Saturday 15th January 2005

Saturday 15th January 2005

Vote for me!

The result of this ITV programme has left me feeling very depressed. What allegations do people make about our MPs? "Crooks, opinionated, middle class, gift of the gab etc etc..." So who do the public choose (when, it is fair to say, they are offered with a number of alternatives) "Ex jail bird (fraud), middle class, gift of the gab etc etc" So Rodney Hylton-Potts won with his

Talking of ex PPCs

By sheer coincidence I came across Paul Raynes this week as I was consulting the Essex County Council website in order to deal with some casework. Doesn't look happy does he? Google then provded me with this bizarre link which included Tim Palmer as well (Tory candidate in by election)

Just when Michael Howard didn't think it could get any worse

Robert Jackson MP has defected to Labour. My immediate guess on hearing of a defection was that it was John Bercow although there are a number of likely candidates if you start from the position of looking for people who don't seem at one with the Conservative Party. John Bercow is the ex International Development Spokesman and the rumours are that he resigned because of a lack of commitment

Fathers for Justice

The script in the office went something like this.... "I think I should meet FFJ" "Ok - I'll arrange it" "When am I meeting FFJ?" "I have left messages but they do not get back to me" (repeat xn) 4 months later "When am I meeting FFJ?" "Well, I am a bit hacked off about that because I have just had a message from X who tells me they have had difficulty engaging with

Christmas Cat and the Pudding Pirates

latest offering from RAODS at the Plaza. Entertaining. Go and see it if only to see how Mark Ponsford manages to move his legs - makes John Cleese look like an amateur....

Assorted Royals

Yestderday I was invited to the Vedic Temple in Southampton to be there when the Earl and Countess of Wessex arrived to talk to representatives from the SOuthampton Council of Faiths about their actions to provide aid to victims of the tsunami. I was slightly puzzled by the fact that there was a press officer from Buckingham Palace present who hadn't been noticeable on previous Royal visits. I

"A" Bomb in Wardour Street

My first reaction when I read this news item about the Pentagon thinking of developing a 'homosexual sex bomb' designed to make enemy troops gay, was to check the date to see if I had somehow slept through January, February and March and had woken up on 1 April. It seems that I hadn't. I found it courtesy of Gavin Whenman and could not resist referring to it, if only to show off my knowledge of The Jam in the heading. It appears that, in addition to the many other reasons, there may have been a military rationale behind

Stationery, I want Stationery!

In case any of her loving constituents wanted to know what to get Joan Ryan for Christmas, it seems she seems to have a thing for stationery!! According to, Joan Ryan has come 3rd out of all of the Houses of Commons for the amount paid for stationery. Not trying to make a cheap political point, but genuinely puzzled as to what £7,940 worth of stationery looks like! A lot of

My Saturday

I am meeting with Ziz, our candidate in Enfield Southgate (see link to the right), and some of our younger members in Enfield to talk to them about local issues and to ask them to deliver loads of leaflets!! I have asked a friend to text me the Brentford vs. Port Vale results. Come on you Bees!! I have also been asked to head up an anti-ID cards camapign that The Liberal magazine will be


Yet more proof that there is a god. Now all that needs to be done is to tell McFly there's a new album contract for them if they dress up as members of the Third Reich and watch their popularity plummet. PS. Drink Coca Cola

The Bomb

Some people wonder how the American people could've elected a chimpanzee and so do I, sometimes. But then I see stories like this and realise why, the people in power are all chimpanzees and therefore there is no choice for the poor American people.

Democrats 2008

In May (in all probability!), the great British public have the opportunity to do something that their U.S. counterparts, in my view, failed to- hold someone to account for the Iraq debacle. However, it is worth looking forward to the U.S. election in 2008, and how the Democrats might find their way back. In 1992 the Democrats had more governships than the Republicans, a majority in both Houses