Fri 5th

OJ Simpson loses again

Not only as been sent down for 33 years - which seems a bit steep to me - he once ran against Mean Ming Campbell. As Pandora recalled in the Independent a couple of years ago: According to Westminster colleagues, Ming's been using the recent furore surrounding OJ Simpson's new book, If I Did It, to wax lyrical about the time he delivered "The Juice" an unceremonious ass-whipping on the running track."According to Ming, back in 1967 he raced OJ in both the 100 metres and the 60-yard dash," I'm told. "Apparently, he absolutely destroyed him."

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace a few years back. He likes to make money out of stupid people. His official biographer summarises his opinion of the site and its users: I don't think that's true. I think it is—if you're on MySpace now, you're a [expletive] cretin. And you're not only a [expletive] cretin, but you're poor. Nobody who has beyond an 8th grade level of education is on MySpace. It is for backwards people.Which, in slightly less fragrent terms, is what I've read about the demographics of MySpace use as opposed to Facebook use (Livejournal demographics are a subset of ...

Posted on Mat Bowles

The winner is Senator Stuart Syvret for his reply to the Jersey Police. Worth scrolling down for.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

This morning I was taking part in a Year 12 (sixth form) debate at Langley Grammar School in Slough, on the motion 'This House believes that the UK should pursue further integration into the EU'. No prizes for guessing which side I was asked to speak on. There was a proposer and a seconder on each [...]

Posted by jonathanfryer on Jonathan Fryer

Our Post Office closed today at lunch time and although Post Office Counters say it's only temporary till someone else takes it on in suitable premises the options for that are few and diminishing. So residents are faced with the choice of travelling down to Yarm which is already busy and has long queues or into Stockton High St which always seems to have huge queues or driving (if they can) to

Posted by Maureen Rigg on Maureen Rigg's Blog

You can see a full collection of the photos taken at the Vince Cable dinner in Newcastle yesterday on my Flickr site: Yes, that is me in the last one. David took it of me interviewing Vince for the video newsletter.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

About the lack of apologies from new Labour about the worst economic statistics we've known in generations. When will they apologise to the pensioners on fixed incomes, those that have been prudent and will be paying for the banks profligacy, those that are unemployed and those that voted for them hoping to `end boom and bust`. It's [...]

Posted by John on Liberal Revolution

A few pictures from the evening of the well-attended Victorian Day. Well done to all the organisers, shopkeepers and everyone who took part. (Music by Bristol Morris Men, who gave an excellent performance)

Posted by Paul Hulbert on Focus on Sodbury, Yate and Dodington

This disclaimer caught my eye whilst buying a TV license: 9. We cannot guarantee that the electronic delivery of your TV Licence, instalment payment plan (if applicable) and your first reminder will be uninterrupted or error free, or that the server that makes them available are free of viruses or bugs. I've gone for postal delivery, just [...]

Posted by Gavin Whenman on Gavin's Gaily Gigest

The Conservatives have done a press release saying that they as a party have got a private company to sweep the home and offices of Damian Green to check for bugs that may have been put there by the Police. I have seen silly and low press releases but this takes the biscuit! This whole press release was to stay in the media image, I accept that Damian was treated badly and it makes the UK look like a police state with his arrest, but that doesn't mean that the Conservatives can come out with crap! We need a committee ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed's Blog

{Nicholas Coombes and Gail Coleshill inspect} Bathwick Cllr Nicholas Coombes and North East Somerset parliamentary candidate Gail Coleshill have been working together to extend the parking restrictions on the Warminster Road. Since residents' parking was introduced in Minster Way, communter parking has moved onto the main road. Most parking is on the North-West (MoD) side, but there are gaps in the double yellow lines on the South-East side. Parking here, between Trossach's Drive and Minster Way, reduces carriageway width preventing lorries from passing. Council traffic staff have now visited the site and are drawing up plans to fill in the ...

Posted by nicholascoombes on Nicholas Coombes

On Tuesday morning I attended the Visitors Day for the Hastings & St Leonard's chapter of Business Networking International. My first meeting with the organisation was at the hugely successful 'Let's do business' event in the middle of last month, and I was impressed with the energy of the BNI representatives and their determination to keep [...]

Posted by nickperrylibdem on Nick Perry for Hastings & Rye

The Evening Standard's annual charity auction, this year is appropriately for disadvanatged children in London, and it features some very attractive prizes. In the top 25 is a prize featuring our very own Vince Cable MP... and I quote- " Lot 24: Curry Favour with the Lib-Dems' Financial Wizard" It's described as: Lib-Dem heavyweight has come to the fore as the most authoritative commentator on the financial crisis" Glowing praise from the Evening Standard! Yes, you can win a curry dinner with Vince and the Standard's City columnist, Anthony Hilton at Westminster's Cinnamon Club Indian Restaurant. Other prizes include- Lot ...

Posted by Meral Hussein Ece on Meral's Musings
Fri 5th

Citizenship day

I spent the day at local secondary school - Moorside High - talking about the work and life of a councillor and answering questions. I spoke to five classes, mostly year seven, and was incredibly impressed with the questions they asked and the way they conducted themselves. It's been heartening to see what great kids [...]

Posted by Steve on Cllr. Cooke's Blog.
Fri 5th

Nick at Fish Central

I've just seen the Lib Dem Queen's Speech broadcast - so proud that it was filmed in Finsbury at the fabulous Fish Central. Nick Clegg was shown chatting to a group of people affected by the recession, including Fish Central's owner George Hussein, who was talking about the impact on his business. Nick set out the [...]

Posted by bridgetfox on Bridget's Blog

From Politics Home... Mr Clegg said that military intervention was now justified in Zimbabwe as the deadliest cholera outbreak in the country's history, which has killed at least 565 people, continues. He said: "I think force is now completely justified, legally and morally in Zimbabwe, the frustrating thing is how, we can't do it". Any intervention would be impossible without the cooperation of Zimbabwe's neighbours, he added. He continued: "What we're seeing is a failed state emerge from the rubble of Mugabe's own brutality and if that doesn't fall under the remit of this new UN doctrine...then I don't know ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

Today's House Points column from Liberal Democrat News. In the event, Mr Speaker did not surprise us. Open House Settle down, class. Open Calder's History of England and we shall read about Charles I and the Five Members. Tompkins, you start: Parliament then passed a law that gave members control over the King's ministers. Charles I was furious and decided it was time to take action. On 4 January 1642, he arrived at Westminster with a great company of armed men to arrest Arthur Huggl... Hig..."Haselrig," you ignorant boy. Arthur Haselrig, John Pym, John Hampden, Denzil Holles and William Strode ...

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

I stepped in for a colleague on Planning Committee earlier in the week, where there was a truly dreadful decision about a new admin building for Hornsey School for Girls. My colleague Cllr Richard Wilson has the story here. The new admin block at the school will come right up to the pavement on the lovely Victorian Street that is Inderwick Road N8. Apart from the awfulness of the decision, there are two depressing facts here. First, the residents, who had worked with the school, were only asking to be thrown a tiny bone - to move the building back ...

Posted by Neil Williams on Neil Williams
Fri 5th

My friends electric

I had a fascinating visit this morning to Port Talbot car-maker Stevens Vehicles today to see their range of zero-emissions vehicles for myself. The cost of fuel may be falling at the moment, but it remains clear that controlling climate change will require organisations and individuals to switch to sustainable vehicles more and more; particularly for short journeys around town. That is why I wanted to visit Stevens Vehicles to see their range of electric cars and vans. With orders from Scotland, the Falkland Islands and from Neath Port Talbot Council, it is clear that interest in their vehicles is ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM

The link is to a story about another aspect of the child protection system. It contains a story in which there is an example of a common technique that institutions use to deal with criticism of attacking the messenger with false allegations. It is claimed that people are "learning lessons" when more effort is going into covering up failure.

Posted by john on John Hemming's Web Log

I must be stupid asking this question to readers but the whole issue was started by Iain Dale. Iain received an image which showed a small child eating the copy of Total Politics that has Nick's picture on the front of it! The person who tells the story of the image asks the question: Wonder if Nick Clegg tastes nice...Then Iain Dale goes onto say: There are at least 30 women who could answer that question... Now they is nothing about the little joke Iain made about Nick, but the problem is that if Lib Dems bring up the talks ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed's Blog

I don't like it when people call me a politician. It makes me cringe a bit, to be honest. Not because the business of representing people isn't something I aspire to continue doing well, or that politics isn't something people should aspire to get involved in. It's because the word "politician" has been hijacked to mean something negative, and completely different from what I want to be and from what I genuinely believe that most politicians are. These days I think, to many people, the word suggests cunning, spin over substance, and the ability to craftily lie one's way out ...

Posted by richardbaum on Richard Baum

While I was in the Far East last week the European Commission published its Recovery Plan. It was discussed on Tuesday by the 27 Finance Ministers and will now go to next week's European Council meeting (EU 'summit' meeting of heads of state and government). While the finance ministers could agree to increase the capital of the European Investment Bank from EUR 165 billion to EUR 232 billion, to allow it to fund new job-creating infrastructure projects, the decision on whether to pump EUR 200 billion (about 1.5% of GDP) into the EU economy, as the Commission proposes, will have ...

h Interesting report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies into the PBR. It looks into the 'distributional effect' of Darling's plans. It is easy to see from this that the claim that this was a 'redistribution' budget is based on no more than smoke and mirrors. Turning first to the change in VAT which was heralded as a boon for lower and middle incomes we can see that in terms of proportion of income it does indeed return the most (2.85%) to the lowest incomes but in actual, cold hard cash terms, it returns the least (£5.43) compared to £17.94 ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

For what it is worth, South Africa seems to be steeling itself to intervene in Zimbabwe (if this report in the Times of SA of 5 Dec 2008 is to be believed). Whether this proposed 'humanitarian initiative' avoids degenerating into a war will probably depend on whether Zimbabwe soldiers who are currently unpaid as the currency collapses even further see a better economic future for themselves in a post-intervention society.* The flight of cholera victims across the border into SA (Matabeleland South is one of the worse affected areas) makes it impossible (literally) to quarantine the overall problem any more ...

Posted by Edis on MKNE political information

On Monday, Lib Dem Voice will be hosting a live question and answer session with our party's Climate Change and Energy spokesman Steve Webb MP. Steve will be here on the Voice from 6.30pm on Monday to answer your questions and emails. You can send in a question on the evening, or submit it in advance to LDV's Alix Mortimer who will be hosting the event. E-mail questions to alix - (this is spam bot hidden email address, replace .hat. with @ and remove for the real one)

Posted by Alex Foster on Liberal Democrat Voice

There's a great posting about green roofs in Islington on the Islington gardeners' website. The roofs range from garden sheds to the Council's Municipal Offices. Susan Lees is keen to know of more, so please send her your digital photos.       

Posted by bridgetfox on Bridget's Blog
Fri 5th

Back from the snow ...

The lack of blog entries since last Sunday is explained by the fact that I have been away most of this week running a Conference in Crieff (with the "day job"). As you can see (above), Crieff Hydro Hotel was a beautiful, winter wonderland during the conference, although it was all a bit touch and go as to how many speakers, exhibitors and delegates would make it there. In the event, almost everybody did and the event was a tremendous success. Here's me pictured (above right) at the event. Now back in Dundee - and in time for my surgery ...

Never let it be said that the British don't know how to milk an anniversary to within an inch of its life. Between the local authority and the combined forces of the road lobby, much is being made of the fiftieth anniversary of Britain's first motorway; not the M1, but the Preston Bypass (now M6 J29 to M55 J1). To add to the joy, Britain's newest motorway also opens today. Or to think of it

Posted by Auberius on Long Despairing Young Something

Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems have boycotted the committee that is going to be set up by the Speaker after the Damian Green case. Personally I think Nick and the Lib Dems have done a great job by boycotting this group of the Speakers cronies! Now its up to the Conservatives to do the same. Both Iain Dale and Guido have said that the Conservatives should boycott this committee and I have to agree! Lets see if Cameron actually gives a damn about Damian Green or not? Pendle Labour MP Gordon Prentice has asked if he can be in ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed's Blog

Crawling from my pit after six days of stomach virus, with Richard recovered too (I generously infected him, though he skipped what he called my "full Exorcist" - not the best way to lose half a stone over a weekend), I notice there's a double bill of The New Avengers and The Avengers on BBC4 late tonight, after 'Charlie Brooker Does That-Russell-T-Davies-Book'. They're ideal if you're not well: one features a killer who carries every infection known to humanity; the other'll make you nauseous. Yes, it's a pretty good New Avengers paired with the Avengers episode kept in the attic. ...

Posted by Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty

Vince Cable was in Newcastle last night so I interviewed him about tax and the economy for my constituents' video newsletter.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Fri 5th

Hain the Pain

Ouch, that's a cringe worthy title. Anyway, speculation that Peter Hain could return to the Cabinet: This is the same Peter Hain who 'forgot' about £103,000. This is the same Peter Hain who lost a (deputy!) leadership campaign despite outspending his opponents. In a time of possible recession, do we want anyone that bad with numbers, and who provides such awful value for money? I mean, if you're going to outspend, at least make sure you win!

Posted by CSLD on Cardiff Student Lib Dems
Fri 5th

Booklist 2008, part 46

66) Dave Stone, Paul Sutton & Joseph Lidster, A Life in Pieces (Maidenhead: Big Finish, 2004, ISBN 1844351084). A Benny story told in three novellas. The style of the three authors meshes surprisingly well. sgloomi's novella was my favourite, but as always, it's hard to tell how much of that is due to bias :-)

Posted on singing my song

Temporary part time barriers at Darlington Railway Station, designed to prevent ticket fraud by ensuring that travellers accessing the platforms have a valid ticket to travel, are to be made permanent in the New Year. This is to be introduced right the way down the East Coast Main Line. This means that only people intending to board the train will be allowed on the platform. No more touching

Up-Helly-Aa as they say in northern parts. The Scottish Lib Dem leader Tavish Scott, or as Lionel would say, Mister Viking Leader, has gone and got himself a page on Facebook, probably a good job he isn't guizing on his new Facebook page then. So far lots of lovely, lovely lib demmy people have already scurried over to be his supporter, and more are on their way I'm sure, they need a pointer in the right direction that's all. Now admittedly it may not be a lot to get oneself a page on Facebook but neither Iain Gray or Annabel ...

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal
Fri 5th

Any Questions? tonight

{Microphone} This evening (Friday) I'm off to Woking for Radio 4's Any Questions? It'll be broadcast at 8pm and repeated on Saturday at 1:10pm, but if you miss it you can listen again on the BBC's website, where transcripts also subsequently appear.

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary

We spy on the LibDem YouTube channel the party's Queen's Speech Broadcast, which airs tonight (17.55 on BBC2, 18.55 on ITV1). But you don't need to wait for it to materialise on your telly box because here it is:

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

More details are here. It seems that there will be no chance for a jury to pass a verdict, it will be left to the voters of Neath whenever Gordon Brown dares to have a general election.

Posted by Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats on Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats

Bradford City MBC, Bingley Con 1949 (59.9; -3.1) Lab 689 (21.2; +4.4) LD Jean Taylor 332 (10.2; -1.4) Green 175 (5.4; -3.3) Democratic Nationalists 61 (1.9; +1.9) UKIP 49 (1.5; +1.5) Majority 1260 Turnout 25% Con hold Percentage change is since May 2008 Braintree DC, The Three Colnes Con 647 (77.0; +24.5) Lab 121 (14.4; +4.1) Green 72 (8.6; +8.6) [Ind (0.0; -37.2)] Majority 526 Turnout 21.5% Con

Posted by john on John Hemming's Web Log

Hat-tip to Luke Akehurst; Bingley Rural Ward, Bradford MBC. Con hold. Con 1949 (59.9%, -3.1), Lab 689 (21.2%, +4.2), LD 332 (10.2%, -1.4), Green 175 (5.4%, -3.3), Dem Nat 61 (1.9%, +1.9), UKIP 49 (1.5%, +1.5). Swing of 3.7% from Con to Lab since May 2008. The Three Colnes Ward, Braintree DC. Con hold. Con 647 (77%, +24.6), Lab 121 (14.4%, +4.1), Green 72 (8.6%, +8.6). Swing of 10.3% from Lab to Con since 2007 (previously independent candidates came a strong second in this ward). Birch & Wintree Ward, Colchester DC. Con hold. Con 745 (58.1%, -12.0), LD 423 (33.0%, ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity
Fri 5th

The 'coping classes'.

We are all looking forward to Plaid Cymru's Party Political broadcast tonight, after all it is not often that a party's spin machine invents a new class of people to focus its appeal on. In this case the nationalists have coined a new campaign slogan - On Your Side - aimed at winning support from the "coping classes". The Western Mail tells us that: The term "coping classes" is the latest effort to come up with a term to describe the section of society once known as the "working class" - a term now regarded as outdated. Focus group discussions ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM
Fri 5th

Hain cleared

Peter Hain is not going to be prosecuted for late declarations to his Labour Deputy Leadership campaign. Apparently the CPS could not prove that it was he who had the duty to report the donations and, therefore, he is not responsible for the late reporting. Apparently, just because the funds were given to his campaign, does not mean that he (or anyone else, it appears) had any responsibility for them or the campaign. If we accept this ruling, then it drives a coach and horses through the legislation passed by this Government to regulate party funding. This instance may have ...

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy
Fri 5th


Question: how much did the Audit Commission spend on this, do you think?

Posted by sanbikinoraion on .

Whilst GB has sought to play down talk of an April or May General Election, the fact remains that it is still a possibility. What has not been explored is the fact that it would be massively hypocritical. How so? Well, the Government has decided to delay the fixed term elections to local councils from the first Thursday in May to June so that they align with the European elections. Their reasoning is that holding two sets of elections will confuse voters, cause voter fatigue and cost lots of money. And yet they now whisper about the possibility of having ...

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy
Fri 5th

An Advent message

My friends (and veteran members of St Mary's Islington) Tom & Barbara Quantrill have sent this advent message: Advent is a time of waiting and of preparation. So often we get caught up in the hurley-burley of practical preparations for Christmas that our spiritual preparations for the coming of Christ goes by the board. Yet [...]

Posted by bridgetfox on Bridget's Blog

The Boundary Committee has now published their draft boundaries for the new Cornwall Unitary Council. The Committee has accepted the case for 123 members of the new body and the first elections should be held in October. This brings two thoughts: First, in my view 123 is too many councillors. Each will represent an average of just 3,200 electors. I hardly wish to see wards of 18,000 plus as in Birmingham (albeit with three councillors for each ward), but I think the new Council could become unweildy with so many members. It will also be difficult for them to know ...

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy

Having up-to-date anti-virus software is essential these days for PC users (though for Macs the question is a little more controversial). However, it's not enough on its own to keep your computer clean and your data safe. In November I blogged about some simple and easy good housekeeping tips for your computer (see the last part of this post), but in addition it's important to keep your software up-to-date and so protected against the latest security problems. Making sure of this can be quite a hassle if you rely on the individual programs to either automatically check for you (many ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

Money is not wealth. Wealth only exists in real things that people produce and you consume, or more properly take pleasure in owning. Unless you are a very sad person whose pleasure is in counting and admiring a pile of bits of crinkly notes, money is only valuable insofar as it allows the person who has it to buy things, goods or services that add to their store of wealth. For most people, money is just a unit of accounting that tells them they have sold their labour (or something else) for a certain amount of wealth's worth that they ...

Posted by Jock on Jock's Place
Fri 5th

Congratulations Nick

Congratulations to Cllr Nick Bason, newly-elected to the London Borough of Waltham Forest, alongside fellow Lib Dem Jane Morgan. Nick and Pamela used to live in Holloway until they migrated up the Victoria line, and Nick's been a popular member of the Lib Dem team. He's worked for a number of charities as a campaigner, so [...]

Posted by bridgetfox on Bridget's Blog
Fri 5th

On the radio again

Over to Middlesbrough this morning for a half-hour phone-in discussion on BBC Radio Tees with my old sparring partner James Wharton, Conservative PPC for Stockton South. The topic was voter apathy, about which probably as much has been written as any other political issue - without reaching any consensus as to why people don't vote or what can be done to get them to vote. Most of the callers

Not all "classic" radio programmes stand the test of time. My humour cut-off seems to be somewhere in the 1950s. Before that, my modern ears find the comedy more miss than hit. It's That Man Again - ITMA - is a good example. In the Second World War it was hilarious, today it falls flat. Programmes like I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again (the forerunner to I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue), Hancock's Half Hour, The Navy Lark (which ran for an impressive 18 years) and Round the Horne stand up better, and you can listen to many of them ...

Posted by Costigan Quist on Himmelgarten Café

Today I am off to Manchester Town Hall to celebrate the life of Neil Trafford. Neil tragically died in a car accident, his funeral was earlier in the week and there is a memorial service in Manchester for him today.

Following on from my post on how the credit crunch is affecting the Twelve Days of Christmas it would appear courtesy of the guys at Christmas Price Index that the price of the traditional song is up 10.9% by traditional shopping or 1.8% on the interweb on 2007. The total song for the Twelve days would cost $86,608.51 by traditional shopping, but $131,150.76 online. While most shopping online will bring benefits in saving it is the Lord's once again who don't like having their leaping antics sold in such a modern way (at least not the cheaper Lords). By traditional ...

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal
Fri 5th

Paddick of the Jungle

Cobden's Comments has finally broken the self-imposed vow of silence (is that embarrassed silence?) of the LibDem blogosphere on the subject of one B. Paddick in the jungle. I have nothing to add to what he said except to add a follow-up Daily Mail article on the subject for your further embarrassed cringing. Yes, I know it's the Daily Mail but the fact it comes across as eminently believable (to me) just goes to show just how badly our former mayoral candidate came across during his fortnight in the jungle.

Posted by LibCync on LibCync

We have only one planning application this month and that is for the erection of a new attached garage with a new entrance at 30 Cameley Green the application was first registered on 27th November 2008 and has a decision date of 22nd January 2009. The application reference number is 08/04423/FUL and if you...

Posted on Tim Ball

I reported yesterday "if you (Camden) don't have temporary lights installed by the end of the next day (4/12) then I will take the matter to the local MP". Glenda Jackson MP was contacted. Senior officers of Camden and the PFIC were instructed. I had an "official" walk-about yesterday with all the senior staff connected with the PFIC so they could see first hand the problem areas. As of 8:45am today I can report that Bray now has the emergency temporary lighting asked. All that remains is that a permanent solution is found for the lighting problems.

Posted by Nigel Rumble on The Belsize Activist

The PA reports: Plans by Speaker Michael Martin to set up a committee to look into last week's police raid at the House of Commons are hanging in the balance after Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg announced his party will boycott it. Both Lib Dems and Conservatives are angry over Government plans to ensure Labour dominates the seven-member committee, as well as Leader of the Commons Harriet Harman's insistence that it must not start its deliberations until the police investigation and any criminal proceedings are concluded. Mr Clegg said that a "neutered" committee of this kind would not serve the ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

According to the BBC, Honda are to quit Formula One. It costs the company £300 million per year to compete and they managed a poxy 14 points last season - well off the pace in all but the wet British Grand Prix. Clearly in the current economic climate, the company could not justify spending so much on failure - particularly as they are cutting back on working hours and on jobs. I have an on-off relationship with F1. When it is competitive it is great to watch. But during periods of dominance by a single team or, worse, driver, it ...

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy

Friday 5th December is Carers Rights Day, this years theme is about "making the most of your money". An event will be held at the Carers Centre, Victoria Buildings, 9 Silver St, Bury from 10.30 to 15.30 ( lunch provided ) Planned items are; 10.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. - Talk on Energy Efficiency This will be repeated 13.15 p.m. to 13.45 p.m. 11.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. - Protect your money from bogus callers (A Halliwell Group Theatre presentation) This will be repeated 14.30 p.m. to 15.00 p.m. 12.30p.m. to 13.15 p.m. - Cooking on a budget (selection of ...

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone
Fri 5th

My Christmas tip

Here's my latest column for a trio of local magazines: Queue early for Christmas {Christmas tree} I got a Christmas Card (how sweet) from the Post Office giving me the last posting dates for Christmas - 18th for 2nd class, 20th for first class and 23rd for special delivery. But given the closure of our beloved Highgate, Alexandra Park Road, Ferme Park Road, Salisbury Road and Weston Park sub-post offices by our hideously, short-sighted Government - it isn't the popping them into a post box that's going to be the problem. It's the long, long queues that will form at ...

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary

Although the idea of the Scottish Tories was to get an airing for their reformed Council Tax, the vote yesterday in Holyrood for the Abolition of the Council Tax Bill to debate all proposals on the table paves the way for various alternatives to be looked at. It may also be a face saving way for the SNP to not implement a 3p Scottish National Income Tax, which seems to break all sorts of binds to Local Authority accountability, without losing too much face. That is of course if Alex Salmond actually listen to the will of Parliament, which would ...

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal

Dad called last night to let me know that the Liberal Democrats have held two of their council seats on Waltham Forest council. The vacancies came about becuase John Beanse recently passed away and Noel Penstone resigned due to il-health. They both won the seat from the Conservatives in 2006. I remember it clearly as the result was declared at 5:30 on the Friday morning, most of us in the hall

Posted by Neil on Neil Woollcott

The Bexley Times has a story this week on how "Michael Chuter, the Chair of the Joint Committee of PCTs which decided to slash Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup (QMS) of its A&E and maternity unit, was out canvassing for the Liberal Democrats last weekend for the East Wickham by-election.". I really wish they had contacted me, or Grace Goodlad the Lib Dem candidate in East Wickham for a comment.

Posted by Duncan Borrowman on Duncan Borrowman
Fri 5th

Eid al-Adha

Many Muslims across the world will be celebrating Eid al-Adha on Monday 8th December. Eid al-Adha is one of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims.