Wednesday 26th July 2006

11:43 pm

The Path to a Free China - Part 3 - Beware of What You Wish For

So, building upon my last couple of posts, what are the potential scenarios facing China in the future? That's not as inconceivable as it might look given the tensions bubbling away under the surface. Several previous commentators have suggested a range of scenarios and I include a few of my own. 1. One scenario might be increased open factionalism (intra-party pluralism)within the CCP with different factions proposing different policy and value agendas. The factions might be embryonic political parties which eventually go their separate ways leading on to a competitive political system. This is somewhat like ...
11:27 pm

Israel Has Gone Too Far - It's Time for a Truce

I'm sure I'm not the only Liberal or person of all persuasions who is utterly disgusted with the conduct of the Israeli Army in Lebanon over the last few days. The killing of four UN peacekeepers can in no way be described as an accident. It is clear from all the reports that the Israelis had been warned that they were getting too close to a well known and well marked building. To have continued shelling the observation post and then to have called in an airstrike has to be tantamount to murder. My deepest sympathies go ...
10:35 pm

Environmental pledges

A bit late, I’ve signed up at the Environment Agency on some pledges. An interesting mix for people to sign up to. You too can sign, click here. 1. I promise I will take a shower instead of a bath. I haven’t had a bath in years! 2. I promise I will put a water saving [...]
10:26 pm

Suez: Fifty years on

Good stuff from Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty: Fifty years ago today, Egypt’s President Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal. The British Prime Minister compared him to Hitler, and mounted an invasion with a remarkably small number of allies; it all ended in tears. The BBC website’s ‘Eden: A man under strain’ calls him a man who “entered Downing Street as… dashing and glamorous” but left “with his reputation in tatters”. Anthony Blair must be wishing comparisons with Anthony Eden weren’t so glaring on this anniversary. I wish they weren’t, too. Mr Eden’s tragedy was that he didn’t have America ...
10:23 pm


There was a table in The Times on Wednesday showing "Israel's Tally" in the latest bout of middle east warfare. Bearing in mind we are told incessantly by the pro-Israel lobby that they are merely responding to being fired on and so on it's quite a shock really: ISRAELS TALLY In 14 days: 4 villages captured by Israel 40,000 shells have been fired 2,750 rockets and mortar fired into Israel 17
10:05 pm

How to guarantee you'll upset someone

As a member of the Regional Candidates Committee, I have a front row seat in the process of deciding how our candidates for the London Assembly will be chosen. Yes, I understand that there will be an election but, let's face it, the various political parties will effectively decide who sits in the Assembly as they choose the candidates, including the list ones, whose names never really reach the
10:03 pm

Tragedy on Hermitage Hill

Following the recent fatal accident on Hermitage Hill, the obvious question is: Could this tragic accident have been avoided if Shirehall had honoured their commitment to reduce the speed limit from 60 to 30mph? Whilst it is premature to jump to conclusions before all the facts are known, I cannot help but feel that in all probability, this fatality [...]
9:48 pm

And on to the next video test…

So now, the question is…. Which is better? Google Video or YouTube? Or does it make no difference? Here’s YouTube And here’s Google I’ve resized them both to be the same size. Personally I found the YouTube a more engaging site, but Google Video seems to have marginally better quality and was able to take a fairly [...]
9:45 pm

An act of terrorism

Can a nation lose its soul? If so, then Israel is in danger of doing just that. The murder, for that is what is was, of four unarmed UN observers, is without justification or even excuse. It crosses the line between an act of war and an act of terrorism. It is arguable, though vehemently I disagree, that the death of so many Lebanese civilians is unavoidable 'collateral damage' caused by Hizbollah's insistence on placing its weapons in residential areas. It is even arguable that the bombing of 2 Red Cross ambulances, evacuating civilians who had already ...
9:26 pm

A treat

Under the Millky Way by the Church. It's basically so I can just listen to at work if I want to. God I love YouTube!
9:09 pm

Radio Star

Hear me now! The Big Issue Radio Show has posted some excerpts from the edition I did a couple of months ago (I’m on all the links dated 24 May). Listen to me going on about the BNP and, in particular, Hands Off Our Future. Alas, my remarks about Mark Oaten are lost to [...]
9:00 pm

The Ruin of Two ‘Glamorous’ Prime Ministers, Fifty Years Apart

Fifty years ago today, Egypt’s President Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal. The British Prime Minister compared him to Hitler, and mounted an invasion with a remarkably small number of allies; it all ended in tears. The BBC website’s ‘Eden: A man under strain’ calls him a man who “entered Downing Street as… dashing and glamorous” but left “with his reputation in tatters”. Anthony Blair must be wishing comparisons with Anthony Eden weren’t so glaring on this anniversary. I wish they weren’t, too. Mr Eden’s tragedy was that he didn’t have America on his side. Mr Blair’s is that he does. ...
8:56 pm

Libertarians in the Conservative Party

Listening to a Radio 4 program about the Libertarian wing of the Federation of Conservative Students one thought strikes me: Why weren't they Liberals? Granted, they took things to an extreme but their philosophy has more in common with liberalism than with conservatism. They were in favour of individual liberty and against censorship. To me, the fact that people in favour of individual liberty
7:34 pm

The Sinofication of Britain - AKA The Immiseration of the Libertariat

Since my return to the UK I have become increasingly struck at how Britain appears to be moving towards China's political and legal system under Blair and New Labour. The Chinese system can be summarised quickly: The Executive is highly powerful. It has a compliant legislature (the National Peoples Congress) which does as it is told. In effect, there is no separation between the executive and the legislature which is little more than a rubber stamp. The Executive is obsessed with controlling people and state security. It has a powerful security apparatus that crushes dissent and tags everyone ...
7:33 pm

Slow Newsnight Day

Along with several others, my post about Ming’s turn at the Circus Maximus has generated attention in blogs by Newsnight Deputy Editor Daniel Pearl and (…nearly) top Tory Iain Dale. I actually noticed these at the weekend but, whoops, I’ve been too clobbered by the heat or generally slovenly to write about them since. Anyway, I thought I should wave. I suspect Mr Dale is rather more familiar with blogging than Mr Pearl: one knows above all that bloggers are hugely partial and love to be read; the other’s charmingly naïve (and thinks a fluffy elephant’s a top Lib Dem). ...
5:25 pm

Rubber Thinking

No idea where this originally came from, but via the LDYS Forums: "The Government today adopted the condom as an official symbol of their administration because they feel it simply and accurately reflects their political stance. The new official hats of the Government, to be worn to all Cabinet meetings Condoms stand up to inflation, halt production, destroy the next generation, protect pricks,
4:40 pm

Quiz time

Here’s a quick quiz for you. Very simple: match the LibDem MP with their favourite album. Six MPs, six albums. MP Album Lembit Öpik Greg Mulholland Jo Swinson Dan Rogerson Jenny Willott Mark Oaten U2 - The Best of 1980-1990 and B Sides Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Human League - Dare Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II Eric Clapton - From The Cradle To The [...]
4:19 pm

Reds under the bed?

I can understand Tristan's point here, but I suspect that the problem is one of terminology. In much of Scotland, the word 'socialist', as an adjective, is a simile of 'nice' and the opposite of 'nasty'. It's tossed at random into conversation as a way for the speaker to distance themself from granny-bashers or satanists. I wouldn't be surprised if the same applies in a post-industrial Northern
4:13 pm

U.S. cruise missile designs leaked

Courtesy of Recess Monkey via B3ta.
3:33 pm

Chasing members away?

Is it just me or are LibDem membership services a bit of a shambles? I tried to set up a monthly direct debit last year. Initially, I was sent a membership card stating I was a member of a local party at the other side of the country. Then the direct debit failed after the first month. I pointed out these minor errors, and was sent a new card. Shortly afterwards, I received a letter saying I'd
3:20 pm

Post-Mauden Irony

The caption to this image on the Lewes Conservatives website reads: "Conservative Party chairman Francis Maude speaking about reforming the party at a local Conservative event in Firle" Mr Maude is talking about modernising the Tories, in a room with bits of dead animals nailed to the wall. No mincing metrosexuals there at least!
3:15 pm

The LibDems have socialist policies?

A defector from Labour in Scarborough has said his decision to leave Labour because "The Labour Party has lost its way. The only party which has any socialist policies is the Liberal Democrats." True, one of my dislikes about the British political landscape is there are still some socialist policies accepted across the political spectrum (such as public provision of services where private provision with public funding would be better), but if the LibDems have socialist policies what are they? If he means concern for the poor and needy, commitment to internatioalism and the rule of law ...
2:52 pm

Weekend in Cambridge

On Saturday I popped down to Cambridge to catch up with an old work colleague, Simon, who has been down there for 4 or so years. I managed to avoid the biblical like downpour that was sweeping across the country west to east, although those waiting at Ely station caught the brunt of it as we went through.The weekend was spent talking about a whole range of things, including how various re-organisations were taking place in our respective institutions, and mostly down while sitting outside various public houses near the Cam.On Sunday as we walked into the centre, there were ...
1:53 pm

Portillo Backs Tory Policy Vacate Approach

Last night I was watching my recording of The Worst Job In British Politics: The Leader of the Opposition from Monday night and I could not believe one utterance I heard from Michael Portillo. He said about Cameron that he did not have any policies but that did not matter so much these days. Well excuse me Mr, I didn't quite become leader of my party, Portillo but is making policy decisions not
1:41 pm

George Galloway on Lebanon

George Galloway in the linked article argues why he supports the actions of Hezbollah in Lebanon. He rightly points out the conflict between Israel's current criticism of acts of terror and the act of Terror committed in 1946 when the King David Hotel was bombed in Jerusalem. Regardless of whether or not there was an adequate warning given and whether or not the British were lax in not
1:39 pm

Look, do you want a Nanny state or not?

Tony Blair was in Nottingham today (where I have the pleasure of working) delivering a speech on Health. As per usual, the text was published in advance, making one wonder what the point of him reading it to us actually...
1:31 pm

Tony says - loose weight

The interesting question is to how many PCTs will end up refusing to operate on people with a BMI over 30. The problem is that these decisions are being taken for financial reasons, not medical reasons. Fat people pay taxes too. The figure of 30 for BMI is an arbitrary figure that is not appropriate for controlling access to waiting lists. There are at times good medical arguments against
1:17 pm

Filthy jitters all around

Managed to haul myself up to Camden Town last night, to enjoy a goodish number of beers and the best burger in London with Paul Davies. I was very impressed with a pub called the Crown and Goose – bare but characterful. More pubs should be like it. Paul was flush from crashing the New Statesman Media Awards thing, and fairly pleased with his schmoozing among the politicos. He was particularly satisfied with having told off various Guardian journalists, and rebuking John Kampfner for giving Johann Hari a break.
11:12 am

Mark Oaten announces he will stand down at the General Election

As expected Mark Oaten has announced he will stand down at the General Election. I have expected this ever since his rent-boy revelation (and the non-revelation bit) earlier in the year and his very erratic behaviour since, as anyone who watches the Daily Politics or read his interviews will testify.
11:09 am

The Machine Which Goes Beep

My brother was thoroughly disgusted with John Reed on the Today program and on the train (me off to work, him off to drink taste wine for the day) he came up with some good analogies for this government and technology. One of these was: Its expensive, it must be good! (its funny how people like spending other people's money...) The other was a good analogy for many a government technology project, firstly 'ooh, it has flashy lights, must have, we'll work out what its for later', the second, courtesy of Mony Python: Its the machine which goes 'beep'. Its ...
10:50 am

Freedom of Speech ....for some ?

Yesterday whilst in my local town centre I stopped to chat to two campaigners from South Devon Animal Rights Group. They were quietly positioned, armed only with a couple of League Against Cruel Sports posters. Within a couple of minutes the Police came along and asked if I found the posters offensive. I said no, of course not, as a member of LACS ! That wasn't the 'required' answer. The police tried to move on this quiet couple in their later middle-age. The officers argued they'd received complaints, but seemed entirely unconvincing. Upon challenging this myself and ...
10:41 am

Mark Oaten to stand down at next General Election

It's difficult to find the right words in this situation. Mark has been a friend and a central part of Liberal Democrat campaigning in this constituency for many years. He's been called "the best MP Winchester's ever had" with some justification. I'm pleased that Mark will continue to serve the people of Winchester for the remainder of this Parliament and I feel, in the circumstances, he has made
9:41 am

Save the Labour Party - STLP !

I've just come into possession of the STLP News (July -August 2006) edition. It carries a fascinating insight into Labour members (current and recent past 670 /704 respectively) commissioned by STLP and polled by YouGov. * 2/3 of party members want Blair out by Conference 2007* 50% believe policy is made exclusively by Downing Street* Only 50% think the government is 'faithful to Labour values'* 75% believe that rich donors have too much influence over policy / running the LP* 55% believe the manifesto should be put to ballot of party members* 52% see Iraq as the governments worst blunder* ...
9:09 am

UN Observers Killed in South Lebanon

Isreal and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan are at odd following the death of 4 military observers when their observation post was hit by a Isreali air strike. Apparently the observation post had already been shelled 14 times before the final destruction killed the UN officials from Austria, Canada, China and Finland. The rescue team that tried to clear the rubble were also shelled. This lead Kofi Annan to claim that the Isrealis had been deliberately targetting this observation post, something that the Isrealis have denied. However, seeing as Unifil have been operating in the area since 1978 surely ...
9:05 am

Election Commissioners Jailed

Thailands election commissioners have been found guilty of allowing unqualified candidates to stand in last Aprils elections and have been sentenced to four years in prison. They will appeal against their sentences. However, I guess that this will resolve the impasse caused by the refusal of most of the Election Commissioners to stand down and is another step towards (hopefully) successful elections in October
9:05 am

Mining for noodles

The Advertising Standards Authority has found that the Pot Noodle advert that showed miners getting strands of Pot Noodle from a 'noodle mine' in Crumlin, Wales is not offensive or racist. They have rejected 81 separate complaints about the advertisement and quite right too. It is strange that so many people found it necessary to complain to the ASA. If they had gone to North Wales Police instead then they might have found themselves being taken much more seriously.
8:55 am

Election night blues

For those of us who experienced a 24 hour count in 1999, the idea that election night might be deferred to enable postal votes to be better verified holds no fears. If we have to wait a bit longer to ensure that there is no fraud then so be it. I am not sure that the media or the public will be so patient however. Back in 1999, local Councils were trying to count elections for their own chambers whilst at the same time dealing with two ballot papers and an alien electoral system for the Assembly. At about 4am ...
8:37 am

Mark Oaten: A scandal that can't be brushed under the carpet

How the mighty fall - So Mark Oaten MP for Winchester has announced he is not standing at the next general election. Is it really such a surprise as some Lib Dem Blogs are claiming? Liberal Action seem to have gone all gushy and sentimental. I made my personal feelings quite clear back in January when the story first hit the headlines. For the sake of the party, there was a 'general prayer' he wouldn't try and stand again - His local party would have deselected him anyway if he'd been foolish enough to put his name forward as ...
7:00 am

Happy Anniversary

Today is the second anniversary of since I started this website I have posted just over 800 times (Sunday's post was number 800).When set the website up I said "It will mainly be used in connection with my work as Training Officer for the West Midlands Liberal Democrats. I will also use it to give my views on important event so trying a bit of blogging. It will also be used to keep in touch and keep informed my friends and colleagues from the West Midlands, the UK and overseas." I think I have pretty much stuck to ...

Previous days:

Tuesday 25th July 2006, Monday 24th July 2006, Sunday 23rd July 2006, Saturday 22nd July 2006, Friday 21st July 2006, Thursday 20th July 2006