allowance ... Mr Benyon has, therefore, apologised for his breach of the rules of the House and he has taken effective action to bring his ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

"I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it." (Margaret Atwood) I've been meaning to write a post about the BNP for a while now - especially since they've begun campaigning in Salford to get their odious [...]

Posted by Steve on Cllr. Cooke's Blog.

The first all-female leadership contest within the Lib Dems - to replace outgoing Welsh leader Mike German - has attracted a 62% turnout among the c.2,600 party members eligible to vote. That suggests either Jenny Randerson AM or Kirsty Williams AM, the two contenders for the post, will need at least 800 votes to win. The result will be announced this afternoon, c.3.15 pm. Both Jenny and Kirsty wrote articles for LDV during the campaign, which you can read here: Jenny Randerson AM: why I want to lead the Welsh Liberal Democrats Kirsty Williams AM: why I want to lead ...

Posted by Stephen Tall on Liberal Democrat Voice

Yesterday whilst driving around town my brakes started playing up. So I drove straight to the nearest garage which was open on a Sunday, the KwitFit on Newark Road. I arrived just after 3 and the sign on the wall said they closed at 4. Speaking to the man inside the conversation went something like this. Me: I think my brakes are faulty. KF: What's the problem? Me: The brake peddle is different and the handbrake is going up much higher? KF: Hmmm... problem is I close in 25 minutes and if I take the brake pads off and they ...

The weekend provided enough time to recover from the whirling fun machine that was Friday night's civic ball. In fact, by about 8am on Saturday I was completely over it, and spent the rest of the time trudging round overcrowded and overpriced Christmas markets looking for gifts. Quite when it became acceptable to charge a fiver for a lump of cheese just because its doled out by a twinkly-eyed fat bloke with a German accent is unclear, but apparently it now is, and people are queuing up to spend their money on it. This week sees a couple of meetings ...

Posted by richardbaum on Richard Baum

I was at Saturday's Climate Change March in London, along with lots of other Liberal Democrats - a good chance to add our voices to the discussion on climate change. As Alex Foster would say, we achieved "cross-media, cross-platform hegemony": See my video of Nick Clegg on YouTube addressing the rally at Parliament Square, plus MPs Susan Kramer and Jo Swinson with their take on it. (I posted a transcript of Nick's speech over on Lib Dem Voice.) Also several Lib Dem twitterers in the crowd were giving their own reports on the action, which could be viewed at sites ...

Posted by Helen Duffett on Paint the town Orange

For most of the 20 years I've been involved in politics I have never been able to work out how the party that has generally been the worse at managing its own budget seemed to believe itself best able to manage the economy. Now it seems that despite having been doing better in the polls for many years, they have still managed to make a balls up of their own finances. Conservative Home has the full story. I particularly enjoyed this comment: "The Board of the Conservative Party needs to start acting like a Board, not like (as former Australian ...

Posted by Liberal Neil on A Liberal Dose

Statement by the Internet Watch Foundation: Statement by the Wikimedia Foundation: (and Q&A ) Mainstream Press Coverage: Associated Press — Wikipedia article blocked in UK over child photo The Guardian — Wikipedia falls foul of British censors and Wikipedia page censored in the UK for 'child pornography' BBC News Website — Wikipedia child image censored Daily Mail — Wikipedia rock band article blocked over 'child porn photo' BBC Radio 4's Today — , includes short interview between Sarah Robertson of the IWF, and David Gerard from Wikipedia (transcript ) Blic (Serbia) — Libération (France) — ...

Posted by Alison Wheeler on AlisonW - mostly harmless

Sitting having dinner before Any Questions? on Friday night, we (guests and presenter) were chatting about the Damian Green arrest and the Home Secretary not knowing that he was going to be arrested. I said - only half-joking - given the acting Commissioner of the Met had phoned Boris Johnson and David Cameron - maybe it was an equalities issue - no need to tell the girlie? Interestingly, John Reid on his feet in the Commons had made it clear that when he was Home Secretary it would be unthinkable for there to be a pending arrest of a member ...

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary

This morning's protest by Plane Stupid at Stansted Airport - can anyone tell me exactly what it is meant to achieve? Yes, they've managed to disrupt one day's flights from one airport and in doing so presumably cost the airlines millions of pounds, but what's the point? They're not going to 'stop climate change' by such actions - although air travel is the fastest growing source of carbon emissions, it's still a relatively tiny amount of the whole. And stopping the planes at just one airport for one day ain't gonna make the slightest bit of difference. And nor are ...

Posted by Bernard Salmon on The Sound of Gunfire

Today's Financial Times carries this story. According to 'party insiders'; "The Tory leader will disown any comments by his MPs that might suggest they do not care about victims of the downturn and force high-profile offenders to apologise". 'Compassionate' Conservatism has taken a bit of a battering by a slew comments from backbenchers and senior shadow ministers. Andrew Lansley, the shadow health secretary, infamously suggested that the recession might be a 'good thing' for the Conservatives. John Redwood was quoted by Gordon Brown who lambasted Redwood's insistence the living standards would "have to be brought down". Redwood insists he was ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

The link is to Hansard in which the following exchange occurredRichard Burden (Birmingham, Northfield) (Lab): On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I seek your advice on a point of order of which I have given you notice. As you know, robust debate is in the nature of politics and no one, least of all you, would want to inhibit that. However, I hope that you agree with me that there is an important

Posted by john on John Hemming's Web Log

The Sun and The Times have stories today which quote me. First, the Sun: SHAMED Haringey Council squandered £19,000 trying to make Baby P scandal boss Sharon Shoesmith look better. MPs were furious last night after learning spin doctors were hired following the tot tragedy. Their role was to give media advice to the head of children's services and her colleagues. Ms Shoesmith, 55 — now suspended — was given role-play exercises by up to three firms on how to answer probing questions from journalists. She twice refused to apologise at a press conference over her department's shocking failure to ...

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary

Last Wednesday was the regular meeting of the Council's Executive Committee. This is the Committee which brings together the nine Executive Members from the ruling Conservative Group. Myself, and the leader of the Labour Group sit as observer (non-voting membes). Review of Residential Accommodation The Committee considered a report from the Joint Scrutiny Commission on residential accommodation for elderly people. The Council has been consulting on its future strategy, and a final report will come to the Executive in January - for further consultation! The Joint Scrutiny proposed that the next phase of consultation should not be on the basis ...

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone

Just a reminder that you should most definitely push aside that blurry to-do list and spend your Monday morning pondering over what to talk about with Steve Webb, the party's energy and climate change spokesperson, here on our live Q&A session from 6.30pm tonight. Short of ideas? Steve has a couple!: I'm looking forward answering questions on any topic but would particularly value feedback on the following 3 questions: - later this week, MPs will put their name into the ballot for a Private Member's Bill; if a Lib Dem comes out of the ballot, what Bill would achieve most ...

Posted by Alix Mortimer on Liberal Democrat Voice

As Mark blogged here last week, Conservative Party headquarters are having to lay off staff and look more closely at their finances. Now ConservativeHome reports that the situation is getting worse, with the headline: "Waste, over-spending and poor revenue strategies contribute to CCHQ's deteriorating financial position" To paraphrase George Osborne (and Fraser Nelson in the News of the World) the Tory leadership did not fix the party's finances during the good economic times and are now facing very difficult decisions as a consequence. Fraser suggests that overall income is down by 10%, that the number of £50,000 donors may have ...

Posted by Helen Duffett on Liberal Democrat Voice

Labour MP for Blaydon, David Anderson, has an occasional column in the Journal, our regional morning newspaper. I am, as you know, often eager to experience the wit and wisdom of political opponents, so I read his article with interest on Saturday. I was particularly intersted to read his claim that once the National Insurance increases are introduced, "no one earning less than £40,000 a year

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

I arrived at Newcastle Central to catch the 7.52am to London, clutching my seat reservation for coach D, seat 67. Try as I might, I could not find seat 67. All the other passengers helped and we were defeated. No seat 67 existed, and all other seats were booked. So I went to the next coach and no seat 67 existed there either. So I went in search of a train guard, found one and brought him to the

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

MP's are debating the arrest of Damian Green today in what promises to be yet another excuse for the Conservative Party to parade it's moral indignation for the benefit of a weary nation. I've said this elsewhere but I think it's worth using this occasion to say it again; I think any energy spent on this is wasted energy and I think that the Conservative Party is digging itself a hole of rather large proportions by continuing to obsess over this matter and we should not follow suit. When the next polls are published I would not at all be ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity
Mon 8th


Is it me or is the drama over the arrest of Damien Green becoming a media witchhunt against the Speaker of the House of Commons? This article in the Daily Telegraph makes it clear that it is almost impossible to remove a sitting Speaker though moves are afoot in the Labour Party to encourage him to step down at the next General Election. In return his son, Paul Martin will be offered his safe seat of Glasgow North West. The personalisation of this issue is regrettable because it detracts attention from the main issue, the nature of Government in this ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM

Yesterday's 'Observer' included an article that I noted with a somewhat jaundiced eye. Apparently, we men are being made to feel less than adequate by comparing ourselves with men like David Beckham and, especially for my old friend and irredeemable Gooner, Sara Bedford, Freddie Ljungberg in their expensive designer underwear. Hmmm... perhaps we might understand how some young women feel when

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

A correspondent kindly draws my attention to a piece by Ruaridh Nicoll in yesterday's Observer. In it the writer and a friend visits the East Midlands in search of the perfect pork pie: Pete's was the pie country, the rolling meadows of Middle England where foxes trot along the edges of ancient hedges before disappearing into rooky woods, and hilltops boast the spires of Norman churches, marking villages with names such as Branston and Stilton.All good stuff, except that Stilton is in Cambridgeshire (and used to be in Huntingdonshire when it was a county). And the subeditor who wrote the ...

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

I think not. A good Speaker will stand up for backbench rights and thus make himself or herself unpopular with the government. So a Guardian headline like Ministers rush to defend Speaker after MPs' public rebukejust confirms the view that Michael Martin was appointed as a Labour Speaker for a Labour house.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

Might it not be easier for everyone if the Government told us the approved ways we were allowed to enjoy ourselves. I suspect the list would be nice and short, each one stamped with Gordon's personal seal of approval. Smoking certainly wouldn't be on the list, with evil smokers wasting our tax money on their hospital treatment and, worst of all, choosing to do something that might shorten their lives by a few years. And now it appears that the mainstay of fun around the world - alcohol - may be for the chop. This is one of those "let's ...

Posted by Costigan Quist on Himmelgarten Café
Mon 8th

Now Tweeting

As some of you have already noticed I've finally got around to using Twitter. I think on some days, like today, when I don't have time to blog as normal I will be able to microblog and at least let you know what is going on in the side bar here and on Twitter. You can follow my Tweets through my user name stephenpglenn.

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal

The newly-founded Liberal Democrat Friends of Turkey (LDFT) has had a festive launch, at a hostelry in Upper Street, Islington. The local PPC, Bridget Fox, and I were delighted to join Turhan Ozen and an ethusiastic group of Turkish-speaking young people, mainly from North London. There is a sizeable Turkish and Turkish Cypriot community in [...]

Posted by jonathanfryer on Jonathan Fryer
Mon 8th

Voluntary Work

A few weeks ago I posted links to some employment agencies and training agencies websites which any readers out there who maybe looking for a job may find useful and last week I posted some links which people who may wish to be self employed or start their own business may find useful.