Mon 24th

Stamp out Voting Fraud!

When the British Electoral Commissioner, Richard Mawrey QC, convicted a group of political activists of commiting electoral fraud in Birmingham shortly before the 2005 general election, he declared that the level of electoral fraud in the UK was enough to 'disgrace a banana republic'. But as the all-party organisation for constitutional reform, Unlock Democracy, stated [...]

Posted by jonathanfryer on Jonathan Fryer
Mon 24th


Try it yourself here.

Posted on Mary Reid

So my late Mum was wrong, she told me not to spend more, then you earn. So whilst I get the "spend now to help the country " bit, why hasn't anybody said what a big problem this could be if the "gamble" doesn't work. Because hey, it's us, yes you and me, that will have to carry the can if it doesn't. On newsnight as I write "the people who know stuff" are pleased to announce that the old right, left argument is back. They debate happily when the election should be ... "it will be in the new ...

Posted by cornish pip on Cornish Pips

The news of Timothy Geithner's nomination as US Treasury Secretary was greeted thus. By who? Well, if it had been a headline from Daily Kos or Huffpo one might not give it a second thought. But it was from no less an august source than The Economist.

Posted by The Burbler on Liberal Burblings

For some reason, the Minnesota Senatorial recount is giving rise to extraordinary outbreaks of political anorakking. First, we have the ongoing detailed discussion of actual contested ballot paper examples on the Minnesota Public radio site. Now, Nate Silver on FiveThirtyEight has, remarkably, gone to great lengths to present a regression analysis on the recounting so far and the potential

Posted by The Burbler on Liberal Burblings
Mon 24th

Budgets, budgets

Hardly a glimmer of good news today. First of all a sombre discussion about the pressures that are looming on the Council's budget. How to continue to fund the extras that Stockton Council and other local authorities provide on the free bus pass for over 60s, the pass introduced by the government with a great fanfare but only designed to work after 9.30 in the morning. That's a fat lot of use

Posted by Maureen Rigg on Maureen Rigg's Blog

The Liberal Democrat website has the full text: "What I fail to see is how the economy receives a major stimulus from, for example, a £5 cut in the price of a £220 imported flat-screen television or a 50p cut in a £25 restaurant bill. Surely it would be much more sensible to put money directly in the pockets of low-paid workers by cutting their income tax, rather than offering them a pathetic £25 and, if they earn over £20,000 a year, the prospect of tax increases."The Government have at last, after 11 years, acknowledged that there is a problem ...

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England
Mon 24th

No to STV for Cincinnati

I posted a while ago about the proposition to switch to the use of STV for elections in the city of Cincinnati. Unfortunately for US electoral reformers they didn't succeed. Make My Vote Count has the details.

Posted by Process Guy on Process Guy

According to the Daily Post David Cameron has pronounced on the future of Welsh devolution from a conference in London. Who says that nobody understands irony these days? Mr. Cameron claims that the creation of the Welsh Assembly has not given people in North Wales the sense they control their own destiny. He may well be right to an extent but then did a succession of Tory Welsh Office overlords parachuted in from England do any better? It was the way that the Tories ran Wales between 1979 and 1997 that gave the impetus to devolution in the first place. ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM

So, 45p income tax on the super rich in 2011. The government estimates it will raise £670 million a year. For the super rich community, that is the equivalent of 10 yachts or two football clubs. Hardly going to be noticed by them. Meanwhile, Darling plans to sting the lower and middle income people for a National Insurance rise that will raise considerably more than the 45p rate. Perhaps this

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The new issue of Total Politics has an interview with Nick Clegg by Shelagh Fogarty: Clegg seems to be a man at ease with himself, courteous to the people around him but clearly the centre of the action.But she is disappointed by his choice of biscuits.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

We now know the details of Alastair Darling's 'crisis budget', the PBR. The Guardian has a brief run-down of the headline changes here, chief of which are: • VAT to be cut from 17.5% to 15% from Monday until 2010 • Top rate of income tax to rise to 45% on those earning more than £150,000 - the top 1% of earners - from 2011 • Allowances to be raised, so this will be worth £145 a year to 22 million basic-rate taxpayers • National Insurance to rise by 0.5% on all rates of national insurance from 2011 The big ...

Posted by Stephen Tall on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 24th

Help the Star

Fantastic local magazine, The Salford Star, is so strapped for cash that there'll be no Christmas issue and they can't print until they get more cash. Sadly the council refuse to fund them - <irony>after all it's wrong to spend council tax-payers' money on a publication that isn't 'balanced'</irony>. Why not show your support by [...]

Posted by Steve on Cllr. Cooke's Blog.
Mon 24th

Oh dear

Everybody is doing the Gender Analyzer test. I think I have something to confess to...

Posted by Duncan Borrowman on Duncan Borrowman

It's difficult to make an independent comment on the pre-budget report when everyone in the entire country seems to have already made one. It's even more difficult when Vince Cable, the man whose views on the economy are derided and then quietly adopted by the government, is already on your side. But on the plus side, I know what I think, and whilst it may not be hugely original, it is nonetheless this: The Chancellor should have cut income tax to make the tax system permanently fairer today, rather than tinkering about with VAT as a headline-grabbing measure. Whilst those ...

Posted by richardbaum on Richard Baum

Over the last week, Lib Dem Voice has invited the members of our private forum (open to all Lib Dem members) inviting them to take part in a survey, conducted via Liberty Research, asking a number of questions about the party and the current state of British politics. Many thanks to the 200+ of you who completed it; we'll be publishing the results this week on LDV. First up, we asked about the current state of the British economy. LDV asked: At our September conference, the party approved the Make It Happen policy document which committed the Lib Dems to ...

Posted by Stephen Tall on Liberal Democrat Voice

We got pulverised with pulsating red "FINANCIAL CRISIS" graphs with shares going vertically downwards on the BBC News for weeks. Now shares go up by 10% in one day and do we get a green graph with the arrow going upwards? (Sample helpfully provided below) Do we heck as like. It gets mentioned in one sentence by Robert Peston. FTSE up 9.84%. Dow Jones IA up by 11% in 2 days. But, those poor

Posted by The Burbler on Liberal Burblings

With occasions like the pre-budget report, it's always worthwhile looking at some of the detail which don't get lots of publicity. A lot of attention has been focused on the mammoth amount the Government is going to be borrowing next year, which is predicted to reach £118bn. The Conservatives have also been trumpeting the total amount of national debt, which is predicted to be over £1 trillion. But that headline figure is somewhat misleading, as the total has actually increased every single year since the war. It's far more relevant to look at the figure for national debt compared to ...

Posted by Bernard Salmon on The Sound of Gunfire

I have been using the tool Website Outlook to work out the value of my blog and its come to a staggering $2102.4 USD which is roughly about £1000. This is nothing compared to the value for Guido or even Iain Dale. You can view my value, the value of Guido, the value of Iain Dale, the value of LibDemVoice and the value of Political betting by following the links.

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed
Mon 24th

Litter Fines Introduced

Bury Council has given go ahead to issue £50 Fixed Penalty Fines to litter louts {attc20ff.gif} Prestwich Anti-Litter Campaign is raising the stakes to tackle litter louts throughout Prestwich and now has Environmental Wardens employed to issue fixed penalty notices in our hotspots. Prestwich Anti-Litter group has spent the past six months raising awareness of fixed penalties for fly tipping, promoting the work of Bury Council's street care teams and improved it, installed more bins where needed, worked to encourage schools, residents and businesses to sign up to the Bury Street Care Pledge, leafleted all local businesses about their Duty ...

Posted by timpickstone on Tim Pickstone
Mon 24th

My thought on the PBR

As I don't have any economic knowledge I cant comment on the proposals by the Labour Party, and the only thing I can do is give you my reaction after reading other reactions! Guido has been dazzled by George Osborne according to his post and so has Iain Dale. Labour were wishing Osborne would mess this up and destroy the Conservative poll ratings but that doesn't seem to have happened. Maybe the plans for a June general election need to be put back into the draw until the next poll that will really show what Brown has. If in the ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed

From Politics Home... "Mr. Clegg criticised the Chancellor's pre budget report. He said "he's given British families a temporary cut in VAT and a massive tax sting in National Insurance which will hurt working families in this coutntry."He added: "This 45p rate on earnings over £150,000 is irrelevant. That is a great pity because it now leaves Britain more vulnerable to the economic shock and more unfair than it was before."He gave Mr. Darling's pre budget report "barely a 5" out of 10." Good agitation points for people in Labour heartlands I think here....

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

Alistair Darling's emergency budget is a damp squib that will do very little to help the economy. The Government has missed a golden opportunity to cut income taxes for those on low and middle incomes. The reduction in VAT is too small to have any impact.

LDV's own Alix Mortimer has already live-blogged Labour's pre-budget report, the Government's response to recent economic turmoil, which (to my eyes) looks like being more dramatic than expected, and less effective than needed. Alix was quick to pick up the (deferred) impact of the national insurance hike: This 0.5% on National Insurance. I smell another 10p fiasco. NI already hits lower earners disproportionately hard, with a current rate of 11% on your earnings between about £6,000 and about £40,000, and then 1% above that. What is this "offsetting" which will miraculously absolve those earning below £20,000 from being hit? Very ...

Posted by Stephen Tall on Liberal Democrat Voice

Three posts in one day. By Jove. Admittedly the other two are of little substance, and in fact neither shall this one be. Nonetheless... An e-missive informs me as follows: "The Chancellor has just announced that ... rates of duty for alcohol will be increased by 8 per cent, making the increase this year a whopping 17 per cent" The message comes from the Drinkers Alliance, a group (admittedly set up by industry) seemingly pushing for more liberal policy towards alcohol. I present their petition to you, and recommend signing it.

Posted by Julian H on Orange By Name...

Here's a story from a few days ago that I missed at the time (can it possibly still be news after ten days in the Internet age? I really hope so). The class system is alive and well in Labour's NHS. When bonuses are taken into account, the boss of the NHS in England, David Nicholson, is seeing his already-considerable pay increase by a massive 32%. Meanwhile, over the last three years the budget for senior NHS management has almost tripled to £3.4 million as the number of top managers has grown from 8 to 24. Senior doctors and GPs ...

Posted by Costigan Quist on Himmelgarten Café

Funny how the Pre Budget Report seems to have overtaken the Budget itself in importance in the political calendar. Is this because of timing - autumn being a more feral political season? Or is it because the traditions of purdah don't apply to the PBR and so the Chancellor can get away with leaking whole chunks of what he is going to announce. Or perhaps it is just that it is treated as a statement and so there is much less time for speeches and for opposition comment. Anyway, the meat and drink of the statement seems to be dividing ...

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy
Mon 24th

Pre-budget report

What you didn't read: Captain of the Titanic Alistair Darling has put a champagne cork in the hull in his pre-sinking report as part of an 20 minute package aimed at saving the ship. But magic pixies - and compulsory prayer - will roll out to help make it work.

Posted by Gavin Whenman on Gavin's Gaily Gigest

According to the amusement de jour, this blog is 77% likely to be written by a male. Could they not have got a bit more of a clue from the name?

Posted by Alex on A Lanson Boy
Mon 24th

Getting it wrong

It takes a special sort of genius to mess up both the politics and the economics of a Budget statement, but I reckon the Chancellor managed both today in his 'pre-Budget report'. First, the politics. You would think that announcing a £12 billion tax cut (VAT down to 15%) would be the sort of thing most Chancellors would dream about. Yet this was leaked over the weekend, so when he announced it in the middle of a long and dull statement (lasting nearly an hour) Alistair Darling barely raised a cheer. Likewise the 45p income tax rate on the highest ...

Posted by Steve Webb MP on The Webb log

When he became President George W. Bush selected a painting to hang in the Oval Office entitled "A Charge To Keep". He tells visitors that it depicts the Methodist Circuit Riders, who in the 19th spread the Good Word across the Alleghenies. But he is mistaken. It actually shows a horse thief fleeing a lynch mob. This for me sums up the disconnect between reality and what goes on in the presidential head. Roll on 20th January 2009 when we will at least get a different picture on the wall and hopefully a president who does not suffer from the ...

Posted by Edis on MKNE political information

OK, everyone else is doing it, so I thought I'd also try the Gender Analyzer and the result I got was 90% male. So I decided I'd also try two of my favourite female bloggers, Alix Mortimer and Caron Lindsay - Alix's blog is 71% male, while Caron's is 83% male.

Posted by Bernard Salmon on The Sound of Gunfire

With Darling stood uncomforably at the altar, like some kind of miserable, awkward, irksome, misguided man of the cloth, I feel a small economics lesson may be in order. As reported live(ish) by Ms Mortimer, a £20 billion "stimulus package" has been announced. "And what might this strange, exotic thing be?" you say. Well, my pedigree chums, wise souls among you will be aware that such a measure has previously been used by almost-ex-US-President George W. Bush. Like all W. Bush's policies, this was a remarkable success, as reflected in his subsequent popularity ratings and in the recent elections--in which ...

Posted by Julian H on Orange By Name...

15.31. The PBR has just got underway, with Darling solemnly recounting Labour's received wisdom on how the credit crunch started (nowt to do with us) and being barracked accordingly. So what with the pre-announcements to the pre-budget report, is there any more to come? Will we see any surprises on top of the pre-announced changes to VAT, the higher rate of tax, vehicle excise duty and the continuance of the 10p rebate? My feeling is that we will. Liberal Democrats were miraculously let off by the Tories' non-announcement about giving tax breaks to businesses who hired long-term unemployed workers provided ...

Posted by Alix Mortimer on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 24th

85% Man

You know what I'm talking about. If you don't, click here, or here. P.S. After posting this, it has gone down to 84%. Maybe this comment itself will change it further. There's no end to this. Grrrr. Beer. Football. Hollyoaks girls. Steak and chips.

Posted by Julian H on Orange By Name...

One of the great things about politics is that numerous leaks mean you can actually write about something before it happens. Interestingly, for those of us who have been saying there will be an early election, Mike Smithson on Political Betting says today; "is the start of the general election campaign with Labour setting out its stall and the grounds on which it wants to fight." I think it is fair to say that both parties have been setting their stall out for the last couple of weeks. Moving onto the substance, my first impression is that this report is ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

The campaign group Unlock Democracy today launches the Stamp Out Voting Fraud campaign, calling for a UK-wide system of individual voter registration, better ballot security and stronger powers for the Electoral Commission.

Mon 24th

Analyse that

Charlotte Gore has started something with her discovery of this tool that allegedly analyses on how male or female a blogger's writing style is. According to Charlotte it is about 'how often you use the word, "I" because, apparently, women will avoid this word and prefer to refer to others, or omit the use of "I" altogether. Also women are, apparently, more likely to add qualifiers - such as, "I feel" or "I believe" or "I think" and, "don't you think?" and "isn't it?" - or, I suppose, taking the first into account they'll say, "do you feel?" or "do ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM

My blog entry late on Saturday evening has attracted some interest, and in particular, two anonymous comments. Funny, isn't it, how the anonymous commenter supports the notion that Local Parties can't be trusted... However, I will respond to their comments thus; "I'd have thought there was a much better reason for not having a local party person on the panel: it's not a selection committee. Its

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

my friend Hywel Morgan emailed me a list of what difference a 2.5% cut in VAT would actually mean on a range of goods. The list below tells me people won't be rushing out to spend as a result:

The economic mess we're in. My main point is that the pain we will be suffering is simply delayed pain from the past 11 years. If it had been spread along those years with prudence and honesty we would have suffered only twinges rather than a bad fall and dislocation of a hip. We still need to [...]

Posted by John on Liberal Revolution
Mon 24th

Britblog Roundup 197

This week put together by Mick Fealty.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

Charlotte Gore has at last found a topic to get the Lib Dem blogosphere into more of a lather than libertarianism: all morning, male bloggers having been leaping up in horror like Sir Bernard Cutting* and firing up Sinitta's So Macho on YouTube to protest their masculinity. The "GenderAnalyzer" thinks Love and Liberty is, like Charlotte's blog, 73% likely to be written by a man. Thank goodness it wasn't settled by arm-wrestling. But wait! Setting it on my two other blogs - both dormant for eighteen months; I will reanimate them, but not today - I find something very different. ...

Posted by Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty

The Independent today reports on the findings of a cross-party survey by ComRes. It found some interesting schisms on the issue of tax cuts; "62 per cent of Tory backbenchers favour significant cuts in direct taxation, while 72 per cent of Labour backbenchers oppose the idea. Liberal Democrat MPs back the move by 67 to 28 per cent." So, support for what has essentially been the main thrust of our economic narrative is only slightly higher than support from Conservatives whose leadership is opposed and is lower than opposition by Labour MP's. Obviously, the devil will come in how people ...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

On the day that the ATOC announced a 6% increase in the cost of regulated fares for January 2008, Bath MP Don Foster has joined calls demanding a freeze on rail fares and called for the planned rail fares increases for January to be abandoned. Liberal Democrats are calling for a 1 year freeze on rail fares to help people through the current economic crisis. This will be paid for...

Posted on Tim Ball
Mon 24th

A Coming Election?

Today, Alistair Darling is going to announce some big tax policy shenanigans. This is apparently so that he can help fix the economy and give people more money to spend. As such, we're going to see a VAT cut to 15% and some deffered rises to corporate tax. This is a contradiction. Giving people more money in their pockets would include cutting council taxes or slashing income tax. What the government has leaked so far sounds much more like a cut to corporate tax burden for buisnesses. That's neither fixing the economy - that might involve getting both Northern Rock ...

Posted by Huw Dawson on Left Side of Liberal

Well, I am back all...and I see a fair few people have been using gender analyzer...according to it this blog is written by a man and is 88% what about the other 12%? ***UPDATE*** Julian H put's forward this suggestion to answer my question...

Posted by Darrell G on Moments of Clarity

This weekend I'll be abandoning my family and spending a couple of days at the ALDC Kickstart training event in some god-forsaken hell-hole squatting near the M6 a delightful hotel ideally located within easy reach of England's beautiful second city. If you're coming along and fancy joining me for a drink, drop me a mail. I will, of course be going in disguise. To give loyal readers a clue, you might like to look out for a teenage girl wearing a rather daring skirt and cuban heels, then look again - all may not be as it seems.

Posted by Costigan Quist on Himmelgarten Café

You will notice that at the top of the blog I have some lights, which I have put up for Christmas. I may not celebrate the festival but I still need to keep up with tradition and have some lights. If local town centre's can have Christmas lights then so can my blog!

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed

This week Liberal Democrat Voice is running a series of articles from Tim Leunig about the economy - how we got here and what we should do next. Bank bailouts The economic downturn was precipitated by financial problems. This is a sign of a successful financial sector: they are there to bear risks other people do not want to bear, and are correspondingly prone to crises from time to time. Since the underlying rationale of a bank is to borrow short and lend long, the threat of bank runs will always be with us. Banks in Britain needed government assistance ...

Posted by Tim Leunig on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 24th

75% Male!

That's what gender analyser says about this blog. That sounds about right to me!       

Posted by John on Liberal Revolution

Tonight will see the Haringey Liberal Democrat Council Group's motion of no confidence in Haringey's political leadership debated - well that is if the Labour Members don't talk it out by spending so long on other things it is not reached. That is their usual tactic in Haringey - although they should be utterly ashamed if they try that one. Their other tactic (and I remember only too well as Leader of the Opposition on Haringey for five years) was to put an amendment negating everything in the Lib Dem motion and saying how wonderful they are. They wouldn't dare ...

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary
Mon 24th

Old Holborn's comment

I note the comment to one of my posts from Old Holborn. It is very cryptic and if you follow the link he says that I am 'nearly there' and that there is an email that instructs the department to cut costs by not taking children into care'. Help me Old Holborn - if you know something that can further the investigation and where to look - don't hold back!

Posted by Lynne Featherstone MP on Lynne's Parliament and Haringey diary

Gavin Whenman has wrote a guide to Christmas presents for politico's and also a few mentions from MP's and what they want. You can read this article over at the Total Politics website or in the magazine. Labour MP Kitty Usher from Burnley is one of the MP's who has been asked what she wants for Christmas and you can read this below: "For Christmas I would love huge quantities of dark luxurious chocolate; and a hands free phone kit for my little car, and to spend lots of quality time with". Now its all well and good that this ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed

According to the widely-leaked reports of the Chancellor Alastair Darling's pre-budget reports, we can expect the following measures: VAT: Temporary 2.5% cut Income tax: 5p increase for top earners after next election Vehicle excise duty: Postpone planned increase 10p tax rebate: Extend for another year Corporation tax: Next rise postponed The Lib Dems' Vince Cable is sceptical of the impact of the measures, especially the temporary cut in VAT: "The principle of tax cuts we don't question - you have to have a tax cut - but a small and temporary reduction on value added tax may not have an ...

Posted by Stephen Tall on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ryan's highly popular and successful LibDemBlogs aggregator now comes in a Welsh flavour - This site selects the Welsh blogs (only) from the main LibDemBlogs site and so is aimed mainly at readers from Wales - especially those outside the party - who don't want the much higher and broader volume of traffic on the original aggregator.

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

The link is to an entry on BAILII for RP and Others v The United Kingdom. I was surprised to be told that this entry is there. This is the case where I had a row with two court of appeal Lord Justices. There are a material number of similar cases where mainly women have had their legal rights to fight their own case removed - in my view wrongly. This particular case is one where the House of

Posted by john on John Hemming's Web Log

Liberal Democrats in Hastings & Rye have demanded that Southeastern abandons its plans to impose an 8% increase in the price of regulated fares, season tickets and saver tickets. This is the highest rise in the country. Amazingly, the increase in ticket prices that are not regulated by the government is to be less than this, [...]

Posted by nickperrylibdem on Nick Perry for Hastings & Rye
Mon 24th

Analyse This

I see that Charlotte Gore and Jonathan Calder amongst others have used the Genderanalyzer on their blog, my results come out as 92% male (maybe it's time to tone down the language somewhat). So in order of maleness on Lib Dem blogs thus far then we line up me, Darell G, LibCync, Costigan Quist, John @ Liberal Revolution, Charlotte and Jonathan. Alex Wilcock is either 94% or 58% male, Jo Christine-Smith also is either 85% or 54% depending on whether she's talking about feminism and gender issues (the former) of about the GLA and PPC selection (the latter). All this ...

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal

Engineers are beginning to find ways to harness the energy caused by votexes in sea currents. (Something fish do when they swim.)Harnessing just 0.1% of the oceans' energy would support the energy needs of 15 billion people. Hurray for engineers with green intentions and great inventions! If you have been constantly foiled in your attempts to leave out food for the birds by big fat grey squirrels the answer could lie in a good old dusting of chilli powder in the seed mix. See this article by the RSPB for details. Loved this clip when I saw it on the ...

Posted by Trisha xx on ripplestone review
Mon 24th

Only a matter of time

Have had a break from blogging for a week: catching up with real work and ward work after spending so much time during the North Road by-election bringing the democratic process into disrepute by communicating with the voters (link here November 12th). A couple of months ago, a friend of mine who works for the Northern Echo told me their advertising revenue had fallen by 70%. And today we see

There has been an outbreak of graffiti in the last couple of weeks in the Woodgate Ave/Hartfield Rd area. It wasn't street art - just tagging, hence my headline. Of course, the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team were able to identify the culprits from their 'work', and two have been arrested. Apart from that, have you noticed that there is very little graffiti locally? Probably...

Posted on Mary Reid

I find it astonishing that the BBC hasn't had a couple hours worth of television dedicated to allowing the three main parties to demonstrate what they think of how we got here and where we go from here. This is a great chance for the BBC to show its national prowess. I'm thinking they should shelve [...]

Posted by John on Liberal Revolution

The Gender Analyzer says so. This blog is all man - well 85%. The important thing is that I'm 30% more manly than Jonathan Calder.

Posted by LibCync on LibCync

The latest issue of Total Politics hit the newsstands on Friday. And as well as an interview with our Dear Leader, this month's issue carries my review of the Geo-Political Simulator: From the moment you start installing Eversim Studios' new government simulation game, Geo-Political Simulator, you know you are in for a world of pain. Read the [...]

Posted by Gavin Whenman on Gavin's Gaily Gigest
Mon 24th

45 today

Well, it's my birthday. 45 today. Only 5 years to go before I can go on a Saga holiday. Theoretically I could retire in 5 years' time. Well there's a thought, but I am not the retiring type. I am on the train now heading to London, armed with two large cakes so that Cowley Street can join in the celebration of my advancing years!---Sent via BlackBerry

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

I promised (to myself) that I'd never get into this kind of self-congratulatory blog-on-blog smugfest but suffice to say I topped the Golden Dozen! Woohoo! Well, it gave me a little lift on a cold Monday morning...

Posted by LibCync on LibCync
Mon 24th

Twenty is Plenty!

Bath MP Don Foster is continuing his call for 20mph zones to be implemented in the city's most residential streets. Lib Dems across Bath have been pushing for safer speeds on these roads to provide safer communities. Commenting, Don said, "Residents across Bath know that their streets are unsafe at current speeds and are joining our 'Twenty is Plenty' campaign. I was delighted that...

Posted on Sharon Ball
Mon 24th

Last days of term

The icy weather over the weekend has made our short break in Madeira even more welcome. Having not had a holiday since our honeymoon in April, we decided to use the short pre-Queen's speech recess to get away for a little sun later on in the week. The last few days of a Parliamentary term are always rather strange - the few Bills which have are left have to be passed by Wednesday and will spend the next days being bounced between the Lords and the Commons. How much ping-pong there will be is always unclear; it depends of course ...

Posted by Ros Scott on Because Baronesses are people too

New Labour is dead. Long live New Old Labour. Well not quite but we could be forgiven for thinking so. After all, this is a government that continues to spin like there's no tomorrow (and borrow like there's no tomorrow as well). And spin is what we are getting as the major feature of the Pre-Budget Report. We are, I saw from the BBC last night, to have an additional higher rate of income tax for

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

David Banana Miliband is going to speak out about Iran according to a BBC news article and ask Arab countries to make it clear they do not support the actions being carried out by Iran. I don't even understand why he is sticking his nose into this whole Iran business, I don't agree with what Iran are doing but I don't think we as a Country need to be trying to sort it out. The UN should be left to deal with Iran, Britain and America should try and sort out the peace deal between Palestine and Israel, the same ...

Posted by Irfan Ahmed on Irfan Ahmed

From the outset I should say that I no longer play World of Warcraft. It is a ghastly time-sink, capable of sucking every waking moment of your life. It is also addictive - some clinical practitioners have noted similarities with compulsive gambling, but that's just the underlying game mechnics. On top of that you have what are known as "Guilds" and it is these guilds that I want to write about. First, a very quick primer on the game so this (rather long) post (that eventually gets onto the subject of economics and incentives) makes some sense: Warcraft is a ...

Posted by Charlotte Gore on Charlotte Gore Blog

The news that the BNP, having had their entire membership list posted online by a disgruntled member, were making appeals to the Human Rights act had me chortling. I once was part of an anti-racism organisation that the BNP infiltrated in order to steal the membership list of. And I have had a number of [...]

Posted by Steve on Cllr. Cooke's Blog.
Mon 24th

Fighting Student debt

The news is dominated by Gordon Brown's proposed tax package this morning and in particular the prospect of deferred tax rises for those earning more than £150,000. If, as suggested the Government's tax cuts focus on reducing the rate of VAT then I will be disappointed. VAT is not imposed on basics such as food and clothes so it is likely that those struggling to make ends meet on or below the poverty line will not benefit from this cut. There are also questions as to whether all of the reduction will be passed onto shoppers. It seems to me ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black AM
Mon 24th

I'm a man

Charlotte Gore, and many other bloggers, have been trying out Gender Analyzer: We created Genderanalyzer out of curiosity and fun. It uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman.And it is 65 per cent certain that Liberal England is written by a man. That's butch enough for me. Take it away, lads.

Posted by Jonathan on Liberal England

Well it appears that Alistair Darling isn't going to start to attempt to pay off the latest borrowings on the country's credit card until 2010. It will also be the year after 13 years of Labour reducing the tax burden on the rich while increasing it on the poor that some sort of sorting out of the order of things and some fairness will be returned. Yes once again after umming and ahing over what to do another plank of the Lib Dem proposals to make the rich take up their more than capable share on their highest level of ...

Posted by Stephen Glenn on Stephen's Linlithgow Journal
Mon 24th

Jobs and Training

Last week I posted links to some employment agencies websites which any readers out there who maybe looking for a job may find useful.

Less harsh and more colourful than the previous year, it's the year of the Master (pretty much continuously). An old friend of the Doctor who parted company many years before, he arrives to duel with his fellow Time Lord, teaming up with many different alien forces in his desire to gain ultimate power. The Autons return, ancient powers rise in The Dæmons, and the Master unleashes war and the dark side of humanity in... The Mind of Evil "That is Thunderbolt. A gas missile, nuclear-powered, and British, of course. But the most important thing about it is that it's illegal." ...

Posted by Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty